Well it all started with this;
This may look like my general cacao banana smoothie, and it was, but it had one special ingredient. 1 tablespoon of Castor Oil.
Yup, I did it again. I swore I wouldn't this time but my impatience got the better of me. I didn't google it beforehand, but I did ask my midwife what she thought about it before taking it again. She told me in her experience it is safe and usually works if you are past your due date, therefore I should wait until then to try it. Well I jumped the gun by 2 days, naughty eh? Call me a rebel if you like.
So I gulped that back at 9am, and waited..... And waited....
And waited..
Five hours later, nothing!
When I took it last time, it took 3 hours to kick in and labour quickly progressed from there. So naturally, I just expected the same thing to occur. I actually smugly thought I was quite smart taking it so early in the morn after a big 10 hour sleep...
So there I was, phone in hand- ready to ring Oli at any minute and start racing to / fro the loo. But it never happened. Infact nothing happened all day...
Later on when Oli had arrived home (and still nothing was happening), he put it to me to get a pass for the night as his friend had bought him a ticket to the Queens and NIN concert...to which I responded "like f€%k, we might have our baby tonight"- neither of us believed it at that point though. I had pretty much assumed that if castor oil wasn't going to work then nothing was, he would come when he was good and ready. Still, Oli was not going to see two of my fav bands whilst I was about to burst at the seams at home. He was dreaming.
At around 5pm I started getting regular tightenings every 4-5 mins. These were slightly more intense than the Braxton hicks I had been having but I was still hesitant to think anything of them, so I didn't say anything to Oli or Mum straight away. An hour passed and some of the tightenings were requiring me to 'breathe' through them, Mum noticed my strange behaviour & before I knew it, our lounge was being transformed into what looked like a crime scene (it was seriously that foolproof even those CSI nazis wouldn't have found a trace of blood anywhere near our lounge post birth)
Once the lounge was all set up I couldn't help but feel like we were jumping the gun a little. With the mountains of towels / sheets on standby, the pool in the middle of our lounge, & Mum and Oli watching me like hawks- it just seemed a tad comical and I couldn't quite believe it was really happening. As I paced around the house trying to fathom what was happening, my contractions got a little stronger- so I decided it was time to call my midwife (just incase). I told her I didn't think things were too serious but it could potentially be 'go time'. She said she was going to have dinner then pop over just incase it was time. After I called Sara, we put Blake down for the night- she was a bit unsettled as she clearly knew something funky was going down, but she eventually fell asleep an hr or so later.
Sara arrived (suitcase full of supplies in tow) and she immediately reached for my belly to feel a contraction. She simply said "now that's how you're going to get your baby out, those are strong!"
Well, I guess I was in labour!
At 9:15pm Sara did an internal examination to see what was going on down under. I was 3-4cm with a very thin & soft cervix, and his head was right down low with my waters bulging at the front. Sara said she wouldn't want to go home at that point as it was likely that as soon as my waters broke things would progress rather rapidly. I remember feeling an overwhelming sense of excitement and anxiousness at that point. Thunderbirds were go!
And then came the waiting game...
Over the next few hours I started a little walking loop around our lounge, and I wish I had a pedometer on me as I'm fairly sure I walked a marathon in the smallest space known to man. I felt like a zoo animal pacing in its cage, with spectators and all. Sara, Oli and Mum were all in their front seats, half watching trashy telly half keeping tabs on me. Oli in particular was jumping out of his seat everytime a contraction came on, offering his masseuse services which I wasn't in the mood for (after all that!). They werent too painful at this stage but I did find myself stomping my feet like a tantrum-throwing-toddler to ease the pain, and that really worked! Mum went off to bed at around half 9 and that left the 3 (4?) of us to it. I was getting rather tired after a while & kept wanting to take a seat on the Swiss ball- but everytime I would do so my contractions spaced out further & became irregular. So basically if I wanted this baby out I would have to continue lapping up the lounge (see, I told you guys labour is a marathon!). Throughout these hours we ate toffee pops, talked about the weather, shared a lot of laughs and I persistently whinged about my envy of their cosy seats on the couch. As the night dragged on I knew nothing was progressing. The contractions were still coming every 4-5 mins & they weren't showing any signs of getting stronger or closer together. It was frustrating to say the least, I voiced my opinion about the painfully slow progress to my midwife who just told me to be patient. Hmm. That word again.
At 1:15am, 4 hours after Sara's first examination, we were due for another. At midnight she had told us we have a couple of options, she can check us just after 1am and if things weren't progressing she can break my waters, or, we can continue as we were & wait for the waters to break naturally. The only thing was, if there were any meconium in the waters, legally, we would have to be transferred to the hospital to give birth. This scared us as Blake had meconium in her waters, and the idea of that happening with this baby and us going into the hospital was horrible. That, and I knew (as did Sara) that I would be likely to give birth on the way to the hospital in the ambulance as I probably wouldn't make it in time. No thank you.
Alas, I was getting fairly fatigued, and fast. After nearly 5 hours of pacing around our house, I had pretty much used up any excess energy I had at that stage and I knew I needed to get this baby out soon.
So when Sara did her examination and found I was still only 4cm, Oli and I decided to bite the bullet and break my waters. In an ideal world I would have loved to have waited for them to rupture naturally, but birthing a baby doesn't always work in an ideal way so on went the rubber glove with the teeny tiny pin at the end of the index finger.
I remember shaking uncontrollably at this point, I was gripping Olis hands so tightly and my teeth were chattering away. Nervous as hell. When my next contraction came on, Sara popped my waters. I really didn't know what to expect but it didn't hurt at all, I just flooded the entire couch (plastic sheets) in a strange smelling 'earthy' scent. And they were clear! I knew as soon as my waters broke I wanted to get into the pool, so after the temp was checked (for the thousandth time) and it was the perfect 36.5degrees, in I hopped. Once submerged in the blissfully warm water, I felt a strong contraction come on instantaneously. It was powerful & painful and I breathed deeply through that ever-lasting 45 seconds. In each hand I held a small comb, these two combs were my lifesavers for the next 90 minutes. Each time a contraction would hit me like a tidal wave, I would grip those combs so tightly I can't believe I didn't draw blood.
I was getting rather nice breaks between the contractions, 2-3 minutes, but I recall thinking the drawn out time in between was almost daunting. I just wanted him out! As they got stronger, I would close my eyes and breathe and squeeze, breathe and squeeze. After one particularly rough contraction, Oli held a cold flannel to my forehead, and oh my goodness- more more more!! So in between each contraction, Oli was quickly rinsing flannels and popping them in the freezer, pulling them out as soon as I started tensing & holding them to my forehead / on the back of my neck. It was seriously magical. Although, as the contractions started coming closer together, I would feel one coming, then suddenly Oli was gone to the freezer and I wanted to yell "Come back!!! Don't leave me!", but I was a mute at this point. Literally incapable of making a sound. Which is surprising, as I was rather vocal (to say the least) with Blake. I think subconsciously I was trying not to be noisy as I knew Blake was sleeping only a few metres away & I reeeeaaally didn't want to wake her up for obvious reasons.
70 minutes of this passed and it felt like an eternity. I said out loud at one point, "why is this taking so long?!!", when in reality things were progressing at the speed of light. I was mumbling quite a few F bombs and moaning about how sore the contractions were occasionally, but otherwise- I was just on my knees, arms flung over the edge of the pool, eyes closed and clinging to those combs for dear life. Sara and Oli kept telling me how fabulously I was doing, and to breathe deeply- just as instructed to do. But all I could say was "fuck, fuuuuucccckkkk" really quietly.
Before I knew it the back up midwife Tracy had arrived, this part is all a bit blurry but I do remember her coming right over to me & telling me she was there and I was doing wonderfully.
Transition was hitting. It quickly dawned on me that all that propaganda about the second one being 'muuuucchhh easier', was very much a lie. I could feel the baby moving down and the insurmountable pressure in my pelvis. The contractions were hitting me so hard at this point, I couldn't control my breathing- as much I was trying to take long breaths, I could only muster short & sharp ones. In the breaks, I started quietly sobbing & informing the birth party that I couldn't do it anymore. Classic line at this point- original right? But before their reassurances that 'I could and I am' would sink in, another one would hit me & I began to moan and groan. The strangest sounds were being emitted from deep within me, they were very primal. At that point I heard Sara ask Oli "would you like to catch your baby", and I did a happy dance inside of my head. I couldnt verbalise this though, I was far too gone.
The pressure, the bloody pressure!! As his head crowned I had serious déjà vu, and I thought to myself "why on earth did I sign up for this again?". Alas, within two contractions I managed to get his head out, and a couple of minutes later- with another big push, out came his body. I reached between my legs & took his tiny body up to my chest.
Oscar James Jentinus Tabak had arrived at 2:48am, after 1.5 hours of active labour & 9 minutes of pushing. It wasn't all fun and games after that though, Oscar was in a bit of shock (most likely from his very speedy exit) and he wouldn't take his first breath. Sara had to clamp the cord almost right away, Oli cut it and he was whisked off to the couch to get a bit of a shake up & some oxygen under his nose to get him going. Meanwhile, I was still in the pool in a strange euphoric state, eyes half open & smiling, but I quickly started panicking when I realised what was going on. After what seemed like forever, but wasn't quite 60 seconds, Oscar cried out and we all breathed a huge sigh of relief. I got out of the pool to deliver the placenta & he latched on to my boob within minutes. As he fed, I delivered the placenta and munched on an apple - I was so hungry, so in all of the pictures there's the 3 of us & my apple which is rather hilarious. I had big plans for photos to be taken during labour but it never happened unfortunately as all hands were on deck.
But we did it! We had a beautiful and successful homebirth, and it couldn't have gone any better. After the third stage, and my check over (no tears again woohoo!) Oli took Oscar and I was escorted into the shower. The two wonderful midwives dried me off and got me dressed before setting me up in my bed with our beautiful baby all clean and warm. Oli then fetched me a big bowl of muesli and yoghurt and I remember thinking, now this is how you give birth. Within half an hour the 'crime scene' was completely cleaned up, the pool was drained and the linen was either thrown out or being washed... had you arrived at our home that morning, there wouldn't have been any indication that a baby had just been born there- which was amazing!
I can't thank Sara or Tracy enough for their support, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without Oli, he was absolutely amazing and I will forever cherish our wonderful experience.
So for anyone contemplating giving birth at home, I would highly recommend it- it is an incredible experience & you feel an overwhelming sense of empowerment & beautiful natural love within your own home. Don't be afraid or listen to all the hype around homebirth- it is a normal and natural experience, and one that should be considered more often I think.
Oscar is now approaching two weeks with us, and it has been a rather challenging yet magical time thus far- he still doesn't like sleeping all that much at night, but we are getting to know each other, and bonding and just enjoying this new learning curve. Life is good.
Thought of the day "I could literally eat a horse"