Thursday, 6 March 2014

39 Weeks

What's been happening:
Well, he is still inside me- that's what's been happening. He is approximately 3.5kilos (yikes) and 55cm from head to toe

Weight Gain; I don't feel like my face or limbs are any bigger, but my stomach has reached maximum capacity- it is so taught I can't believe there aren't any stretch marks. 

Workouts: Walking & squatting- every single morning!

Movement: The midwife came around on Wednesday to do her weekly check up & he was situated on my right side with his arms & legs kicking out the left, and as soon as she went to write that down my stomach made a full tidal wave motion & he completely switched sides and started kicking out my right side. It looked like something out of 'Alien'. He is reeeeeaaally persisting with all of these movements, and it is reeeeaaallly uncomfortable at this point. But his head is 3/5ths engaged now which is great news! 

Food Aversions: No aversions but my hunger has certainly subsided, there's just no room for food in there anymore 

Food cravings: Not really, I've been eating lots of curries & chilli & dates though

Sleep; Below average. After my bout of really strong Braxton hicks last weekend my stomach muscles feel like I've been doing a million sit ups every day & it is incredibly sore- particularly at night. And of course- yee ol' bladder debacle. 

Miss Anything; I miss feeling & functioning like a normal human being 

Fun/ interesting things for the week;
We really thought it was all go on Monday! I had such strong tightenings all day & we were so excited and ready to rock n roll. And then, nada. So that was a bit disappointing, and now it kind of feels like its never going to happen. I actually feel like I'll just continue to be pregnant forever at this stage. Having Mum here has been good though, Blake follows her around like a bad smell all day which is a refreshing change! 

Stretchmarks; Nope

Happy or moody: Mostly moody unfortunately, totally over it.

Looking forward to: 
Holding my beautiful baby!

Bump Update;
I am a planet

I'll be in touch with any further updates! 


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