It's about time I updated you all on the big changes my bod has undergone as of late...
First & foremost, weaning the baby elephant from the boob. The first time around, when I weaned Blake, I was pregnant within the month, so I really had no clear idea of how it would affect my weight. I had assumed, if anything, I may gain a bit as my calorie intake is no longer being sucked dry. With Oscar my appetite dramatically decreased almost immediately, and my big, bulging GG hooters shrivelled up to 10D's (they feel like teeny tiny mozzie bites in comparison), so those were two big ticks. And then surprisingly, I seem to have leaned out quite dramatically. I can't say whether it was definitely because of weaning, as I have also recently upped the ante on my exercise whilst simultaneously cutting out a lot of junk. So it could just be put down to plain, old fashioned, health & well being that's causing the changes. Regardless, I seem to be finding muscles in places I never even knew muscles existed!
I couldn't bring myself to do one of those cringe-worthy "flex" poses, but if I do flex my legs, I have these really impressive quads & hammies that seem to have sprung up out of nowhere. But most noticeable at the mo is my abs. Slowly sprouting some stomach definition has got to be one of the coolest feelings ever after being pregnant, twice. The changes are so subtle on a daily basis that I barely notice until I take a squiz back a few months. And then I'm all like, woah, ok, shits really happening here.
It is just so blimmin brilliant seeing these changes in the flesh, it's like getting a big fat (muscular) reward for all of the hard work I've been putting in. And also, it's amazing to actually know it is entirely possible to bounce back after you have babies. I guess it just comes down to the old saying, you get out what you put in eh? (I hate sayings, but some of them are annoyingly spot on.)
On the food front, I've been consciously making small yet significant changes over the last few months. Most notably, I've drastically cut my sugar intake. Unintentionally might I add. Somewhere along the line I stopped craving sweet things every evening, and finally managed to break free of the addiction. It's liberating. And it's done wonders for my mind, skin, and bod. In saying that, I did have this for dessert last night;
I'm still human.
Most days my meals are an exciting selection of oats, nuts, fruit & veg, eggs, and chicken. You know, all the usual boring stuff. But it works. I had attempted to have fewer carbs in my diet recently, but just thinking about not eating that bread or those potatoes was way too much of a pain in the ass, so I kicked that idea to the curb. Also, since I've been running loads more, I've been finding the bod has been craving carbs more to replenish myself post run, so I just do what I'm told.
Exercise wise- I simply cannot get sweaty enough. 5-6 days a week I have been doing a variety of running, weights, and plyometrics, and I feel absolutely fucking phenomenal. Upping the cardio has increased my fitness levels tenfold, and I can now bang out a 10km run no sweat (ok that's a lie, there's loads of sweat but I don't die). Whereas a few months back, running 10km would have seemed like some sort of sick joke.
Feeling this fit is a totally new experience for me, it is euphoric. And addictive. I find myself itching to do something on my rest days, and smiling and singing en route to the gym. (Looooooser). I figure there could be worse things to be addicted to right?
*side note- Lately, when I go to the crèche to drop the kids off before I workout, I've noticed so many fresh mums dropping their babies off and then wandering around the gym looking exhausted & bored. It's made me realise there is the hugest market out there for new mammas to get onboard the healthy bandwagon post birth. I want to help them! I want to grab them by both arms and tell them 'I know how you feel! You feel like you're about to embark on an impossible journey, it's ok, you're not!'. I just have no idea how to go about it. Any ideas mammas?
Anywho, in conclusion, I am healthy and happy with where I am at right now. I don't want to improve on anything, or try to look like someone I'm not, I just want to continue with what I am doing and accept the changes my body wants to make naturally.
Hope you guys are having a wonderful week thus far,
This was the view from our bed last night, moody as fuck!"
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