Sunday, 8 November 2015

Relationship rollercoasters

You know what? Life is really fucking hard. 

Despite social media insisting it is nothing but a light stroll through a particularly pretty park on a warm summers day (mine included), it is actually really fucking hard. 

What I seem to be struggling with mostly, as a sprightly 26 year old, is my relationships. Finding balance, and compromising, accepting others and making a concerted effort to be a kinder human, can often be draining. There seems to be a lot of energy exasperated, with little return a lot of the time.

This is where someone would likely pipe in with "let that shit go, cut off anyone or anything that doesn't do you better". What a crock of shit. Life isn't about cutting ties with people based on your assumption that they're bringing you down. Life is about evolving, understanding, growing more patience, building, making sacrifices and learning about yourself by your relationships with others. 

That's not to say that if there's some total dickhead lingering around that does nothing but hover overhead like a black cloud, to keep them on and persevere. Without being captain obvious, there's some relationships that are quite obviously doomed from the beginning. But I'm continuing to find, that even relationships that are bound by the stars, still require a huge amount of effort, time and energy. 

Take my most precious relationship for example- Oli and I. After nearly a decade since our relationship first began, I'm finding that as we grow, and as we change, this relationship needs a lot of maintenance. I don't say that like its a horrible chore that weighs heavily on my shoulders (but let's be fair sometimes it's like climbing a mountain with 100kilos of frustration on your back), it's just something that I feel needs to be discussed more often. How can we improve our communication? How can we find the balance between work, our little dumplings, hobbies, sex, 'us' time and of course, time to ourselves. How can we keep the flame burning this year?
(Yee old flame burners a tough one post children I tell ya!). How can we improve as parents together, and seperately? I don't have the answer to any of the above incase you had thought I might bust out some stellar words of wisdom. I would like to know the answers too though if anyone is willing to offer?

Is adulthood really going to be this exhausting forever? Will I ever stop whining? 

So many questions left unanswered today. 

In the meantime, I think I'm going to take some time to think about myself more than others. Dig deep and see what's benefiting me and what's not at the moment. Maybe I'll find some answers buried in there? Who knows.

Have a very merry day friends,


Thought of the day "I am so sick of seeing the word "salty" everywhere"

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Hello I'm Gemma, and I am a real life adult.

Oh well hello there!

How the heck are ya?

She's bucketing down out there today so for the last twenty mins or so I've been umming and ahhing between writing this blog, or doing an at home workout. So here I am, scoffing almonds, weighing up pros and cons in my big old mess of a head. "The kids are asleep now so it's my only opportunity to get sweaty" - lean green Gemma machine argues. "You haven't written anything of any substance  in weeks woman, get your thumb to that screen!" counter argues the devilish procrastinator Gemma. Just fucking stop standing in the kitchen and do something before the bloody kids wake up- that's all ten Gemma's coming together right there. 

So here I am. 

(I also just had lunch, so jump squats and push ups sound like a recipe for a good old vom right about now)

Looking back on my past blogs and how many I used to fire out there is slightly bewildering now. That shit was consistent. Alas, a lot has changed since then and yee old blogging has taken a major backseat on the bus of life. In the last few weeks, besides the actual move home (I still have nightmares about packing boxes opening up and swallowing me whole by the way), we've been preoccupied with finding our house, finding work, finding furniture, kindy drops off and pick ups, organising Olis new business, trying to squeeze in shitloads of mum activities (the mount is a hub for mothers by the way, this place freaking rules), oh and just trying to cook clean and exercise occasionally too (failing miserable at at least 2/3 of those per day at the mo). Despite everything happening all at once, it is all coming together really blimmin well...

Number one news item for the week; I am employed! I managed to land a part time gig at a uber cool place called "Woods Creative" downtown the Mount, and I am thrilled beyond belief to be fair. It is a branding/ marketing firm that has staff made up of writers, graphic designers, website developers etc. I mean, there's a table tennis table in the middle of their office and they shoot up the mount on their lunch breaks. COME ON. It is literally the purrrfect environment for me, which I think is so detrimental in any place of work. You gotta fit in, you know? My role will be general office work, but even just being amongst that kind of awesomeness on a small scale is going to leave me unnaturally happy. "Oh you want me to type that up? Absolutely!! Not a problemo!!" (Said with the cheesiest smile that borderlines creepy and leaves them telling all the other staff how weird the new girl is). But I don't care!! Because for a few hours each day I am no longer Muuuummmmmmyyyyy, I'm Gemma or Gem or G Dog or whatever those new best buds of mine want to call me in the office.

So that's a spot of excitement! And whilst all that has been happening, we are also working on starting Olis electrical company, which turns out- involves a lot of admin. A lot. However, it is also, a very exciting venture that we are both eager to get underway whilst the economy is running hot. Finding an available sparky here at the mo is like striking gold, so something tells me it is going to be a rather busy year ahead for the both of us! (This can also act as a plug, so if anyone knows of or needs any work done in the Bay, be sure to holla!)

In other news, I'm currently slurping back my first real LB in weeks;

It tastes like I've been pashing Liam  Hemsworth (that ones for you Abbey you creep) aka unnaturally delicious. I've been on the dirty old instant mocconas recently, and let me tell you, the moment we move into the new place, before we set up beds, plug in the fridge or anything else that is less important than caffeine, we will be busting out the coffee machine. 

Move in date is in 3 weeks time, and in those 3 weeks I'll no doubt collect at least 15 more unnecessary items for the place. Olis all like "stop buying shit Gemma" and I'm all like "Oli, how do you think we would have felt if we hadn't bought the old radio/ record table that looks incredibly bad ass" the answer is fucking terrible. That's how we would have felt. (He actually was all for the bad ass record player but not so much the new bedding for all 3 bedrooms- spoil sport).

But check this little beaut- it is so friggen sweet;

So if you need to find me, I'll be lurking about at every second hand store you can think of for at least another year. 

Oh and here is the mandatory snaps of the kids that simply cannot be missed purely because they are absolute gold;

Last weekend Blake went trick or treating as a vampire and we were in stitches at how well a 3 year old pulled this look off

Oscar rocking mums wig almost sent me over the edge also- Christian school teacher dressed as a toddler

One sunny Sunday 

Mr whippy always hits the spot 

Alrighty, well I think I've over verbalised enough for one day. To wrap it all up, today is one of those days where I feel like I just may have my shit together. Where I might even pass as a real life adult. Then again, tomorrow's a new day and if it's anything like yesterday, I may just make eggs for breakfast lunch & dinner and have Shrek on replay. At least motherhood is exciting right? You wake up and really never know what the day will bring. (Please bring well behaved children who eat all of their food and play nicely together and pick up their toys when they're done tomorrow)

Oh well would you look at that, 4:59pm, it's happy hour, catch ya later loves,


Thought of the day "is it really November? What the actual faaaark!"