Wednesday, 18 January 2017


Well this is weird. A 6 month hiatus and no specific reason to justify it.

There has been an obscenely large amount happen in that time, so much so that I am simply not even going to bother to cover any of it. Nothing like a fresh year and a fresh start though right? 

This arv as I finished the final chapter of my book, I thought - fuck it, I feel like writing. So here I am.

First things first- the littlest loves of my life. 

Blake, my sassy patty wedged between two sparkly buns with a slathering of boss ass bbq sauce. At this very moment in time she has her little arms crossed defiantly in front of her chest, her big ol blues in a far too serious stare, and a much-too-confident-for-four-years-old voice announcing that it was infact not her fault that Oscar was crying because he just should have moved when she said to move. Duh? 
Fun & frustrating. Those are the two words to best describe our darling Blake at the moment (I think those two could accurately describe parenthood in general really). Fun because she has developed into the girliest of all girls and even though more than half of my life is spent trying to change her out of her hand-picked couture outfits that she throws together before we have to face the public (think orange tulle paired with floral pastel prints paired with leopard print ears paired with every hairclip she owns, all at once) I still find it absolutely hilarious. 
Frustrating because a) selective hearing and b) I literally believe she is the white small version of Beyonce (minus the voice of an angel) , Boss Ass Bitch is an understatement. Its her way or the highway. Which I admire, I really do, but the high pitched shrieks of "NOOOOOOOO" that come with Oscar touching one of her crayons are a tad OTT. She could really tone that down. Or not because, you go girl.

And of course, Oscar. The wild child. The centre of attention at all times. He's right at that age where he still has the chunky cheeks and the baby podge, yet he is a walking (sprinting rather) talking (eloquently), fully toilet trained (wooohoooooo) little spunk. He's really ticking all the boxes for all ages of admiration. Instead of goodbye its "Peace" with the two fingers up, which is a real crowd pleaser, and more than the little quirks its his astounding memory and pronunciation and understanding of everything. Literally everything. I hate to sound like one of those bias Mums who are certain their kid is the modern Einstein, but fuck, I think Oscar is the modern Einstein of his generation. Don't get me wrong though, he can still be a giant pain in my ass- he also suffers from selective hearing. And he packs a solid punch for a two year old and isn't afraid to throw it around. Mostly in Blakes face. Which means I have to blow the old whistle and play referee far more often than I would like but hey, on the whole- we are teetering towards Fun far more than Frustrating these days which is nice.

Reading back on some of my older posts it is starkly clear that blogging was venting for me, with a slightly creative flair. And I think the 6 month break was directly related to me not being such an emotional wreck after Oscar passed the two year mark. Everything seemed to become smoother, sleep became regular, the kids built a solid friendship, Oli and I had a social life again, Oli and I had a life with each other again, and I basically had nothing to complain about. 

However that is not what I want for this blog in 2017. Sure, I'll probably lay a few complaints here and there, but mostly I want this blog to be about strong women and children, impressionable novels, simple foods, some cool tunes, and above all- positivity. I've already decided that positivity is going to be my word for 2017. Without sounding like Mother Teresa, I just wanna look on the bright side and turn a blind eye to bullshit. Mother Teresa probably wouldn't say that would she? You guys get my drift. Not only that though, this blog is going to be so f'n good to read back on in 10, 20 or 50 years from now. This is the new age version of a baby book, and I want to keep updating it so I can one day show our kids why we prematurely greyed. 

Anyway, my lifeguard shift is about to start, before I tie up my sneaks and head off to netball. Because I can do cool shit like that now. Ain't life grand?



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