Monday, 8 December 2014

A Constant State of Confusion

This wonderfully inspiring quote showed up right when I needed it to today. Literally, I had a brainstorm (you remember those from school with the central cloud and ideas shooting off it, so retro right?) scribbled down in front of me and I was contemplating all things 'career'. 

About a year ago, maybe more, I wrote a post about what it is I want to do with my life. At the time, I was my usual indecisive self, with ideas ranging from midwifery, to  dancing, and I think I even suggested a PE teacher (like hell!). Fast forward an entire year, and I'm still completely confused. It's possible I'm even more confused. And yet, that clock keeps ticking. 

Depending on who you are, you would probably agree that 25 isn't exactly old.
Unless you are 15 year old Gemma. I specifically recall myself saying "I'd probably rather die than reach 30". (I do retract this statement for future reference) 
Anyway, my point is, theoretically, I should still have a shitload of years ahead of me to figure out what it is I want to do.

So why am I worried? (You might ask)

Well, there are a number of reasons.

1) I'm still young, and relatively hip, so therefore I should use all this excess energy and coolness to build an empire whilst I've still got it right?

2) A year now feels like 3 months instead of 12, which is quite concerning

3) Zee children will flee from the nest in the blink of an eye and I'll have absolutely no purpose in life 

4) And finally, I feel as though if I don't pick something now, and stick to it, I'll forever flounce about dipping my feet in different career pools 

See my dilemma? 

For a while now I've been toying with the idea of writing a book. Fear, self doubt, and lack of time however, seemed to have been holding me back. I've started, and I've stopped, I've penned down more ideas than I could count, and I've dreamed of what kind of writer I could be. And then I realised I probably could have wrote a chunky novel in the time that I've spent writing out this blog week after week. All of those excuses I just listed are simply that, excuses. If I want to write a book, I will write a book. Just like anything in life, you make time to do what you love right? 

So that is my new mission for 2015. Write a book. Not necessarily a book that anyone else reads, just a book that I might enjoy reading, and my children might eventually enjoy reading. (When I say eventually I mean in twenty years, when swearing to them is as normal as it is to me)

This probably won't eventuate into any sort of career path, but I figure I've still got at least a solid year of stay-at-home-mumming ahead of me and it would be a great project to keep me sane.

I'll keep you updated with my progress and let you know my thoughts on the entire process, I'm rather excited about it!! 

Anywho, our great friend Jimmy, and Olis brother Jared were here last night and we were up late bantering (drinking wine), so I'm going to turn on peppa pig and pull the blankets over my head for the entire day (mother of the year)

Hope you are all doing swimmingly,


Thought of the day "I wish maccas delivered"

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