Monday, 11 May 2015

Month in Pics

Hey folks! How are we all going on this glorious mid May week?? I say glorious as any week that ends with a plane trip to Bali is a bloody glorious week.
On the flipside, the last few weeks have been absolute chaos around here, utterly disastrous infact. The infested children have been coughing, sneezing, spluttering, and snotting everywhere (on the couches, carpet, walls- everywhere) for at least two weeks now. Oli has just come down with the man flu himself (God save us all), and what's the bet those bastard little germs are planning on flaring up in my system the day we fly out. Avoiding the children is virtually impossible (I have Oscars green snot on my shoulder as we speak), alas I am eating whole garlic cloves and fuelling up with loads of Vit C with high hopes of avoiding the dreaded cold. At the same time, Oscar has sprouted a new tooth, and we aaaaallllll know about it, us and the entire suburb we live in. Blake has managed to acquire a rather defiant attitude towards both Oli and I, I am assuming her rad friends passed it on at daycare ('No mum I will NOT go to my room, you go to the KITCHEN NOW!'- I'm torn between crying hysterically and laughing hysterically). Oh, and we've also been trying to get our shit together for this wedding next weekend. Next weekend. Next weekend.... I'm saying it like I mean it, and like I know it, but I think I am still living in a fantasy land where reality hasnt quite sunk in. It all feels a bit surreal. And terrifying. And absurdly exciting. And terrifying. 

We are pretty sure everything is set & good to go. 99% sure. The statistics look good, we figure if anything gets lost en route to Bali or we forget something, we can wing it, so long as it isn't my dress or Olis suit, we'll be fine. Just putting our trust into Jet Star, the absolute worst airline in the world (besides Malaysia), and hoping they pull a solid for us just this one time. No biggy.

Anyway, enough bantering, I'll share a few snaps from the last few weeks and next time I check in, the entire ordeal will be one big two week memory, eeeek! 

Without further ado;

Don't be fooled by the giant blue peepers, there are only three words to describe this little girl; Demanding, defiant & destructive. However, in her defence, and in my smugness, she is now fully toilet trained! Don't ask me how, or when, or for any tips, it was a complete fluke and therefore I can't take any credit for the transition. 

There are also three words for this one; lucky you're cute. That's technically four but four ruined my theme. 

I got zee chop last night, and I'm absolutely over the moon with it, bobs are so rad

This book! An absolute must read, no doubt about it, get around those pages.

Abbey and I threw a baby shower for our great mate Mikaela, check out the sheep cake Abbey whipped up- who does that right? 

A date night with my favourite tall dark & 
handsome man

I think I over did the avo and eggs combo, and so I welcomed avocado sushi into my life and now I am overdoing that too. Yum yum pigs bum. 

Potato cauli chickpea cuzza galore 

If you haven't, you must, immediately. (Wedding bod mode has flown out the window a week early)

I've only wanted one of these skull candles for like 5 years, and when Abbey gave us a wee wedding package last week & I opened it up to find this (amongst many other delightful things), I was in waxy heaven, such a beaut!

Oh and we got hitched!! So legal right now.

It was such a serious affair. Here is Oli wiping my lippy off his face (he has a thing about lippy, or lip gloss, or chewing gum, or cheese, it all makes him gag)

And that's a wrap! I hope you are all doing swimmingly, and are not anywhere near a mental breakdown like I am. Looking forward to resuming some normalcy soon and venting to you all about life with two terrors again,


Thought of the day "last gym session in 1.5 hours, thank sweet baby Jesus..."

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