Monday, 13 July 2015


At this exact moment in time, it is 5:30pm, and I am huddled up underneath my blankets in bed with the lights out, desperately hoping not to be found.

Shhhhhh, I am in hiding.

I'll show you what from; 

Oscar James and his Giant Molars. 


There are two angry, raging mounds of raw flesh protruding from his gums, two tomato red butt cheeks, and a constant half moon dribble patch on his top. Want to know what is even worse than all these three put together? The constant whine that accompanies them. The never ending drone of his misery. The following me around relentlessly just so we are both 100% clear on just how much pain he is in. As if there were ever any doubt. 

Teething you torturous, malicious, persistent bastard.

One day life's all peachy, there's laughter and enthusiasm oozing about. We all sleep in sync and we arise eager to enjoy the day's activities. And the next day, big T shows up & there is no laughter. There's also no sleep. And the very little enthusiasm that is put forward is extinguished after five minutes of failing to make the TT (teething toddler) crack a smile. 

Teething is the reason my womb has shut up shop. There is no way I'm going through a full set again. Na ah.

On top of the mountainous mounds of flesh, we are going through a rather significant change of life events at the moment. We are moving home!

When I say we, I mean the kids and I, in August, will be headed back to Mount Maunganui to set up camp. However, Oli, is off to Karratha in North WA until December as of this Sunday. Long story short; there was a fantastic job offer, we ummed and ahhed, and pro'd and con'd about all going up there to live, alas, we wanted to be back in the Mount by the end of this year anyway so we figured we would bite the bullet, and stick it out long distance until the end of the year. 

Of course we came to this decision before mountainous molars turned up, and now I'm all like "doooonnnnnttttt leeeeeaaaavvveee meeee oolllliiii ooorrrr iiii willll diieeeeee". (My whine is probably just as torturous to Oli as Oscars is to me)

So throw in organising to move our lives overseas, packing up our seemingly endless amount of belongings (seriously how can we possibly have THIS.MANY.TOYS), cleaning up years of toddlers artwork on our walls, and we've got ourselves quite the chaotic situation.

So basically, Dry July and I just didn't work out this year.

Somebody bring me a bloody burger and a beer already please. Yes, in bed, please. (!!!!!!!!)

If you are childless, enjoy your sweet 8 hours tonight for me won't you?


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