Friday, 22 November 2013


Holy shit I'm 6 months pregnant!!! 

And clearly very excited!!

We are leaving the house this very second but I thought I would quickly say see ya later suckers,

Just tricking you're not suckers- but bali is going to be EPIC!!

I'll be back in a coupla weeks to inundate you with photos & tales,

Take care & you'll see me soon!

Thought of the day "!!!!!!!!"


Thursday, 21 November 2013

Black Cloud Be Gone

This impending holiday could not come any sooner, even waiting another 24 hours is killing me.

For the past few weeks I have progressively been feeling less & less human each day.. The only word I can think of to describe how I feel is overwhelmed. Totally and utterly overwhelmed. That, and stressed out, exhausted, grumpy, and often just plain bitchy. Each day has slowly been draining me of any positivity I had left in me. I know, that sounds rather dramatic. But I'm also feeling rather dramatic today on top of the above listed emotions. 

I'm in some sort of slump, a serious slump that I haven't managed to get out of just yet.. I have had good days though, but the bad days just seem to keep on coming back, and I'm not getting used to them. I don't want to get used to them either. I have zero motivation to do anything, cook-clean-exercise- even just crack a smile some days. Today was one of those days.. I should be like a kid at Xmas packing up our bags & counting down the hours- but I'm just constantly thinking crappy negative thoughts. Whinge whinge whinge. Urgh, so over it. 

Blakes been demanding my attention 24/7, night and day lately, no amount of toys or peppa pig will have her detach from my hip. She's been crying out at night, just for a cuddle- and if Oli goes she'll just cry until I come anyway.. I think the lack of energy + abundance of hormones is really taking its toll on my mentality. When I look in the mirror, I'm so incredibly brutal about myself it is horrible. I seem to only be looking at the flaws rather than the beauty of the pregnant body.. It is really unhealthy & just plain stupid. It's also not who I am, I would normally be the bright & cheerful dork smiling in a room of sad sacks on any given day, I miss that dork. She's cool. 

When we made the decision to move to Perth, we knew we were making the decision to move away from all of our family support. Which is really tough sometimes, I often think "man it'd be amazing to just drop B off at mums for the afternoon". I've never had the chance to do that, not that I'm the only one in that boat. I have friends over here all in the same situation & I'm sure they all feel the same way some days. But lately, I could really have done with that extra support- and it makes me miss home. 

So I've decided this break is about banishing this lingering black cloud. Clearing my mind, focusing on me, and spending some quality time with my hubby to be- who I am sure is just as sick of me & my poor attitude. Blake will be looked after by a nanny for 8 hours a day and as hard as that first day will be I'm sure, I also know it is exactly what I need. 

Who knows, I could even get to sleep in?! I think I would go into shock if I woke up any later than 7am.. 

Meanwhile, it's 7pm & I'm crawling into bed in order to make this next day go that wee bit faster- and also because I can barely keep my eyes open.. 

Night all!

Thought of the day "come on tomorrow" 


Tuesday, 19 November 2013

My Post Baby Bod (round 1)

Hi everyone, 

I thought today I would share my post baby bod experience after having Blake, as I'll be documenting it again after this baby also.. 

Being pregnant with Blake was wonderful, I had a few rough weeks initially but after that 12 week hump I was on top of the world. I felt really energetic & relaxed, and also healthy & fit. I had continued my fitness regime right up until the day I gave birth. This mostly consisted of climbing Mount Maunganui (a 2km hike with 800metres of stair climbing), as I was living right underneath it so it was more about the convenience. This might sound extreme but it wasn't to me as my body was used to tackling that beast, and all the advice I ever got re; fitness whilst pregnant, was keep doing what you're used to doing pre pregnancy. I also went to the gym once or twice a week and did some light weights to keep some upper body strength, aswell as my yoga class once a week. All of this combined kept me physically & mentally strong and more than capable to give birth naturally -which was my ultimate goal. As for my diet- I didn't really change much, I'm usually always hanging around 70/30 with what I eat, 70% of the time being good and 30% not so good... I should be aiming for 80/20 but it never works out that way. I made sure I ate my leafy greens, good carbs and healthy fats 99% of the time though & tried to keep the fast food to a minimal. However, I did go through a phase of eating potato top pies through winter, I don't even like pies? But those really hit the spot. As usual, there was far too much chocolate intake- I distinctly remember eating an entire packet of mint slices one night. Yip, all to myself. So as you can see, my diet wasn't perfect but really, who's is? I did try though and would normally have chosen the healthier option.. Normally. 

My belly never grew to be overly large- I remember seeing some heavily pregnant women when I was around the halfway mark & being petrified of sprouting to that size, but it never really happened. I don't know whether it was the exercise/ eating combo or whether it was simply luck or genetics. My mother only gained around 10kilos with each of her three kids so I could have just picked up on her genes... Either way, I was pretty happy with not having to deal with being a blimp at the end of it all. 

This was me 3 days before giving birth at 38 weeks;

I ended up having a relatively short labour & a natural birth in water (yay goal achieved)! After giving birth I remember looking at my belly in the hospital & thinking it wasn't so bad.. It just looked bloated & slightly saggy. But I wasn't bothered by it at all, infact I expected a lot worse. When my milk came in I couldn't even see past my boobs to my belly anyway so I think they kind of helped the appearance of a 'slim tum' as they were so ginormous. 

This was exactly 1 week after giving birth;

I'm not going to lie, I was pretty stoked with this!! 
As soon as I started breastfeeding my hunger was through the roof- I felt like a lion who hadn't hunted in weeks, devouring everything & anything I could get my paws on. It was insane! I wasn't giving a shit what I ate either, I certainly wasn't making any of it, my mum & mother in law were all over it. Endless baking, sandwiches, risottos, stir-fries etc... I was spoilt for choice. 
Those first few weeks were really all about settling in with the baby & figuring out what the eff I was supposed to be doing with this breastfeeding business keeping track of what I ate was so far down on the priorities list. All I knew was I needed food, a lot of food- all the time. 
After a couple of weeks I started climbing up the mountain again. Blake was only 3kgs at birth so she was hardly a big load to haul up there. My midwife did recommend waiting a few more weeks but I felt ready & we were getting enough sleep so I just trusted my instincts & went with it. I didn't feel like I was pushing myself at all, we just took it slowly & it was amazing to get out of the house and into the fresh air too, it did me wonders. 

This was week number 4 post birth;

Everything was shrinking except my boobs which I think were a GG at this point. I know... I felt like I was going to topple over with the slightest push. At this point I still wasn't eating very healthily, although I was starting to be more aware of it. Slowly making changes like porridge for breaky again instead of half a loaf of bread. 

It was around the 4 month mark when I started to be more mindful of what I ate. Cutting back on the starchy carbs and welcoming spinach & sweet potato back into my life. I also started up back at the gym again when we moved to Australia at the 5 month postpartum mark & that was when I started running again too. 

Fast forward a few months & this was me (half of me) at 6 months post birth;

This was the only photo I could find, I'm not even sure why my upper half wasn't in it but I do know my legs were always my 'problem area' and I recall being quite proud of how far they had come, aswel as starting to see some ab definition (ever so slightly). 

All in all, I give 100 % credit to breastfeeding & exercise for bouncing back the way I did. I had never eaten so much in my life in those first 6 months of feeding yet I continued to lose weight rapidly. By the time I was 4 months postpartum I was 4 kilos lighter than pre pregnancy. Go figure? I definitely think this needed to be teamed with exercise though in order to have some muscle tone & definition. 

Now I do realise that this isn't the case for everyone, not everyone's bodies bounce back that quickly & I'm not at all trying to show off because mine did. I'm simply sharing my experience and I also wanting to compare it to round 2 to see what differences occur.. 

I can already tell things wont be as easy this time, I'm already a lot bigger at this stage than I was with B and I'm finding it a lot more difficult to fit in all that exercise (for obvious reasons). I'm also so much hungrier?? Maybe because he's a boy? I'm not sure. But it will be interesting all the same to see how I get on and also documenting it all and looking back later on to see how I feel about it then too. 

I actually have no idea how I will 
ever exercise again with 2 babies? But we will see! Where there's a will there's a way!

Anyway, hopefully that interested some of you- pregnant people / mothers? Or just anyone intrigued by the female body post birth..

Have a lovely hump day 


Monday, 18 November 2013

Food, Glorious Food

I've whipped up some amazing dishes as of late, all super easy as I'm super lazy so I thought I'd share a few with you..


 Beetroot, Feta & Quinoa Salad

This was so incredibly good. All you need is some fresh beetroot, quinoa, feta, red wine vinegar, and olive oil, and all you do is roast up the cubed beetroot at 180 for 35 mins & cook the quinoa as per instructions. Mix those together. Then you mix 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar with 3 tablespoons of olive oil & toss that through the quinoa & beetroot. Crumble over some feta and you're done! I made a big tub and in this instance threw in some prawns, spinach and avo and squeezed some lemon over it all, I repeat- really freakin good. 

Caprese Salad;

This salad is literally 3 ingredients & is a classic summer Italian dish. Normally, the 3 ingredients are Basil, Tomatoes & Buffalo Mozzarella, alas- I substitute the basil for rocket & spinach as I was served it like that in a cafe a few months ago & loved it. So there's no need for a recipe here you just toss together those 3 ingredient, drizzle some olive oil or balsamic if you wish and you're away! **Buffalo Mozz can be hard to find but normally an Italian deli will have it, I just buy a ball and chop it up that way.

Now I know what you're thinking- this looks super healthy and I'm constantly stating I'm anything but at the mo. Well the next couple of recipes aren't so easy on the waistline;

Homemade Choc Frappe;

Last week I had the biggest urge for a Starbucks choc frappe but turns out Perth doesn't have any Starbucks (????) so that kind of burst my bubble. Then I realised they're probably not that hard to make, so I googled a few recipes & got a general idea, went to the supermarket & picked up; choc syrup, milk & choc chips. I blended up about 15 cubes of ice with half a cup of milk, 5 or so big squirts of syrup & a handful of choc chips and voila! I had successfully pulled it off. It was pretty amazing too, so amazing infact that I slurped it back before getting a pic.. Oops. 

Mac n Cheese

My personal fav for the week!! I said last week I was going to attempt my first lasagne, well I didn't end up doing it as Oli wasn't going to be home that night & I couldn't be bothered making such a huge meal for myself, so this was the substitute. And I'm so glad I tried it, cheese heaven. I followed this recipe;
And this was what it turned out like;

As I said in my last post: this is batch number two this week. Incredible. Try it! 

Lastly, I made a green smoothie last night with so many ingredients that I didn't know how it was gonna turn out, but it turned out to be my fav yet. I think it must be the pear as I've never used pear in a smoothie before.. 

The Best Green Smoothie;

Handful of ice
Handful of spinach 
Cup of water
1 banana 
2 kiwis 
1 pear 
4-5 strawbs 
Some cucumber
1 tsp chia seeds 

Blended up to perfection. Tasty! 

Last week I bought some kale for the first time just to give it a jam, mix up the ol' spinach smoothies and what not. It smelt like cat piss. Literally like cat piss. I washed it but the stench lingered so I threw it out. That was my first and only experience with kale, I'll just stick to spinach I think. 

That's about it from me, hope you enjoyed them & feel free to leave any suggestions to jazz those recipes up! 


23 Weeks

What's been happening: 
He is now approx 600gms & 30cm from head to heel. His hearing is well established and he can now recognise my voice though it will be distorted. As for me, I've felt a bit more energetic which is great!! Maybe I'm just running on a high knowing Bali is so close!

Weight Gained;  My. Boobs. Are. Out. Of. Control. Seriously- borderline G cup. And when they get to that size it really makes you feel THAT much bigger, if I didn't need them to feed the baby I would gladly machete them right off. 

Workouts: Due to my energy slump I only got a couple in last week, I did an at home workout & a gym workout but missed the body balance class. I needed to listen to my bod & just chill out / eat chocolate (obviously).

Movement: So much!! He is quite the wriggler. It is truly incredible feeling a baby move inside you- yet remarkably strange at the same time. I've found myself often forgetting I'm pregnant as B is so demanding at the moment and then I'll get a sharp jab in the side, it's as if he already knows he has to fight for his attention around here. Pretty cute.

Food Aversions: As long as I didn't have to cook it, I'll eat it. 

Food cravings: I've been on a food frenzy this week, I think I always do this pre-holiday. Slip into "comfortable" mode & really not give a damn what I eat. (Who am I kidding- it's been like that since the day I found out I was up the duff). I'll be doing up a food post of some highlights shortly.. Meanwhile, I just grabbed batch number two of mac n cheese out of the oven for the week- I've totally nailed that recipe.

Sleep: Still sleeping well & still managing to lie on my tummy, somewhat awkwardly and a little propped up to the side but its working for me. For now.

Miss anything: Fresh salmon sushi & a glass of red wine when Blake goes down. 

Fun/ interesting things for the week; 
Someone finally cracked & asked me if I knew what I was having the other day. I've noticed the ladies at the gym crèche looking at me sideways for a few weeks now but they were obviously a bit hesitant to jump right in and ask outright- how funny would it have been if I had said to her "what do you mean I'm not pregnant?" Haha, that would be cruel. So that was the first time a stranger has asked, I'm surprised it took that long to be honest. 

Stretchmarks; Nope- but I do have a greasy bio oiled belly & hips everyday, even if it doesn't work it keeps me sane & comforted.

Happy or moody: Ecstatic!! Who wouldn't be when they know they're about to lie by a pool and read for a week, and not worry about cooking OR cleaning?! 

Looking forward to: As above. And Christmas! 

Bump update: This boy is not petite!


Sunday, 17 November 2013

Weekend Highlights

Heya, how was everyone's weekend? 

It was another scorcher over here, Saturday was aptly renamed sweaty Saturday. My girlfriend Keryn & I had plans to paint the races red, this was a special occasion for her in particular as it was her very first proper outing without her daughter since she was born a year ago!!! So we got all dolled up, frocks & hats & heels- the whole shebang. I don't even remember the last time I put on make up like that- and let me just say, I have not missed it. It didn't help that it felt like it was running off my face before I had even applied it properly.. But it was so nice to actually spend time doing something girly like that for me, and feeling somewhat "pretty" for a change. I had a bit of a last minute freak out on Thurs though as the dresses I thought I would just chuck on & wear all didn't fit. Surprise surprise. Forgetting I'm front loading is a daily occurrence around here. A shopping trip was the obvious answer to this dilemma, I guess if I have too.... ( :D) Normally when I go shopping for a new dress it takes weeks of cramped changing rooms & sucking in before I find the right one, but luck was on my side this time as I found a bright & well fitting number at my first destination- Portmans. After discovering it was also half price ($50!!) I knew I'd found the winner;

I didn't actually get a decent full length pic on the day so this bedroom selfie will suffice. As long as my boobs, belly & bum fit in nicely, I'm a happy camper. 

The day was gloriously warm and we had a ball pretending to be free agents for a few hours. The only real downside was everyone drinking their icy cold beers around me all bloody day, god they looked so good. That, and the fact that I was too scared to leave my plastic seat incase of sweaty butt cheek marks on my dress, apparently every girl was in the same boat, hilarious! 

All in all it was a lovely day with lovely company & we left feeling like we used to pre-baby, well Keryn did as she was more than a little tipsy with a serious case of the giggles..

I was pretty buggered by the time I got home later that afternoon, as the sun stole all my energy again. And I don't know why I expected a tidy house & bathed/ fed baby upon arrival as that has never happened before, but I was still disappointed to find a pigsty & a greasy infant in serious need of a splash. They were both happy though so that was the main thing, I was grateful all the same (but next time if Oli wanted to surprise me with a sparkly clean house & a clean and fed baby there would be no objections here!) 

Sunday involved our new routine of going to the Fremantle markets to get our weekly produce first thing, we were in and out within half an hr as that place is nuts!! But man it is so cheap. We got a broccoli, tomatoes, cucumber & spinach from one stall and when the cashier said "that'll be $6" I was sure he'd miscalculated, but nope- it's just the supermarkets over charging us by so much that I almost expect every broccoli we buy to be $5 alone. So that was fantastic! I also purchased some fresh buffalo mozzarella and rocket & plan on making my fav summer 'caprese' salad for lunch today, super excited. I get very excited about food. 
Later that afternoon our friends Danielle & Abbey popped around for a catch up & to meet Blake. We hadn't seen either of them in years so it was lovely to sit around and yarn with them for a couple of hours. 
Before we knew it, the sun was down and once again- I couldn't be bothered cooking (story of my life). Hello KFC. I really felt like a twister & Olis arm never needs twisting with the colonel so that was that. It came with the usual side of guilt but meh, I'm already in holiday mode as far as I'm concerned. We followed up our nutritious meal with a movie, "The Conjuring"-

We never get to watch horrors around here, someone is a secret scaredy cat. Not me either. I friggen love them! This one was alright, it didn't give me the creeps as much as I would have liked & was very similar to "The Amityville Horror" , but it was entertaining all the same. Im not sure how much Oli saw from underneath the duvet though so his opinion probably wouldn't be justified.. 

That was my weekend in a nutshell, I would definitely call it a success. Now Monday has arrived, which only leaves 4 sleeps until we depart!!! We (I) have so much to organise before we go, including spring cleaning this entire house & buying a mountain of packaged baby food, & hopefully finding some togs that fit my lady lumps in. This week will be fairly chokka, but fingers crossed it flies by & Friday is here in the blink of an eye. I'll be keeping you all updated on our week but will be logging off from all social media once we leave, but don't fret as I'll be back with a mountain of snaps and stories to share. 

Meanwhile, happy Monday all!

Haha, I hope you're all happier than her.

Thought of the day "4 fucken sleeps!!!!!"


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

41 Sleeps 'til Christmas


In the 2 hours that I have been awake this morning I have vomited 3 times. Which is fun. 
Ugh. Seriously, when is someone going to throw me a fricken bone?

Meanwhile, at the other end of the house....

Someone would rather party hard in her cot than have her morning nap. Ironically, every other morning this week she has gone straight down for 3 hours, the only morning I actually need her to sleep she won't. 

I can actually hear her banging her head against the wall right now. I may join her shortly... 

On the 'glass is half full' flipside, today is shaping up to be yet another beauty. Forecasted for 33 degrees so if the child won't sleep now at least I know she'll crash & burn later this arv, which means sunbathing & finishing up my book for me! 

I cannot believe how sneaky Xmas has been this year- that sly dog (cat) just came out of nowhere! Suddenly, everywhere I go all is I see is fake pine and tinsel. It is glorious! I really, really love Christmas. It is definitely the best holiday of the year (even trumping Easter). I can't wait to start putting on the Christmas carols and watching home alone & love actually. Ive already bought Blake a giant reindeer that she can't stop snuggling;

Although this year will be a lot different to every other Christmas I've had- it'll be my first year without my family... Which is just strange. Luckily for them they'll all be in Europe so I daresay they won't even remember I exist anyway, but I will be missing them.. I guess it's all part of growing up, and now we have our own little family it's time to start making our own traditions which is a really cool aspect of it all. Seriously cannot wait until the kids are a bit older & Oli dresses up as Santa Claus, ohhhh I can just see the beard pulling now. So it is a fresh new start on Xmas in our new city with our new family, and it makes me deliriously happy to think about the years of christmas's we will all share together as a family. Until they reach their "tweens" that is & all they want for Christmas is an iPad 22 and a hover board (oh god).
 "Muuuuummmmmm turn off those songs they're SO annoying, and Home Alone is for baaaaaabies"- I can't wait!!

It is a classic.

**She has finally caved & fallen asleep-woohoo!**

When she wakes up we'll be off to grab some groceries, then I might sneak in some yoga & reading and then I'm going to attempt my first ever lasagne. This dish really intimidates me- I've never had the guts to try it so I'll be sure to let you know how I get on. 

Hope you're all having a good week!

Thought of the day "my Christmas wishlist is empty, I've got everything I want- that is so corny... I'm sure I can think of something to put on there"

P.s is anyone else missing Big Brother for one reason & one reason alone?

Self explanatory...



Tuesday, 12 November 2013

The Big C

As most women are aware (I hope), October was Breast Cancer Awareness month. Time to raise those arms to the roof & give those boobies a good old fashioned feel up, or even better- get into the docs & get them squished & scanned. And it was also a month to donate to a very worthy cause, by the end of the month I had personally collected a fair few random pink items incl one snazzy pale pink kitchen knife which has turned out to be my new fav, worth every cent. 

This topic is a sensitive one for me as my mother has been fighting a horrible battle with the big C since her diagnosis with Breast Cancer in 2010. It took a long time for the news to sink in, and I think my family and I were in a state of shock (or denial) for the first few months.. Watching Mum go through chemotherapy & radiotherapy was utterly draining - physically, emotionally & mentally. Obviously it was most difficult for her, being transfused with so many poisons and watching the effects these ludicrously strong drugs had on her was mortifying and scarring, yet they kept her alive. Unfortunately for my Mum & for us, she was one of the unlucky ones. At the end of 2011 we were told the devastating and life changing news that the cancer had spread to her spine, and was therefore untreatable. I still can't fathom that information. How could my mother, someone who hasn't had one puff on a cigarette in her life, be dying of cancer? 

(My beautiful Mother on her visit to us in Perth this year, smiling through the storm) 

Life can be very very cruel. 

Ever since that diagnosis, my Mums cancer has shown restraint and has now lain dormant for nearly 2 years. Which is something I guess...She does suffer from a lot of pain caused by the tumours in her back & life is never going to be easy for any of us, but at least she is still here.. She could be here for a long time too if the cancer decides to back off & play it cool for a few decades. We all live in a constant state of  fear & hope. Two very contradicting emotions that come and go in huge waves on different occasions and different days. 

You'd like to think I'm one of the unlucky few who experience a situation as crap as this, but shockingly, I have a few friends & relatives who are all in the same situation as we are. Waiting, watching, hoping. It seems as though Cancer is touching every family in one way or another. 

I recently read that global mortality rates from breast cancer has increased by a whopping 44% since 1950. Forty four percent. And this is mostly in westernised cultures. You'd think people would pick up on rates as high as this & think "hey, maybe we should be a bit kinder to our bodies". Pesticides, preservatives, tobacco, petroleum & lead are all huge factors in causing cancer. Yet they're all huge factors in our everyday lives. Obviously some are unavoidable, petroleum for example can't always be avoided but pesticides & preservatives in our food & drinks are easily avoidable. Going organic or "green" is currently trending worldwide, and thank F for that. Something healthy and positive! The less crap we put into our body the lower those statistics will be after all..
I'm not making out like I'm some "green queen" who never touches anything processed or refined, because I certainly do, but I have been making some conscious decisions to make our home environment a greener one. Gone are the bleaches & pungent washing powders, and hello Eco friendly products! It isn't cheap, I'll tell you that much- but if its healthier for my family than we're all for it! 

It really isn't about being a "do-gooder" to make the world a better place for me, it's totally because I am shit scared of getting cancer. Literally petrified. Infact, I recently decided that I am definitely, 100% going to get it one day and I found myself bawling my eyes out in my room. I obviously don't actually know if I will get it or not, but the chances are certainly not as slim as they once were. So I'm going to do what I can to avoid the treacherous & relentless big C. I hope everyone else can change a little bit too, you never know how big of an outcome small changes can make.

In the meantime, follow this 'Angelina effect' and PLEASE get regular check ups- girls & guys, don't be shy. I know we're only young but cancer is a bitch these days and isn't only praying on the old & weak. It's so much better to be safe than sorry. 

This ones for you Sandy,

Love Gemma xx

22 Weeks

What's been happening:  BB is now 500gms & is proportioned like a newborn. Although he is growing everyday, his skin is still very wrinkled- this will iron out as he plumps up some more in the coming weeks. His eyes are now formed although the iris lacks pigment. As for me, I've still been really lethargic. I just can't seem to up my energy at the moment. 

Weight Gained;  I think because last time I was pregnant in winter & therefore I was mostly covered up, it made it a lot easier to embrace the weight gain. But being here in 30 degree heat everyday means a lot less clothing and a lot more exposure. I probably haven't actually gained as much as I think I have, it's just that my current attire (mostly togs) doesn't let any roll or wrinkle hide out too easily.

Workouts: I got to the gym 3 times last week & did some decent workouts, mostly incline walking & lots of squats. I also did a body balance class which incorporates yoga, pilates & tai chi which was amazing! So I'll be back for that on Friday... We can't go to the gym this week during the day though incase Blakes virus is still lingering so I've been mixing up a few at home workouts that I'll share a bit later... 

Movement: He is the karate kid. 

Food Aversions: Not really, but I have managed to cut down the abundance of bread in which I was devouring far too often. I made up a big batch of quinoa on Sunday so I've been making different salads with that for lunch all week which has been a welcome change. I really don't do salads so I've been pleasantly surprised, I'll share a few recipes with you a bit later. 

Food cravings: Anything cold or creamy at the mo.. 

Sleep: I've been hitting the hay at 8:30 every night lately & getting 8 hrs +. Blakes shown some mercy & now that she's all better we've been getting full nights again. I wish I could say its been making a difference but it really hasn't?! Seems that no matter how much rest I get or how much exercise I do or don't do, I still feel as though I could be in bed all day... I dunno what's going on but I'm hoping some energy comes back in full force ASAP! 

Miss anything: Not really this week, mostly just wish I could have more of a spring in my step! Although I think I'll soon come to the realisation that I'll likely be low on energy for at least another couple of years, ah well!

Fun/ interesting things for the week: Our weekend getaway was by far the biggest highlight of the week, it's all explained in my previous post.

Stretchmarks; Not yet, touch wood

Happy or moody: Happily exhausted this week 

Looking forward to: Bali!!!!! We're in the single digits countdown!

Bump update: This mornings snaps- bikini attire once again as its only 8am & nearly 25 degrees already! I'm actually about the size I was at 28 weeks last time which is a tad daunting.. 

Until next week,


Monday, 11 November 2013

A Slice of Paradise

Hi folks! 
Sorry I've been slack the last week or so, it has been a full on few days. Following up from my last post; turns out Blake wasn't teething at all (shows how intuitive I am!), she had actually contracted a virus called "hand foot & mouth" from the crèche at the gym. We ended up going to the docs fri as her rash which was initially just on her bum, had spread to pretty much everywhere & broken out into blisters.
Yikes. It wasn't pretty. 
So the poor thing had been gobbling down teething tablets like lollies and getting bonjella smeared all over her gums a few times a day for nothing! Luckily the virus isn't serious & only causes minor flu like symptoms aswel as the horrible blisters, it goes away by itself within a week and I'm stoked to report she is very nearly rash free already! Apparently it's very common in pre schoolers, I had personally never heard of it but I'm grateful she didn't need any medication to get rid of it, and now her immune system is just that little bit stronger- win win!

After the all clear from the docs last Fri we embarked on our weekend getaway to Margaret River with high spirits. As Blakes rash progressively got worse during the week, we had been fretting that we would have to post pone the getaway.. 

Thank goodness we made it because, wow, that place was amazing. I still can't believe paradise is literally right on our doorstep like that! 

We stayed with our friends Lee & Tali who were brilliant hosts- Tali even had a white magnum waiting for me upon arrival, how did she know?
Their house was a sanctuary surrounded in lush bush land and beautiful tweeting birds- it felt like a full blown retreat.

So there was a lot of this;

There was also some tinkering around markets on Saturday which resulted in a few purchases, one being two hand poured soy candles that have been making my bedroom smell like a coconut & lime haven, and there was also a life changing almond croissant devoured- so so good. 

The beaches were postcard perfect, white sand & crystal clear water..

And to top off this pristine setting- a humpback whale showed up a couple of hundred metres off shore & started showing off for a good 20 minutes, doing some sweet jumps and sun baking its white fleshy belly- magic!

Before we knew it our time was up & we had to head back to reality. We left feeling refreshed, relaxed, slightly sunburnt & very bloated. All signs of a bloody good weekend!

So now we're back into the swing of things, but not for long.... Bali is only 10 short sleeps away!! That really snuck up on us. I'm off to purchase (another) new bikini top today as my boobies have once again exceeded all expectations & moved on up to an F cup. My poor back is about to snap in half! 

So that's an up to date account on what I've been up to! I'll be posting my 22 week update shortly too,

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week thus far..

Ciao for now 


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The longest night of my life

Yesterday started out so well... We got a semi decent sleep (I'll take what I can get), followed up with a mini morning nap from Blake, and then a delightful play date with my two lovely friends and their offspring ;

Blake has been teething again and life has been a bit of a roller coaster for the past few days... 

That face sums it up nicely. 

She didn't sleep til around midnight last night, and then continued to wake up every hour screaming in pain. It was horrific. I tried putting her in our bed, bonjella, pamol and extra milk, but nothing helped. 

So today I feel like banging my head against a brick wall, but I really don't have the energy for that so I'll just continue to starfish on the floor whilst the clingy child uses my body as a prop to crawl over. 

Being pregnant and having a baby is bloody hard sometimes, and it sometimes makes me question if we have done the right thing.
I'm only human.
However, I do know that the good days outweigh the bad by far, and I also know that when I see this new addition and hold him in my arms, I won't even remember ever doubting that he was meant to be here.

Until he starts teething..... (Haha only kidding, a little)

Meanwhile, I've just stocked up for the night ahead;

And thus far, we've never had two nights as bad as last night in a row (touch wood). So here's hoping Blake feels better ASAP so we can all feel human again...

Here's a selfie shot from today as proof of the horror that unfolded last night;

That's about as humorous as I get today.



Monday, 4 November 2013

21 Weeks

What's been happening: He is still bulking like crazy this week, now weighing in at approx 430gms and measuring 28cm in length. His eyebrows and eyelids are now fully developed & his fingernails now cover his little fingers (cute!). He can also now hear our conversations. As for me, in complete contrast to last week- I've been average as hell. I have now got chronic heartburn and the heat seems to be sucking the energy right out of me. 

Weight gained:  Ugh. I shudder at the thought. After a weekend of infinite salt & vinegar chips, cupcakes and cans of coke, I feel less than ideal. Lets just say I'm suddenly feeling a tad anxious about all this bikini-cladding in bali. My thighs are out of control! 

Workouts: I had a couple of half assed gym sessions & I gave pregnancy pilates a jam last week. I didn't really dig it- would prefer yoga any day, but I'm glad I gave it a go to see what it was all about. I missed spin on Sunday as we went to the markets & ate cupcakes instead, fair trade right?

Movement: So much!! It's really bizarre actually, they're so strong and definitive already- and I've felt his little hiccups many times over the past few days which has definitely been the highlight of my week.

Food Aversions: Nope, but I wish I did! An aversion to kit kats, cheese, and chips would be warmly welcomed! 

Food cravings: Funnily enough- I don't actually think real cravings exist throughout pregnancy. For me anyway, it's just mentally loosening up & thinking why not? I'm pregnant, I'm not getting smaller anyway. But clearly all the processed crap really can alter your moods, & that can't be a good thing. I'm still making sure I get in all the nutrients the baby needs each day, but on top of that there are far too many "treats". Hardly a treat when it's everyday though is it? 

Sleep: Sleep has been the bane of my life this week. They say a pregnant woman's body is always a few degrees warmer than usual, so that + the 30 degrees it already is in the room makes for a rough slumber. I think I need to invest in one of those pregnancy pillows too, I never used one last time but I feel like I cannot get comfortable in any position anymore- so frustrating. On top of that- Blake has cut two teeth in the past week, so whatever sleep I had been getting was broken. Hence the attitude. Lack of sleep + abundance of preservatives = severe grumpiness and lack of confidence / motivation. Pretty much a recipe for disaster. 

Miss anything: My mood from last week! The mind is so incredibly powerful, and when you get stuck in a rut like I have the past few days its really hard to mentally crawl out of. I think after a decent sleep and some time with my friends today, I'll be a much happier chap. 

Fun/ interesting things for the week:  Not a hell of a lot this week sorry folks!

Stretchmarks; Nope! 

Happy or moody: As above. 

Looking forward to: Getting a decent sleep & our roady to Margaret river this weekend. 

Bump update: Here's a couple of snaps from this morn, they're great angles so they don't actually reflect my extra lard accurately. Anything for a confidence boost though eh? 


I just re - read all of my answers & laughed out loud. Haha...what a sad sack. I do apologise- its really not all that bad. But, they were all honest so that's all I've got to give this week sorry! I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself as of today though so hopefully next weeks round up is a lot chirpier,


Saturday, 2 November 2013

No News is Good News

Heya, how has everyone's weekend been? We've had some more amazing weather over here so it's been rather similar to last weekend, beach & general slothness. 

For the past few months, Oli and I have completely stopped watching the nightly news. 6pm in our household was always news hr, even if it were just on in the background whilst we were cooking or whatever- it became a routine. I guess this stemmed from our childhoods as our parents (and most Nz families would be the same I would imagine) always switched on the news at 6pm. It just felt like the responsible, adult thing to do- to catch up the on the current affairs. 
But over the past few months I've become increasingly aware of the extreme violence that seems to have completely taken over every news piece; man is brutally murdered in side St. in Sydney, animals found tortured in Melbourne garage, five yr old american boy shoots baby sister, child abducted in Perth... And those don't even scratch the surface. 

Disturbing and malicious behaviour seems to be the theme of the year (or decade) and I am utterly sick of seeing it. Yes, these events are terrible for the people/ animals involved, yes there are far too many sick people in this world, yes disease is spreading like wildfire, yes the world is a dangerous place. Do I want to have it shoved down my throat, or seeded into my brain every day until I'm too afraid to leave the house?

(While we're at it, if I had to see one more piece on some idiot American going on another shooting rampage I would rather peel off my own toenails. Slowly.)

I totally believe in being aware of and prepared for danger, I however do not believe in being poisoned by the media into being petrified of daily life & happenings. Life IS scary- if you want to look at it that way. But what's the point in that? Being afraid isn't going to help anyone, it's only going to taint the times which should only be considered good. 

Whatever happened to feel good news stories where we saw people helping other people in need? Or dogs rescuing their owners in a dramatic house fire? I'm sure there are still more good people out there than bad, we just don't see it enough anymore. The media seems to thrive on these brutal attacks, jumping from one murder to the next like they're nothing special. I think it's disgusting, and that's why we said no to the news. Personally, watching it would always put a damper on my night, I would dwell on particularly bad stories for days- always thinking what if that were Oli, or worse, what if that was Blake? It would literally give me nightmares far too often. 
So fuck that.

In this case, ignorance is bliss. 

And incase all you Aussies are unaware, they play new Simpsons episodes on ten at 6, I have been missing out! 

Im sure we will watch the nightly news again here or there, but in the meantime I just check out and am more than happy to pick & choose which current events to catch up on rather than watching a reel of blood and devastation night after night. 

Bless you Internet. 

What are your thoughts on the news? 

Thought of the day "we need a dog incase of emergency" 
