What's been happening:
He is now approx 600gms & 30cm from head to heel. His hearing is well established and he can now recognise my voice though it will be distorted. As for me, I've felt a bit more energetic which is great!! Maybe I'm just running on a high knowing Bali is so close!
Workouts: Due to my energy slump I only got a couple in last week, I did an at home workout & a gym workout but missed the body balance class. I needed to listen to my bod & just chill out / eat chocolate (obviously).
Movement: So much!! He is quite the wriggler. It is truly incredible feeling a baby move inside you- yet remarkably strange at the same time. I've found myself often forgetting I'm pregnant as B is so demanding at the moment and then I'll get a sharp jab in the side, it's as if he already knows he has to fight for his attention around here. Pretty cute.
Food Aversions: As long as I didn't have to cook it, I'll eat it.
Food Aversions: As long as I didn't have to cook it, I'll eat it.
Food cravings: I've been on a food frenzy this week, I think I always do this pre-holiday. Slip into "comfortable" mode & really not give a damn what I eat. (Who am I kidding- it's been like that since the day I found out I was up the duff). I'll be doing up a food post of some highlights shortly.. Meanwhile, I just grabbed batch number two of mac n cheese out of the oven for the week- I've totally nailed that recipe.
Sleep: Still sleeping well & still managing to lie on my tummy, somewhat awkwardly and a little propped up to the side but its working for me. For now.
Miss anything: Fresh salmon sushi & a glass of red wine when Blake goes down.
Fun/ interesting things for the week;
Someone finally cracked & asked me if I knew what I was having the other day. I've noticed the ladies at the gym crèche looking at me sideways for a few weeks now but they were obviously a bit hesitant to jump right in and ask outright- how funny would it have been if I had said to her "what do you mean I'm not pregnant?" Haha, that would be cruel. So that was the first time a stranger has asked, I'm surprised it took that long to be honest.
Stretchmarks; Nope- but I do have a greasy bio oiled belly & hips everyday, even if it doesn't work it keeps me sane & comforted.
Happy or moody: Ecstatic!! Who wouldn't be when they know they're about to lie by a pool and read for a week, and not worry about cooking OR cleaning?!
Looking forward to: As above. And Christmas!
Bump update: This boy is not petite!
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