Blake has been teething again and life has been a bit of a roller coaster for the past few days...
That face sums it up nicely.
She didn't sleep til around midnight last night, and then continued to wake up every hour screaming in pain. It was horrific. I tried putting her in our bed, bonjella, pamol and extra milk, but nothing helped.
So today I feel like banging my head against a brick wall, but I really don't have the energy for that so I'll just continue to starfish on the floor whilst the clingy child uses my body as a prop to crawl over.
Being pregnant and having a baby is bloody hard sometimes, and it sometimes makes me question if we have done the right thing.
I'm only human.
However, I do know that the good days outweigh the bad by far, and I also know that when I see this new addition and hold him in my arms, I won't even remember ever doubting that he was meant to be here.
Until he starts teething..... (Haha only kidding, a little)
Meanwhile, I've just stocked up for the night ahead;
And thus far, we've never had two nights as bad as last night in a row (touch wood). So here's hoping Blake feels better ASAP so we can all feel human again...
Here's a selfie shot from today as proof of the horror that unfolded last night;
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