Thursday, 25 September 2014

Week in Pics

Hey folks, how are you all going?

I've been feeling creatively uninspired this week, hence the lack of posts.
Fellow mummas, do you think it is ok to sometimes feel like motherhood just isn't really for you? I feel horribly guilty for even thinking such selfish thoughts let alone writing them out, alas, two years of soooo much giving & not a whole lot of taking is really taking it's toll. Sure, you get the unconditional love of your kids in return, rahhh deee rahhh, and that is wonderful, but sometimes, I just want to pee alone. I would also love to, for just one day, only worry about feeding myself, and moreover, enjoy my food rather than stuffing it in at the speed of light in order to get to a crying baby. I just want to leave the house without it being a half an hr ordeal that is short lived anyway due to a certain temperamental little boy. God, I just want to sleep. Uninterrupted, silent, blissful, slumber. Does that make me a total dick? Maybe so, but I am a dick who is in desperate need of a holiday. (4.5 more months, 4.5 more months)

On a positive note, the big old fiery beast that is the sun has decided that summer will come early this year. Mid twenty degree days bring a smile to my dial, and I think Blake and I may just take our first dip in the ocean this afternoon. Spring is definitely Perth's prime time to enjoy mother natures creations before it gets too hot.. 

Oh, that's right, this was meant to be our week in pics not me babbling on. Without further ado;

Noah and Mikaela at his big fourth birthday bash on Saturday

And Blake crashed out afterwards....

8 months! Yikes.

Sussing out the ladies at lollipops 

A random delicious mess of a lunch involving baked kumara, hummus, jalapeños (of course), avocado & capsicum 

These sunnies!!! (Please Oli?)

Afternoon snuggles 

Glassy lakes & swans make for a delightful arv stroll 

Miss independent taking the lead 

It's 7:48am and I'm on my second hit already 

Tupac Tabak 

Aiiiiight, I better go welcome the day with open arms. Thank fark for Friday eh? 

Happy weekend friends,


Thought of the day "long weekend!!!" 

Thursday, 18 September 2014

I Love to Eat

The title pretty much sums it up. I feel like we've been eating like kings lately, stepping outside our comfort zone & trying new things, tis rather delicious! Heres what's been filling our bellies this past week;

Olis Uncle is a butcher here in WA, so he dropped us off some pork ribs two weeks back. Honestly, when we got them, I half expected them to sit waaaay in the back of the freezer with all of the other untouched items. You guys know the ones; half a loaf of bread, the odd banana or prawn, all the rejects. I hadn't even eaten ribs before (just the idea of gnawing on a pigs ribs is a put off), until we doused them in sauces & served them up with Asian greens and sticky rice. Life changer. So here's the 'Hoisin Pork ribs with steamed Asian greens & sticky jasmine rice' recipe for all of you carnivorous folk;


1.5 kg of spare ribs 
3/4 cup hoisin sauce 
3 Tbsp soy sauce 
2 Tsp brown sugar 
2 cloves garlic crushed & finely chopped 
1 Tsp Chinese five spice 
Asian greens (Bok Choy etc.)
1 cup jasmine rice 
1 lime 


First thing in the morning, combine the garlic, soy sauce, hoisin, sugar, and five spice into a big bowl. Throw the ribs in and lather the sauce over the meat. Cover, and refrigerate all day. Later on, preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and begin cooking your rice. (To get sticky rice, simply cook one cup with enough water to cover it by 1cm in a heavy bottomed pot, cover & bring to boil, turn down low and simmer for 20 mins, then remove and let stand covered for 20 mins- voila!). Coat as much sauce over the ribs before putting on a baking paper covered tray in the oven. Cook for 40 mins, remove & flip over, coating the other side in remaining sauce & cook for a further 20 mins. Steam your greens for 10-15 mins at the end, & serve it all up with a good squeeze of lime

Sticky, dirty, delectable mess. And so freaking yum. SO yum. Try it! (Are ribs expensive? I really don't know?)

Another newbie this week, was slow cooked lamb leg;

This is another item of meat we rarely have, but it was on special, so this bargain hunter swooped it up for $9- shit yeah. 

I didn't actually get a snap of the finished product. But trust me when I tell you, it was incredible. 

All it took was a good dousing of olive oil, a handful of fresh rosemary, and a solid sprinkle of salt & peps. Pop that bad boy in the slow cooker, and cook on low for 6-8 hours. We served ours with rosemary roast potatoes, peas & of course- mint sauce. Yum yum pigs bum.

Lastly, our glorious Turkish chicken burgers;

I found these ginormous, fresh Turkish buns (seriously about the size of my head) on Thursday so naturally, big ass juicy burgers were on the menu. We coated chicken breasts in balsamic vinegar, barbecued them up & layered up the buns with hummus, mayo, spinach, iceberg, tomato, cucumber, avocado, and jalapeños. Admittedly, I think I may have a jalapeño problem- those little green gems seem to sneak into every single meal I make at the moment. So good! 

Last night we went out for dinner & drinks with some friends (seeeeeedy Saturday), and although I didn't take pictures of my food (who does that in public? I secretly wish I could sometimes), it was phenomenal. X Wray in Fremantle is this funky little restaurant / jazz bar, oozing charm & character. I ordered the buffalo mozzarella & eggplant starter, & the crispy skinned snapper with basil risotto for main. Holy mother of god. Everything was bang on point & upon following it up with my very first espresso martini, I think it's safe to say I had a pretty rad party in my mouth, and a pretty delighted/bloated belly. Today, however, my head isn't so delighted.

Back to bed methinks, 

Happy weekend folks,

Oh, and just quickly, happy birthday Kez!! 


Thought of the day "oh you big beautiful bed you, we are made for each other" 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Breast is Best (so suck it up)

If you hadn't noticed, I'm a tad passionate about the business of birth & all things associated with it. Including breastfeeding. Breastfeeding to me, is a no brainer, they are there for a reason (not to impress hormonal teenagers) so why do so many Mums not use them?

Before we start, let it be known that this post isn't going to be a debate about Breast vs Bottle. I'm not going to babble on about how yes, Breast is Best, but some women obviously can't do it, for many reasons. Blah blah blah.

This is going to be about why Breast is Best, because it is, and how women just aren't trying hard enough to do it. There's no niceties here, no "oh boohoo, it was just too hard". Just the facts. And the fact is, statistically, only around 50% of women in the western world choose to breast feed their babies.

50 fucking percent. Within that 50% of those who don't/ can't, around 20% arrive at the hospital to give birth, with bottles & formula in their bags. (!!!!!!!!!) This is largely in America (surprise, surprise), but is become increasingly common in Australia & New Zealand as well. 

If you fall within that 20% of women who do not even try, my question to you is, why? Is your freedom really more important to you than giving your newborn child the best start? If so, you probably should have worn a condom 9 months back. You doushe bag. 

Before I piss too many people off, I know for some, it is actually not possible. Milk supply was too little after a c-section is a common one, having to go straight back to work is another, and they're both valid, but the one that really grinds my gears is, "it was just too hard". I've had to grit my teeth on many occasions after hearing this flimsy line. It's not too hard, you gave up too easily (is what I am screaming inside my dome). And what's often worse with women like this, is that they assume that for all the Mamas who do feed, it's because it came easily to them. Personally, I didn't think mastitis x 2 + cracked bleeding & raw nipples was easy, that didn't "come naturally" to me. It took perseverance, and it took hours of uncomfortable and often excruciating pain, it took practise, and it took patience. But we got there, for both of my babes, we got there. 

Here are the cold, hard facts on Breast vs Bottle;


  • It's always available.
  • It's free.
  • It contains active infection-fighting white blood cells and natural chemicals that give increased protection against infections in the first months, when these can be the most serious.
  • It can help prevent SIDS
  • It contains the perfect proportion of nutrients that your baby needs, including protein, carbohydrates, fat, and calcium.
  • It is easily digestible.
  • It may protect against allergies & asthma in the future.
  • It may decrease a baby's risk of obesity in the future.
  • It may contain some fatty acids that promote brain development.
  • Breastfeeding can help new mothers lose weight more easily.


  • It means you can sleep more
  • You get to drink 
That's it. Nutritionally, it doesn't compare to breast milk. Financially, it costs a fortune. It takes up a lot more time to prepare, heat & clean the bottles. And it stinks. Like mouldy ass. 

There is no comparison. If you aren't convinced to give breastfeeding a proper go yet, then check out these pics of some gorgeous mammals nursing and you may be swayed; 

Yes, that is a dolphin nursing her young. Does that not kill you? If all of these mammals do it then something's gotta be working right? 

In summary, all of you mammas to be out there, suck it up (pun totally intended), and give your babe the best start to life.

Happy hump day for all of you who still like me after this post,

Thought of the day "this gave me giggles for an embarrassing length of time;


Thursday, 11 September 2014

6 Months Postpartum

The mood of this post will largely depend on what level my confidence is at on that particular day. Because that b*%ch fluctuates, massively. Let's take yesterday for example, a perfect lazy sunny Sunday afternoon out & about. I had been to the gym in the morning, and I was feeling sprightly. Full of beans even. "Oh look Oli there's the Seafolly store, you go ahead & get some groceries whilst I have a quick browse". What's a quick dip into the changing room to see how these look, I innocently thought to myself. It's a bloody nightmare that's what. Let's just say ass dimples aren't quite as cute as cheek dimples. You would think swimwear changing rooms would have flattering lowlights wouldn't you? Well, they didn't. And I felt like crying. In all fairness, I haven't been treating my body as kindly as I could lately- chocolate galore. But still, I really didn't expect such a sight. 

However, today, my bedroom mirror paints a totally different picture, so as far as I'm concerned, it was just the lighting. It's far kinder to believe my trusty mirror in the confinement of my comfy home after all. 

Here's where we are at, 6 weeks postpartum compared to 6 months;

Funny how I would have said there were very little changes in that time. But boy was I wrong! I was chuffed to say the least when I paired these pics together. Zee pins are thinning out, zee tum is flattening, and most importantly, my boobs are no longer a ginormous F cup. Although (and I'm not joking), this is what my breasts look like naked;

Quick trip to Thailand will sort that out. 

For six months out, despite the odd body-bashing day (oh to be a man!) I'm feeling really good. I certainly never expected to be this size by 6 months again, so once again, I feel extremely grateful for genetics & breastfeeding. 

Feeding from the teet, is still going really, really well. I absolutely love nursing. Even though Oscar claws, slaps, and punches me the entire time, it is still so special. Not to mention, convenient, and of course- incredibly nourishing for the wee sprog. Im still unsure how long we will keep it up, I guess until he self-weans or I run out, although if he is still suckling come the end of Feb, I will have to wean him before I jet off to Bali. By then, he would be 1 week shy of a year, so I'll be over the moon if we can last the distance. 

On the food front- I haven't quite got back on the super healthy bandwagon as planned. A few months back, I was a lean green eating machine- and after around 3 weeks of that nonsense, I got over it. I do have a plan of attack for 6 months out from the wedding (end of Dec, convenient NY reso timing), but for now, feeding just makes me way too ravenous. I've penned a proper plan for the 6 months & 3 months out wedding dates, and I do hope to go full tit by then. Thank goodness my dress is being made though, as it has to be taken in pretty much each month I go for a fitting. Which is all part of the process I guess. For now, I'll no doubt continue to be semi slack with my diet, and I'm cool with that- I'll just avoid changing rooms for a wee while. 

As for exercise, I'm always pretty consistent there. However, re joining a gym was the best move I've made in quite some time. It had been nearly 8 months, and I didn't even realise how much I had missed a good weights workout. Bikram is still bloody good don't get me wrong, but I definitely needed some variety. The new joint has a pool, tennis courts (that I won't use), a Creche & a bar. Just incase I want a beer post workout. How's that for flash? My darling friend recently mailed me the "Kayla Itsines" workout plan too (Instagram fitness guru), so I've been trialling a few of her routines & am considering giving her 12 week plan a proper crack soon. I'll try to keep going to at least one Bikram class a week though, as already my muscles are tight as hell after such a short amount of time. The convenience of going to the gym at anytime, for any length of time is amazing- I had forgotten how to workout in 40 minutes, rather than the 90 long Bikram minutes. Extra time with Oli is always precious! Bonuses galore. Hopefully come the 1 year postpartum mark, I'll have that highly sought after 6-pack I've been banging on about...

All in all, I'm ever-so-slowly getting there. Being a female, I doubt I'll ever be 100% happy, but seeing small changes is always a good thing. 

(These posts are so "me me me", I feel like a bit of a dick going on about my health so much, it's likely you really don't care. So I apologise for that. It's more of a public record for myself to look back on for progress) 

Anyway, I've been scoffing some delicious food of late, so I'll be putting together a few recipes next,

Hope everyone had a rad weekend- 


Thought of the day "Big Brother, why on earth must you play so late? Trashy telly is diminishing my sleep" 

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Week in Pics (+ wedding blurb)

Hi folks! Happy hump day! Here's what's been happening in my world as of late;

"What we do in the shadows"

Abbey and I went to see this NZ flick last night, and it is SUCH a goody. Go forth and see it fellow kiwis, Taika Waititi is a genius. 

Potty training progress, check out those 'wee wee' stickers, fuck yeah Blake! 

New gym= new workouts. Check out my chicken scrawl, I blame technology. 

Homemade fish n chips, + beans for feeling better about ourselves. So good. 

Block photos are zee purrrfect gift 

Iceberg lettuce, carrot, toms, roast chicken, jalapeños (obsessed), capsicum, a truckload of hummus = a happy belly.

On Father's Day Oli let me sleep in. Isn't he dreamy? So stoked he picked me! 

GE malfunctions 

My darl

My darls 

Amber Sceats nails it again 

Accom booked for our Feb gals trip to Lembongan! Bungalows right on the beach with an outdoor crapper & shower is stupendously exciting. A week without the kids is terrifying and exhilarating all at once. A few beers down and I'll blubber like a baby, and then I'll sleep in and realise it ain't half bad.

I feel like this wedding is sneaking up on us at a rapid rate. Only 8 months to go and it feels like we've put a big enough dent in the "to do's" thus far. We've sorted all the outfits, and my dress is underway (I have a fitting on Saturday, weeee!), we are sorting our rings this weekend, the venue food & drinks are sorted, flowers booked, photographer booked, hair & make up trial in feb, invites all sent / received, and we are working on the music slowly. We still need to find a non religious celebrant, get married in Perth prior (it can't be official in Bali unless you're religious), I desperately need shoes, and a 6 pack, wedding favours, accommodation, cake, post wedding pool party, speeches, vows, jewellery, flights, nannies & the entire fit out of the big day. Here I was thinking I'm a "go with the flow" kinda gal, just totally relaxed about the entire affair. Yeah, well, nah. Strong opinions galore. All the important things are sorted though, I just somehow need to look like this in 8 months and we'll be A ok;

No biggy right?




Thought of the day "I seriously don't know why I clean up when we have a toddler as a housemate" 

Monday, 8 September 2014


Pinterest always best describes how I feel;

Easier said than done 

Except on Instagram, it has to be perfect then. 

Im not sure why this picture is surrounded by bananas but I totally agree, the mind is your most powerful tool after all! 

Becoming a Tabak, moving home, watching our cherubs grow.. Tis all very exciting 

Bull rush and tree huts and dancing and hairbrushes as microphones and radios and fresh air and gibberish.

Always good in theory 

Time is a fucking ninja, that's why. 

Sunshine & sea breezes 

Why must you sex everything up imagination?

It really is neat.

See previous post

Every bloody time 

I like to think I'm fierce, and a little crazy, but mostly I just like this extract.

10. Have more sex.

Thank god somebody said it, time to put my feet up.

Movie date this evening, catch you suckers later! (Love you)

I should be using Pinterest for wedding ideas, but procrastination always prevails. 

Hope you're all having an alright Tuesday, just think, tomorrow's Wednesday, and that pretty much means it's Saturday! The logic is in there somewhere. 

Sayonara amigos,

Thought of the day "yeah so I thought my body hurt yesterday... I'm paraplegic today"
