Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Breast is Best (so suck it up)

If you hadn't noticed, I'm a tad passionate about the business of birth & all things associated with it. Including breastfeeding. Breastfeeding to me, is a no brainer, they are there for a reason (not to impress hormonal teenagers) so why do so many Mums not use them?

Before we start, let it be known that this post isn't going to be a debate about Breast vs Bottle. I'm not going to babble on about how yes, Breast is Best, but some women obviously can't do it, for many reasons. Blah blah blah.

This is going to be about why Breast is Best, because it is, and how women just aren't trying hard enough to do it. There's no niceties here, no "oh boohoo, it was just too hard". Just the facts. And the fact is, statistically, only around 50% of women in the western world choose to breast feed their babies.

50 fucking percent. Within that 50% of those who don't/ can't, around 20% arrive at the hospital to give birth, with bottles & formula in their bags. (!!!!!!!!!) This is largely in America (surprise, surprise), but is become increasingly common in Australia & New Zealand as well. 

If you fall within that 20% of women who do not even try, my question to you is, why? Is your freedom really more important to you than giving your newborn child the best start? If so, you probably should have worn a condom 9 months back. You doushe bag. 

Before I piss too many people off, I know for some, it is actually not possible. Milk supply was too little after a c-section is a common one, having to go straight back to work is another, and they're both valid, but the one that really grinds my gears is, "it was just too hard". I've had to grit my teeth on many occasions after hearing this flimsy line. It's not too hard, you gave up too easily (is what I am screaming inside my dome). And what's often worse with women like this, is that they assume that for all the Mamas who do feed, it's because it came easily to them. Personally, I didn't think mastitis x 2 + cracked bleeding & raw nipples was easy, that didn't "come naturally" to me. It took perseverance, and it took hours of uncomfortable and often excruciating pain, it took practise, and it took patience. But we got there, for both of my babes, we got there. 

Here are the cold, hard facts on Breast vs Bottle;


  • It's always available.
  • It's free.
  • It contains active infection-fighting white blood cells and natural chemicals that give increased protection against infections in the first months, when these can be the most serious.
  • It can help prevent SIDS
  • It contains the perfect proportion of nutrients that your baby needs, including protein, carbohydrates, fat, and calcium.
  • It is easily digestible.
  • It may protect against allergies & asthma in the future.
  • It may decrease a baby's risk of obesity in the future.
  • It may contain some fatty acids that promote brain development.
  • Breastfeeding can help new mothers lose weight more easily.


  • It means you can sleep more
  • You get to drink 
That's it. Nutritionally, it doesn't compare to breast milk. Financially, it costs a fortune. It takes up a lot more time to prepare, heat & clean the bottles. And it stinks. Like mouldy ass. 

There is no comparison. If you aren't convinced to give breastfeeding a proper go yet, then check out these pics of some gorgeous mammals nursing and you may be swayed; 

Yes, that is a dolphin nursing her young. Does that not kill you? If all of these mammals do it then something's gotta be working right? 

In summary, all of you mammas to be out there, suck it up (pun totally intended), and give your babe the best start to life.

Happy hump day for all of you who still like me after this post,

Thought of the day "this gave me giggles for an embarrassing length of time;


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