Thursday, 25 September 2014

Week in Pics

Hey folks, how are you all going?

I've been feeling creatively uninspired this week, hence the lack of posts.
Fellow mummas, do you think it is ok to sometimes feel like motherhood just isn't really for you? I feel horribly guilty for even thinking such selfish thoughts let alone writing them out, alas, two years of soooo much giving & not a whole lot of taking is really taking it's toll. Sure, you get the unconditional love of your kids in return, rahhh deee rahhh, and that is wonderful, but sometimes, I just want to pee alone. I would also love to, for just one day, only worry about feeding myself, and moreover, enjoy my food rather than stuffing it in at the speed of light in order to get to a crying baby. I just want to leave the house without it being a half an hr ordeal that is short lived anyway due to a certain temperamental little boy. God, I just want to sleep. Uninterrupted, silent, blissful, slumber. Does that make me a total dick? Maybe so, but I am a dick who is in desperate need of a holiday. (4.5 more months, 4.5 more months)

On a positive note, the big old fiery beast that is the sun has decided that summer will come early this year. Mid twenty degree days bring a smile to my dial, and I think Blake and I may just take our first dip in the ocean this afternoon. Spring is definitely Perth's prime time to enjoy mother natures creations before it gets too hot.. 

Oh, that's right, this was meant to be our week in pics not me babbling on. Without further ado;

Noah and Mikaela at his big fourth birthday bash on Saturday

And Blake crashed out afterwards....

8 months! Yikes.

Sussing out the ladies at lollipops 

A random delicious mess of a lunch involving baked kumara, hummus, jalapeƱos (of course), avocado & capsicum 

These sunnies!!! (Please Oli?)

Afternoon snuggles 

Glassy lakes & swans make for a delightful arv stroll 

Miss independent taking the lead 

It's 7:48am and I'm on my second hit already 

Tupac Tabak 

Aiiiiight, I better go welcome the day with open arms. Thank fark for Friday eh? 

Happy weekend friends,


Thought of the day "long weekend!!!" 

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