I dug up this treasure yesterday;
And I was immediately flooded with memories of B, bopping along all baby-like, as if it were yesterday. Except it is well over a year ago now. How? What? When?
Upon recently re reading my last post on Blakes progress at 20 months, she has come along in massive leaps and bounds. In just four months, it's as if she has shed every last scrap left of baby skin, and she is all girl. Her vocab has been blown out of the park, & I can basically point at anything, anywhere and she will tell me what it is. Although, hearing her versions of words, in her teeny tiny toddlers voice, with missing letters & mispronounciation, is quite possibly the sweetest thing I've ever heard. After going to the zoo this week, "toitles" (turtles) is my new fave. And after Kathys visit, she now calls Oli "Oooli", he is less than impressed.
Blake is quite possibly, the happiest sprog in all the land. She wakes up singing 'twinkle twinkle', and goes down singing 'twinkle twinkle'. Tears & tantrums are few & far between, and I'm still awaiting these 'terrible twos' to truly kick in. If Blake were one of those "little miss" cartoons, she would definitely be "little miss independent". While some babes scratch and claw at thier mums legs if it looks like they're leaving their sight, Blake will be saying "byeeee mummy" as soon as she hears the jingle of my keys. Not phased in the slightest. Runner up in the "little miss", would be "little miss sociable". The way in which she makes complete strangers feel awkward out in public, has me holding back my snorts of laughter almost every time we go out. "Hiiiiiiiiii" waving hysterically & grinning like mad at this big high-vis'd out tradie behind us the other day at Woolies. And you all know how awkward mid-twenty year old 'blokes' can be around kids? They look around awkwardly, and then meekly wave back, or else pretend they can't see the vibrant toddler waving maniacally in thier face. (Tears streaming down my face). It breaks my heart to think of her innocence and how she'll soon realise not all humans are quite as nice as she thinks they are. Alas, for now, her outlook on life is admirable. Now that B is two, we are going to give toilet training a proper crack. (Excuse the pun). She knows exactly what "wee wee's" and "stinkies" are so I feel like she is well and truly ready. The question is, how will our carpet cope? Oh joy! We've introduced the potty a few months back, and she's used it a few times, but we are now ready to take away her nappies completely (not incl nights). I'll be sure to let you know how she goes, but something tells me this smart cookie will be an undie-wearing superstar come October. Another thing worth mentioning is how fast her mop is growing!! Her ponytail is sprouting by the second it seems. One of my daily struggles is fighting the urge to give her a bowl-cut, and trying to pin her locks up and out of her eyes. Also, very cute.
Singing, walks in the pram, the park, the beach, watermelon, all 3 Toy Stories, pigs, Lego, drawing, aeroplanes, being outside in general, her warts warts (water), bath time, ducks, butterflies (fwutterflies), snuggles on the couch, dancing, Noah (Mikaylas boy), hot chippies, lollipops playland, flowers, beans, broccoli, puzzles, any visitors, clapping (or applause for her), crackers, and Oscar. Or "Ohhcarr"
Not being able to get the puzzle pieces in place, feeding herself, the water being drained while she's still in the bath, leaving the park or lollipops, being read too (kills me!), food that is too "hawwwt", going to bed at an inconvenient time for her, tuna (was worth a shot), sharing, accidentally weeing on the floor (I'm with her on that one), getting her nails trimmed, Oscar when he is upset, and not because he is sad, but because his cry is annoying "shudddup Ohcar". (I was scraping the barrel to compile her list of dislikes, they're pretty dismal aren't they?)
Blake has been in her big girls bed for around 3 months now. She transitioned really well & surprisingly, doesn't get out of it once she's in. (She tried it once or twice but quickly learnt running around in a dark room is not that fun). The standard 12 hour nights, 7-7, are the norm, although lately she's been waking once a night just crying hysterically. Not sure whether it's nightmares or teething but she's not even awake when I go in, all it requires is a quick kiss and she's back off. Which is rather frustrating, but I'm sure this phase will pass much like all the rest.
Nap times are variable. Most days she'll still have a 1-2 hour midday nap, however, she's prone to completely skipping these at least 1 or 2 days a week. Luckily, she's a dream child and doesn't get cranky without them, which is great as it means we can venture out a bit more and what not. (Midday naps are horribly inconvenient timing). All in all, a brilliant sleeper, has been since birth, so let's just hope Ohcarr follows in her steps!
Foods been a funny one for a few months now. She still refuses to eat out of a bowl herself, being spoon-fed is just far too fun for our queen B.
This is a fresh snap from this morning, defiantly refusing to feed herself weetbix. Imagine a gritted teeth expression on my face (I refuse to use emojis on this blog for many reasons that I won't go into). She will feed herself snacks & finger food, but most of the time we are forcing her food down her gob. She's just not hungry. I wish her attitude towards food rubbed off on me actually. Being the typical parents that we are, we worry, and stress out about her lack of appetite, but at the end of the day, she's happy & she sleeps so therefore she must be getting enough. (I say this as I'm currently pulling apart sandwiches & shoving them in her mouth)
That's our Blake, in a huge nutshell for you. That's actually one heck of a nutshell, I've still got Oscar to go... Yikes.
Oh Oscar, you delightful little tub of lard. Look at him would you? Just look at him...
This strapping young man is absolutely amazing. After our very rough start, he has blossomed into such a delightful baby. He always has this ridiculous grin smeared across his face, and his laughter is infectious. Rolling has just started & I'm fairly certain he'll be sitting up very shortly. He loves to grab anything (mainly boobs or hair), and his absolute favourite activity is to just sit on his beanbag and watch his sister sprint around. His chubby drumstick thighs are edible, and his big blue peepers are such show stoppers!
Sleep, Blake, bananas, weetbix, boob, rattles, being thrown up in the air, tummy time, warmth, baths, TV, raspberries (the mouth on belly kind), tickles
Being left alone for longer than 5 seconds, the brief moment between the bath & his cosy towel, sleeping anywhere but bed, the cold, getting dressed, tummy time that's gone on too long, being hangry
I've never seen / heard of a 6 month old baby who sleeps like this kid does. He usually does 5:30-5:30 each night (praise baby Jesus), and he naps for 1-3 hours four times each day. Four freaking times? I think the total number of hours he is awake in a 24 hour period is something absurd like 5 or 6 hours. Such a snoozaholic! I actually said to Kathy last week that I was slightly concerned about how much he sleeps, to which she responded ' do you know how many mothers out there would want to slap you right in the face for saying that'. Touché.
You've seen the pics, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Oscar digs his food. Big time. He is still fully breastfed (sucking the life right out of me), but he now also has 2-3 solid meals a day. His favourite is banana, it's either his favourite or just the easiest for me to prepare. Either way, he eats at least 2 bananas a day. And I'm now introducing avocado, potato, and other fruits too. He has weetbix in the morning with Blake and gulps it back no worries. I feel like I could throw him a lamb shank and he'd work out how to get it down his gob. So we have zero concerns in the food department, something tells me he won't be a fussy boy...
All in all, Oscar is a remarkable little / big being, and watching him start to take in the world is really really cool.
Do you think he might read this in 10 years and be like, "Mum, it's pretty clear you favoured Blake at that point as she got at least 3 times the amount of words in her write up". I'll just have to tell him, "sweetheart, you were just a baby, and everyone knows how boring babies are!"
It's true, they really don't do a lot except look incredibly cute. Hopefully he takes it ok.
In conclusion, Oli and I are pretty chuffed to have produced two gorgeous kids, both content & happy, flourishing brilliantly, and they seem just as happy to have us as we are to have them.
Corny happy families all around, except for that Blake is currently bawling as I won't give her my chocolate. Better scoot,
Happy Friday folks, enjoy your weekend won't you!
Thought of the day "one lazy weekend, coming right up"
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