Sunday, 8 November 2015

Relationship rollercoasters

You know what? Life is really fucking hard. 

Despite social media insisting it is nothing but a light stroll through a particularly pretty park on a warm summers day (mine included), it is actually really fucking hard. 

What I seem to be struggling with mostly, as a sprightly 26 year old, is my relationships. Finding balance, and compromising, accepting others and making a concerted effort to be a kinder human, can often be draining. There seems to be a lot of energy exasperated, with little return a lot of the time.

This is where someone would likely pipe in with "let that shit go, cut off anyone or anything that doesn't do you better". What a crock of shit. Life isn't about cutting ties with people based on your assumption that they're bringing you down. Life is about evolving, understanding, growing more patience, building, making sacrifices and learning about yourself by your relationships with others. 

That's not to say that if there's some total dickhead lingering around that does nothing but hover overhead like a black cloud, to keep them on and persevere. Without being captain obvious, there's some relationships that are quite obviously doomed from the beginning. But I'm continuing to find, that even relationships that are bound by the stars, still require a huge amount of effort, time and energy. 

Take my most precious relationship for example- Oli and I. After nearly a decade since our relationship first began, I'm finding that as we grow, and as we change, this relationship needs a lot of maintenance. I don't say that like its a horrible chore that weighs heavily on my shoulders (but let's be fair sometimes it's like climbing a mountain with 100kilos of frustration on your back), it's just something that I feel needs to be discussed more often. How can we improve our communication? How can we find the balance between work, our little dumplings, hobbies, sex, 'us' time and of course, time to ourselves. How can we keep the flame burning this year?
(Yee old flame burners a tough one post children I tell ya!). How can we improve as parents together, and seperately? I don't have the answer to any of the above incase you had thought I might bust out some stellar words of wisdom. I would like to know the answers too though if anyone is willing to offer?

Is adulthood really going to be this exhausting forever? Will I ever stop whining? 

So many questions left unanswered today. 

In the meantime, I think I'm going to take some time to think about myself more than others. Dig deep and see what's benefiting me and what's not at the moment. Maybe I'll find some answers buried in there? Who knows.

Have a very merry day friends,


Thought of the day "I am so sick of seeing the word "salty" everywhere"

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Hello I'm Gemma, and I am a real life adult.

Oh well hello there!

How the heck are ya?

She's bucketing down out there today so for the last twenty mins or so I've been umming and ahhing between writing this blog, or doing an at home workout. So here I am, scoffing almonds, weighing up pros and cons in my big old mess of a head. "The kids are asleep now so it's my only opportunity to get sweaty" - lean green Gemma machine argues. "You haven't written anything of any substance  in weeks woman, get your thumb to that screen!" counter argues the devilish procrastinator Gemma. Just fucking stop standing in the kitchen and do something before the bloody kids wake up- that's all ten Gemma's coming together right there. 

So here I am. 

(I also just had lunch, so jump squats and push ups sound like a recipe for a good old vom right about now)

Looking back on my past blogs and how many I used to fire out there is slightly bewildering now. That shit was consistent. Alas, a lot has changed since then and yee old blogging has taken a major backseat on the bus of life. In the last few weeks, besides the actual move home (I still have nightmares about packing boxes opening up and swallowing me whole by the way), we've been preoccupied with finding our house, finding work, finding furniture, kindy drops off and pick ups, organising Olis new business, trying to squeeze in shitloads of mum activities (the mount is a hub for mothers by the way, this place freaking rules), oh and just trying to cook clean and exercise occasionally too (failing miserable at at least 2/3 of those per day at the mo). Despite everything happening all at once, it is all coming together really blimmin well...

Number one news item for the week; I am employed! I managed to land a part time gig at a uber cool place called "Woods Creative" downtown the Mount, and I am thrilled beyond belief to be fair. It is a branding/ marketing firm that has staff made up of writers, graphic designers, website developers etc. I mean, there's a table tennis table in the middle of their office and they shoot up the mount on their lunch breaks. COME ON. It is literally the purrrfect environment for me, which I think is so detrimental in any place of work. You gotta fit in, you know? My role will be general office work, but even just being amongst that kind of awesomeness on a small scale is going to leave me unnaturally happy. "Oh you want me to type that up? Absolutely!! Not a problemo!!" (Said with the cheesiest smile that borderlines creepy and leaves them telling all the other staff how weird the new girl is). But I don't care!! Because for a few hours each day I am no longer Muuuummmmmmyyyyy, I'm Gemma or Gem or G Dog or whatever those new best buds of mine want to call me in the office.

So that's a spot of excitement! And whilst all that has been happening, we are also working on starting Olis electrical company, which turns out- involves a lot of admin. A lot. However, it is also, a very exciting venture that we are both eager to get underway whilst the economy is running hot. Finding an available sparky here at the mo is like striking gold, so something tells me it is going to be a rather busy year ahead for the both of us! (This can also act as a plug, so if anyone knows of or needs any work done in the Bay, be sure to holla!)

In other news, I'm currently slurping back my first real LB in weeks;

It tastes like I've been pashing Liam  Hemsworth (that ones for you Abbey you creep) aka unnaturally delicious. I've been on the dirty old instant mocconas recently, and let me tell you, the moment we move into the new place, before we set up beds, plug in the fridge or anything else that is less important than caffeine, we will be busting out the coffee machine. 

Move in date is in 3 weeks time, and in those 3 weeks I'll no doubt collect at least 15 more unnecessary items for the place. Olis all like "stop buying shit Gemma" and I'm all like "Oli, how do you think we would have felt if we hadn't bought the old radio/ record table that looks incredibly bad ass" the answer is fucking terrible. That's how we would have felt. (He actually was all for the bad ass record player but not so much the new bedding for all 3 bedrooms- spoil sport).

But check this little beaut- it is so friggen sweet;

So if you need to find me, I'll be lurking about at every second hand store you can think of for at least another year. 

Oh and here is the mandatory snaps of the kids that simply cannot be missed purely because they are absolute gold;

Last weekend Blake went trick or treating as a vampire and we were in stitches at how well a 3 year old pulled this look off

Oscar rocking mums wig almost sent me over the edge also- Christian school teacher dressed as a toddler

One sunny Sunday 

Mr whippy always hits the spot 

Alrighty, well I think I've over verbalised enough for one day. To wrap it all up, today is one of those days where I feel like I just may have my shit together. Where I might even pass as a real life adult. Then again, tomorrow's a new day and if it's anything like yesterday, I may just make eggs for breakfast lunch & dinner and have Shrek on replay. At least motherhood is exciting right? You wake up and really never know what the day will bring. (Please bring well behaved children who eat all of their food and play nicely together and pick up their toys when they're done tomorrow)

Oh well would you look at that, 4:59pm, it's happy hour, catch ya later loves,


Thought of the day "is it really November? What the actual faaaark!"

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


Why hello,

How are we all going? 

It feels like I should explain my absence as a kick starter- and then I feel as though I shouldn't need to explain anything as this is my space and I can come here to write whenever I like. And then I think that sounds self absorbed and defensive. Followed by more over-thinking, and so on and so on... 

You see...

When I first started writing my blog I was fearless with my words, and sadly, I feel like my courage may be somewhat clouded now. Certainly filtered at least. But by what? And why? (You may ask). I don't really know the answer to either to be honest. Possibly by the constant pressure of society, or the knowledge of just how many people I know who read this- or maybe it's just been a tiresome time and I'm not feeling so sprightly in general. It could be one, or all of the above, but the fact is, I just haven't felt inspired lately. 

Alas, here I am, (insert toe tap and corny smile), so maybe my mojo is making a comeback! 

The last couple of months have been incredibly hectic, and therefore incredibly tiring. I am so inexplicably tired. And yet, here I am at 10:45pm, on my blower, burning my irises for a change. (Who actually remembers life before smartphones? What the fuck did we do with all of that time?). 

This is good. Writing again, it feels good. I feel like maybe this is where I should begin to tell a few tales,

Then again, this could just be a warm up and the tales can come in due time.

In other words, I really should sleep. 

Oh, but I will fill you in on one rather significant life event so I don't leave you with nada;

We bought a house! She's a little beaut too. We move in at the end of Nov and I am bloody beside myself about painting and decorating and the endless goodies from Kmart I can buy to sex the place up. 

So if anyone has any hot diy'ing tips, feel free to shoot them my way,

Adios friends, sleep tight 


Thought of the day "after just google thesaurus'ing 'Alas', I am shocked to discover its definition is unfortunately!! And here I was, using it as a standard interjection on a daily basis. Whoopsie! So my above alas, is totally defunct- however, I can now use my fresh knowledge to drop that 'alas' down where it belongs from here on out" 

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Smiles for Miles

Oh well hello there...

For those of you that are still reading, and have managed to persist through my constant moaning for the last 3 months- bravo and thank-you for sticking around. The good news is that I didn't slit my wrists after my last post- infact, I'm still alive and kicking and feeling (drumroll please...) fucking fantastic! Wanna know why? 


Because my most favourite human being, my partner in crime, my extra set of hands, my sanity saving knight in shining armour, my love, big poppa (he loves it when I call him that) is home in 6 sleeps.



He finally responded to my cries for help, "SOS OLI, S O FUCKING S!!!" & voila, two absurdly overpriced airfares later, and Oct 5th was locked and loaded for landing. 

As soon as my finger clicked the 'confirm payment' option, I felt immediately flooded with relief. We had a date. The end is nigh. I won't be committing murder suicide after all. My sick jokes will come to an end. (or will they). 

Despite feeling like I've aged 3 years in 3 months, I'm pretty bloody impressed that we lasted as long as we did. Two toddlers tugging at your leg all day (and night) demanding a lot and not giving much back in return, was seriously draining. And on Olis end, going from three excited faces to come home to every evening, to no excited faces (and having to cook his own meals and do his own washing I'm sure) was equally horrific. Alas that little shining light is getting brighter by the day now, and before we know it, I'll be at the airport (an hour early) grinning until my gums completely dry out, and sprinting maniacally towards Oli like I am an extra in the movie "love actually". 
I just want to touch him. And sniff him. Yes lots of sniffing. Just to make sure he is really there. I want to watch the kids reaction when he strolls through the door. And proceed to watch them play together whilst I carefully, and tactfully, back slowly away and into the bedroom, whereupon I collapse onto the bed and sleep for an entire day and night.

Yes, that plan sounds brilliant.

Speaking of sleep; it is 8:37, 7 minutes past my bedtime. Tragic you might say? More like crucial to quality of life. 

See ya later suckers,


Thought of the day "it is really, really unfair that at the end of each day of slavery, I still have to do the goddamned dishes" 

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Day 55

Lets dive straight into the nitty gritty this arv, and blurt all the shitty, negative feelings right out. Because once they're out, I can look back and realise we made it out alive from what was a giant black hole of a situation...

Anger, stress, despair, and frustration are my four main vices at the mo. I wake up in the morning and I'm all like oh hey Frustration, can't wait to spend another day with you. Watup Stress, felt like we even slept together last night. Anger- my main man, looking forward to those yelling matches again today! Despair usually pops in after hours when the kids are snoozing and I slump onto the couch, grateful that I made it, and fearful for another day to come. 

Today was no different. The rainbow of emotions shone high in the sky all day, and as Blake and Oscar yelled and screamed, snatched and pulled, nagged and cried, my voice continued to rise until my throat was hoarse and my heart heavy. Each night, I tell myself tomorrow I will be more patient with them. I will be a better mother. No doubt about it. And each day, I let them and myself down.

As I slump down defeated on the couch each evening, I start to think about single mothers, and I wonder how the fuck they do it? And how can I personally deliver them medals? And then I think about ways to combat my negative energy. And then I think I should probably sleep. And then I think about Oli thousands of kilometres away, and then Despair shows up again. 

You see, we always knew it wouldn't be easy to be apart. That was never debated. However I think we were completely naive as to just how hard it would actually be. I mean there's hard, and then there is hard. And then there is tear my eyeballs from my sockets before I wake up tomorrow hard. We are at the eyeballs point (incase that wasn't clear). 

I miss being a family. And I miss sleeping through the night. I miss feeling sane and I miss enjoying my time with our kids. And saying I miss Oli is barely scratching the surface as to how I really feel. Miss? Just miss? I would saw off my arm with a blunt knife to be couchside with him right now. 

(I wouldn't really but you get my drift) 

It all sounds so melodramatic when I write it out like I have today. Maybe it is melodramatic. But when I feel like I am suffocating, when I am sweating profusely, when I am shaking with anger, I know that these feelings are real. And that this is the hardest endeavour we will ever undertake. Funnily, I am finding it much easier to write about my feelings than I do to talk about them. Poor Oli is the only living soul to bear the brunt of my colourful and communicative mind. Maybe that's another contributing factor to my misery- no Oli to vent to nightly. (He is probably thinking thank faaaaark I get a break from that woman's relentless verbal diarrhoea). 

I dunno... maybe I just need to suck it up. Or maybe Oli needs to come home and make me giggle like a teenager again. Maybe money isn't as important as we initially thought. What if none of this is worth it? I feel as though I am living in one big grey area, brimming with doubts and what ifs, uncertainties and fears.

Well, I can tell you one thing for sure folks; I'm fucken over it all this week.

So here's to wine glasses as big as my head, and luxurious bathtubs, and a fresh book to live vicariously through. And here's to the bags under my eyes for reminding me I'm not just dreaming about being a walking zombie- I look like one too.



Thought of the day; "breathe in, breathe out"

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Week in Pics

She's been a while folks! Here's what's been happening as of late;

Bare bums and blackboard play dates with Willow & Aimee

Gal pal reunions 

I've only been searching for a packet of knuckle bones since 2010- cheers New World, it's time to relive 1999


Moody, misty mountaineering 

Making a break for the park 

Spring has sprung 

Cuppa break 

The BEST breakfast I've ever devoured (massive call), at George cafe. Poachies with sunflower sprouts and pepitas, feta and avo chunks on ciabatta

Zee purrrfect afternoon 

Happy weekend'ing friends, put your feet up!


Thought of the day "is it happy hour yet?"

Monday, 7 September 2015

Blake is 3!

Every year September races around in the blink of an eye, and every year it creeps up on me and blindsides me when I least expect it...

Blake is 3 years old. That's 36 months in mother speak. 

How? What? When? Where? Why? (I don't usually ask myself why unless we've had a particularly rough day of whining + tantrums). 

Somehow, over the course of those 36 months, she has managed to morph into a fully grown, functional, and feisty little human being.

From her beginnings as a teeny little porcelain doll, into her plump totty teething years involving a lot of highs and lows, and now a big toilet trained, independent and vibrant little girl. Girl being the key word. 

Sparkles and nail polish and dolls and hairbrushes and dresses and frozen and 'hairplips' for miles! 

This little slice of paradise is full of beans, and will gladly tell you exactly what it is she wants (no idea where that trait came from). She is outrageously sociable (lord help us in ten years time), knee-slappingly hilarious, empathetic, demanding, and three years on- still a total dead ringer for her dad. 

Gosh I just outright adore this girl. Seriously. I could gush about her brilliance all day, alas, I'll list some of her favourite things instead;

So, currently trending on Blakes radar;

Her black dress, her sparkle shoes, rice, blueberries, chocolate milk, frozen (when will the madness end), doing everything herself (fav quote; "no I'll do it!!!"), dancing, hairplips, getting mani/ pedis, annoying Oscar, watching Cat in the Hat, and skipping her daytime sleep.

To celebrate our little big gals day, we threw a picnic in the park for her and her mates. Here's a few snaps of what was an epic afternoon;

Double decker banana marshmallow ferrero rocher masterpiece 

Blake in her princess dress (obviously)

Aimee's back yahooooo!!

Now that Blake is 3 she has officially started kindy this week, which means twenty sweet sweet hours of single child parenting (timed impeccably with said child's sleep routine). Which means I may have some more time up my sleeve to write again (or daytime nap). 
I'm going to go ahead and tell you honestly how I feel about this solo parenting two toddlers business... It is completely fucked. I've never been so frantically busy in my entire life. Every single moment is occupied, there's no after hours, there's no down time, and with Oscar still awaking once in the middle of the night- there's still no proper sleep. So ah yeah, if someone wants to shout me a ticket back to Bali whilst looking after the children for a week right about now.... That could really help me get a hold of my mentality again. 

As I've said time and time before;

These two are SO lucky they're expenentially, phenomenally cute.

I hope you guys are feeling sprightly this week!

Au Revoir,


Thought of the day; currently trending for breakfast lunch & dinner around here;

Avo feta lime coriander chilli smash on toasted Turkish bread- ah bloody mazing.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Day 40

Aloha long lost loves!

Excuse my ignorance....(I tend to recycle this line on a daily basis at the moment), alas life has been bloody mental for the last few weeks. 

A quick reflection;

- Moved out of home and simultaneously verged having a mental breakdown. Check.

- Oscar began his nightly newborn regime in which he would arise every 3-4 hours. Check.

- I am still delving further into a deep mourning for my absent husband. Check.

- We bombard Abbeys tranquil space with tears & tantrums, interrupted sleep, invasion of space, poo, and an abundance of toys... However, her and I watch the sunset on her deck every evening drinking beers & sharing sick jokes.

- We say sayonara to our magnificent friends and life in Perth

- We tackle the horrific trip home which includes; making our first flight with mere minutes to spare, momentarily 'misplacing' our passports on the pram which has been put on the aeroplane, retrieving said passports, loads of airport cardio, not one ounce of sleep for any party over the course of the next 8 hours, and Stirling booking in his vasectomy.

(He is most definitely scarred for life)


- Oscar continues to relish in his newborn sleep regime, and I continue to long for my love. Check.

- Mountain climbing keeps my daily diet of pies, mallowpuffs and beer semi balanced

- I take Oscar to the top for the first & last time.

- Meeting up with old friends and making new friends is my new full time occupation

- Our current residence is pretty freaking spectacular ^^^

And besides that, we are just trying to adjust to the new surroundings, relish in all of the incredible people about, and try not to cry too much over our absent family member. It's been 6 weeks now and our goal initially was to do 18 weeks. One third of the way through. If we can do it, then fantastic, it would be a huge financial win. If we can't, then fantastic, because we would have done what we could. I'm not going to lie, it's been a fucking nightmare moving countries without Oli. But as suspected, ever since being home, things have gradually become much easier (for us that is, Olis despair doesn't want to dwindle when he can't see those two ratbags on anything but a tiny screen). Oscar even slept through last night which was a miracle after a torturous month of broken slumber. Things are on the up! 

In other news, Blake is three next week which means she gets to start kindy! Hallelujah. Seriously, halle bloody lujah. She needs it, Oscar needs it, I need it, we all need it. Thank goodness for government funded childcare, NZ knows what's up. First things first though, a big party/ picnic in the park to celebrate. Potluck obviously. Because I'm not a sucker for punishment. 

I'll be back again soon no diggity,

Hope you are all happy and healthy folks,


Thought of the day 


Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Day 10

Hello double digits.

Hello extremely fragile emotional state.

Hello heavy heart.

Hello homestretch.

Hello how the fuck am I going to possibly manage another 100+ days without Oli aka Paps.

She's been a long week folks, a bloody marathon of a week infact. I totally underestimated the sheer amount of energy one needs to entertain and care for two, very active, toddlers. It feels as though I could lay down, and hibernate, for the rest of winter. Tired is an understatement. Exhausted is an understatement. There is no statement that will suffice for just how shattered this old mother hen is. And we haven't even officially moved out yet, the real fun begins tomorrow/ Friday when we officially evacuate the premises. Insert grimace. Thankfully, friends are fabulous things, and Abbey is coming over to help out for those two days before we head to her place to cause chaos for 5 days before we board that bird. What a legend/ I don't think she realises what she is in for. 

So today marks our final week in Perth, and to be frank, our departure could not come soon enough. We are so ready for that family support that other families gush about, actually we were ready 2 years ago, alas we will gladly make up for that over the coming weeks. First on the agenda when we arrive to the glorious Mount Maung? Sleep. Eat. Sleep some more. And then take an afternoon nap. 

But first, we must survive the plane trip. We won't be doing it alone this time though (THANK FARK!). We roped our great mate Stirling into coming back on the same flight as he was planning an NZ trip that same week anyway. Little does he know that I'm palming Oscar off onto him at check in and yelling NO BACKS whilst running off with Blake to board. Sucker. 

I'll round this up with a family snap I got the other day;

Yup, that's life at the moment.


Thought of the day "whine whine whine whine wine wine wine wine"

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Day 4

Three lonely, albeit spacious, sleeps into this long distance love journey, and we are still alive & kicking (mostly O kicking me in the face). Oscar is officially the proud owner of three ginormous molars, and mercifully, it doesn't look like the fourth wants to show up anytime soon. Therefore we are back to sleeping in sync, and in turn, feeling slightly more sane. Just slightly. 

FaceTime is our saviour, and seeing Dad on the little screen guarantees a couple of big toothy grins from the tykes. Alas, it is SO not the same. After his 10 hour work day, and by the time we actually get to call, we are both shattered and lacking in any enthusiasm. There's no comforting cuddles, no cheeky smiles shared from across the room, and not a single chance of a sneaky smooch. I miss the sneaky smooches. 

However, Olis new job is going well, and our lovely & generous friends have taken him under their wing in their home. It is all working out to plan, and within just a couple of weeks, we will be back in the motherland, taking seaside strolls & scoffing steaming pies. Yum. 

Funnily, since Olis departure, we haven't had meat in the house, so I've been a part time vegetarian. Mostly due to sheer laziness & lack of interest in a grocery shop, alas, here's some of the delights I've been whipping up;

Rocket, spinach, mushroom, avo, tomato, potato & feta salad = a little dream come true 

Rocket, avo, mushroom, spinach, haloumi & soft boiled egg salad with dukkah

Pumpkin, pea & corn risotto- total hit with the littlies too

I don't care that potatoes aren't even considered a vegetable, or that they are directly linked to weight gain (I just read a really disheartening article about them), they are delicious. And I will cook crispy chips until the day I die. Plus I ate an entire avocado with them so it's pretty much a nutritional win.

Oh, and we were well on our way to devouring this berry, banana, date & spinach smoothie yesterday too, until;

Major blender blowout. The blender just blew it's chance of going home to NZ with us too as I threw it out in a fit of fury post clean up. 

Don't think it's all salads & carbs around here though, there's been plenty of sugar to ease me through the transition. Every evening thus far has looked like this;

Colouring & chocolate, my two current favourite 'C's. I ordered my Secret Garden book off book depositary a couple of weeks back, and I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be WAY more badass than originally thought. It's really intricate and ridiculously detailed, this one page is only half done after three evenings of solid colouring, but it is actually a really brilliant way to wind down. It may seem like this weeks fad, but get on board because it's totally rad. (Intentional rhyme).

Actually, there's one more C in my life;

Tame Impalas new album 'Currents' has been on repeat for 3 days straight now. Sooooooo bloody good. Like so good. You must wrap your earbuds around it. This song "Cause I'm a Man" is my personal favourite & it is funky as feck.

Lastly, these two;

I do believe I came out of the bathroom far wetter than they did after this particularly splash sesh, but just look at them would ya? Cheeky little ferocious chunks of spunk.

Adios amigos!


Thought of the day "I'm not even going to wear exercise gears to the gym today, straight to the cafe- good plan Gemma"

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Night One

Last night was night #1 of (130) without Oli, and it sucked. Big time.

We begrudgingly dropped him at the airport at lunchtime, and I then drove the hysterical children home whilst wearing sunglasses on a fittingly dark & gloomy day to mask the silent sobs that bubbled to the surface. 

Actually that's a lie, we drove straight to the shops for icecream. The cookies and cream only briefly numbed the pain before Blake asked "Mumeee, Dadee on an airplane? Where's Dadee? I miss Daddee. Blake Ossy Mumee go on airplane too?" And the sobs came back with a vengeance. 

Upon arriving home, it felt empty literally & figuratively. Most of our things have been boxed and taken away for the container, and we are left with a few toys, the TV (thank goodness), mattresses on the floor, three plates & cutlery, and clothes. This was amusing when Oli was still here, when we would laugh about camping out on the floor eating take out, and now it just feels weird. 

Perhaps it seems silly, being an emotional wreck after only one night without Oli, but it's the bigger picture that's really hitting home to me. Our chapter in Perth together is over, I somehow have to get the kids and I back to NZ in three whole pieces, and we won't see Oli for nearly 5 months. Five fucking months.

The more melodramatic side of me is screaming "I would rather dieeee than be without my incredibly handsome husband, TAKE ME NOW!!" And then the rational side is saying "chill out man, it's just a blip on the radar. Change is exciting, and absence makes the heart grow fonder" Ra Dee Rah. So I'm feeling rather spastic, and fragile, alas the children are keeping me on my toes as per, and before we know it, we will be on that big bird headed home. I am thrilled. And terrified. 

Totally open to you throwing in the towel and coming home whenever though Oli, no objections here.

Au Revoir,


Thought of the day "Must keep busy, must keep busy"

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Week in Pics

You guys know the drill;

As previously stated, Dry July and I had to part ways early this year... 

A splendid stroll in the sun yesterday, with a mandatory park pit stop. Big sis (little sis) pushing little bro (big bro).

You should have heard the shriek when I caught sight of this overgrown rat outside our door last week. Apparently we have a pet bandicoot as it's been back every night since. Cringe.

 Blakes last trip to daycare on Monday. Get the F out of here right? Swoon.

Oli and I had a hot date on freezing Sunday eve. How we're going to get used to the NZ chill is yet to be determined.

Thrashing Outkast at the mo, tis a brilliant distraction from the tediousness of packing 


Four days left with my favourite being. Insert me crying a river. 

Aiiiiight well I'm currently killing time in the gym cafe after my measly 45 min workout, therefore I suppose I should go and collect my offspring.

Or get another coffee.

Coffee it is,



Thought of the day "adulthood sucks"