The prognosis is bleak this week folks. I not only have children, but I have tired, teething, tyrant children, one of whom has decided sleep just isn't for him anymore.
When does this madness end? No really, I want to know when. When will sleep become an uninterrupted blissful ordeal again? When will going out and about for an hour not require a full weeks planning/ packing the car? When will I only have to wipe my own butt? When can we just be normal people again?
I'm beginning to think the light at the end of the tunnel is much like the fictitious pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
This angry, emotional, and ungrateful side of me only comes out on special occasions, like this week after listening to my darling Oscar whinge constantly (fucking non fucking stop) for 6 days straight. 6 days of that is like cat years, it correlates to an entire year of torture.
This is why we need our families close, to save our sanity, I get it now. Pity I well and truly lost my marbles months ago.
So basically, what I'm trying to get at here, is that we have two humans for sale. One semi miniature girl, and one miniature boy. They're really good looking if that helps!
(Searching for positives..... Anything positive..)
Oh! I got my period, so at least I'm not pregnant again, that counts right? Too much info? Meh.
So throw in excruciating period pains and we have ourselves the worlds worst week!
Shit, positives....Im really struggling here.
We have a long weekend ahead! That's something. An extra day with Oli, and the kids. The screaming, little sunshine sucking, humans.
Ok fuck it, we'll work on positives next time.
Over & Out
I also suffer from schizophrenia. Brilliant.
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