Sunday, 11 January 2015

Oscar 10 Months

The end of babyhood is nigh. Os is at the ten month mark today, and I'm neck-deep in quite an array of emotions. Mostly, I am in a state of shock at how quickly this once-upon-a-time teeny tiny helpless (distraught) morsel; 


has transformed so rapidly into a commando crawling, ravenous, grunting, annihilative boy! 

This kid can eat. I mean seriously eat. Considering he only has 5 baby teeth, I'm surprised at how quickly he smashes a sandwich, or his morning 3 weetbix with banana. Three. It's no surprise my back is in a frail condition these days. 

He is still on the boob, but the feeds have very recently diminished to once or twice a day, it seems as though my supply has dried up much like it did with B at 8 months. Im not sure why my body just decides to shut up shop, maybe it is telling me it's time to take care of myself, maybe it's because of exercise, who knows, but I feel good about the length in which we persevered and am thankful it is happening before he could start saying "muuuuummm, boob!". That's when things get awkward. 

His personality is now streaming through, and despite initially thinking he may be a quiet wee thing, hiding meekly under his dramatic sisters shadow, we've recently realised we may have two loud, attention seeking sprogs on our hands. (Yaaaay.) Oscar sqwuaks so loudly, Oli and I have started calling him the Teradactyl. You guys remember Jurassic park? The flying screeching gigantic bird? Thats Oscar. Most of the time we are in hysterics about it, some of the time we are embarrassed (public outings) and then at 5am, it's just not funny. 

Before we had Oscar, we were told how different boys are to girls. And like anything in life, you never really believe it to be true until you experience it for yourself. Oscar could not be more of a boy unless he grew a beard. He is so rough and aggressive and hilarious. There is no such thing as picking something up daintily and nibbling at it like Blake did. He will pick up his sandwich, squish it between his fat little fingers, and stuff it all into his mouth, spitting bits in a trail behind him. It is really rather entertaining. 

What with all this eating, comes a truckload of sleeping (it's a tiresome life). He sleeps 3 times a day, normally for 1-2 hours, with a solid 10-12 hour stint at night. Don't ask me how or why he still sleeps that much, I don't ask questions, I just let the boy sleep. (Number one rule of parenthood; never wake the baby) 

All in all, the journey we've had with Oscar, has been like experiencing parenthood for the first time, again. He is certainly his own little person, and although he has demanded quite a lot of work, it is all starting to pay off. His contagious belly laughter echo's around our house on a daily basis, he brings us so much joy. And one day, hopefully soon, he will bring Blake some joy too. (At the moment it's all "ahhhhh NO occy that's MIIIIINE" often followed by a whack on the head- I repeat, toddlers are fun)

Speaking of B;

Underneath that tee is a bright purple pair of undies. Cos, you know, she just casually wears them all the time now, nappies are soooo 2014. 
She pulls them down, she wipes, she pulls them up (with assistance), she proceeds to gloat "mummy I done wee wee's on da potty woooohoooo", we all clap & cheer, and two hours later, we repeat it all. Number two's weren't happening as regularly, poor thing was holding them in for days on end, alas we had a breakthrough today. Blakes first public poo. That is history right there. And I totally missed it by the way. It happened in the gym Creche where she went all by herself. I never thought poo would make me so proud. 

So we are thrilled with our two wee darls at the mo, even though life is on a constant fast forward and it's hard to find a moment to breathe, just taking the time to write things like this out, help to remind me how lucky we are. 

In other news, things are heating up around here, antiperspirant just isn't cutting the mustard, power bills are sending us broke, and tubs of icecream don't stand a chance in the freezer. Blakes Nana Kathy sent me a pic of some healthy ice blocks for kids the other day, with coconut water and fruit, so I recreated some and they turned out perfectly;

You literally just put coconut water and whatever you like into ice block moulds and freeze. Blake thinks they're an ultimate treat (sucker) so they're a hit around here. If anyone else has kiddies in a sweltering environment I would highly recommend trying these!

In wedding news, our legendary pals Abbey & Leon tagged in as Mum & Dad for the entire day on Sat in order for us to tick a few things off our to-dos. It turned out to be a highly productive day with our wedding rings bought, all the groom & groomsmen outfits bought, and over a delicious bottle of red, we reached the 'J's in music. We'll call that halfway. Wedding music is seriously hard, particularly when your favourite genre is rock, and in Olis case, most 'Tool' songs don't really fit the theme. Although we haven't actually reached the 'T' section yet, who knows what will make the cut.
When 2015 initially showed up I had a mini meltdown about the fast approaching nuptials, and now- I'm cool as a cucumber. (People still say that right? I said 'cool bananas' the other day and Oli gave me so much shit). I just want to be there already, having a laugh with our remarkable friends & family. 

Oh, quickly before I go, we watched an utterly MAGNIFICENT movie recently.. 

I had genuine feelings for the characters in this movie, that's how good it is. Go see it, download it, whatever you gotta do, just don't miss it.

Au Revoir!!


Thought of the day "for some reason I have "everybooooddyyyy, yeeeeah, rock your boooodddyyyy, yyyeeeaaahhh" by the Backstreet Boys in my head and it will not leave, horrible."

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