Sunday, 9 February 2014

35 Weeks

It's the final countdown! Feel free to evacuate the premises any time after Feb 21st (37 weeks) sweet baby boy.. I'm going to jinx it aren't I? He'll prob wait until March 21st. 

What's been happening: 
He is now approx 2.6 kgs & 47cm from head to toe. All he is doing this week is gaining weight for his big debut!! His kidneys & liver are now fully formed and functioning & he is very nearly ready to take on the big wide world. 
As for me, my organs are all over the show as they manoeuvre around my huge uterus. It's really rather impressive how everything just makes room in there for a baby;

Can you see how squished that bladder is? Yeah that's great fun!

Weight Gain; Ive been feeling good about this subject this week (for once). Mostly because I know this pregnancy is coming to an end & it's likely to be my last... I'm going to miss rubbing my belly in no time at all. 

Workouts: I clocked up over 30km of walking last week & at least 200 squats, feeling fantastic! 

Movement: His cute little butt is still in a not-so-cute position up under my ribs & he is still wriggling around a lot. Supposedly it should all be dying down now as he should be too cramped, but clearly he's making the most of his space while he still has it. 

Food Aversions: Nope 

Food cravings: Strangely I've only been feeling like healthy foods lately, smoothies, avocado, eggs, & fruit and veggies. The ol' bod must have had enough of the fried foods and sugar... There's always room for a mini creme egg though, or a mini ice cream. I love how marketers know that by simply making things into a "mini" version, suckers like me will buy ten boxes. Because its obviously far better for you than having the regular size treats. Genius. 

Sleep; Fairly consistent this week, B has been doing a solid 6-6 every night & I've been tucking in as soon as the sun sets. My only problem is switching off my mind at the moment, I think I'm just far too excited/ nervous about this big meet & greet!

Miss anything: Just having my organs in their usual spots, aaaand my mojo. The bedroom is solely for sleeping these days..

Fun/ interesting things for the week; We had our "Active Birth" workshop on Saturday arvo & I'm so glad we both went along. Initially I was going to go alone as we couldn't get a babysitter but my legend mate Teesh ended up watching Blake so we could go together. I had been worried about how Oli would cope with this birth lately, last time he didn't take seeing me like that very well & therefore wasn't quite as supportive as I would have liked (I don't blame him I was very vocal). So it was great to go over some different acupressure points and see him get really into it on Saturday. I'm now confident he'll be amazing come D Day & I'm looking forward to getting some of those sweet Swiss ball massages too. I may even slightly dramatise the level of pain of my earlier contractions just to get my back rubbed for hours on end... Milk it while I can eh? 
Oh and on Thurs eve when we had some friends around we decided to do a write up of "guess when the baby will come", my money is on March 2nd, and Olis is Feb 28th. I'd be happy as larry with either to be honest! 

Stretchmarks; Still none!

Happy or moody: Happy 

Looking forward to: Just the usual; meeting him, having a wine & sleeping on my stomach! 

Bump update:  
This mornings shot (pre breakfast as post wouldn't fit on this page)

The veins creep me out!


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