What's been happening: Ding ding- he's ready! He is now approx 3.1kgs and 50cm from head to toe. The only thing he'll be doing is gaining (unnecessary) weight in there now, which he is most welcome to do on the outside. Yes, I think that would suit us both just fine.
As for me- I feel like I've been horseriding all day everyday. Tender is an understatement...
Workouts: Lots of walking & lots of squats- my quads feel like they're made of stone at the moment
Movement: He is still partying hard in there & I'm beginning to think I'm not going to get a break from it before he is born now. He is pretty tame during the day, but as soon as 7pm hits its party time. Great timing eh, I hope this isn't his routine on the outside too!
Food Aversions: Shockingly, I'm not feeling chocolate at the moment- I know, there must be some serious hormonal changes happening..
Food cravings: Apples, grapes, smoothies, toast & chips this week
Sleep; So so... Rolling over is becoming a bit of a struggle & I've been getting strong tightenings at night too so they've been waking me up. Then there's the ol' squished bladder debacle- I almost want to buy adult nappies at this point.
Miss anything: Not really this week, I'm trying to appreciate what little time I have left of this pregnancy
Fun/ interesting things for the week;
Well- we picked up our pool package!! I hope Oli was listening to all the instructions because I wasn't. Turns out we need a lot more stuff before it all kicks off aswel- we don't have any old sheets or towels to use, & seeing as we have carpeted floor, some plastic sheets will be vital and we will somehow have to make a runway from the pool to the bathroom... Oli will no doubt take a trip to bunnings this weekend (alone), and sort it all out. I doubt his arm will need much twisting for that.
So it's all go now!! Yikes!
Stretchmarks; My blessed belly is holding strong, thank goodness.
Happy or moody: Happy tired excited nervous petrified anxious eager & yet surprisingly calm. It changes by the minute...
Looking forward to:Seeing Oli see him for the first time
Bump update:
I hope this is the last one...
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