Saturday, 15 February 2014

36 Weeks (9 months)

Hello homestretch!

What's been happening: 
He is now approx 2.9 kgs & 49cm from head to toe. Not a lot of change from last week for him in there; still bulking & hopefully nestling into my pelvis soon for his exit. At the end of this week he will be considered full term!! Which means he could come any day now.. Eeeeeek!
As for me; I've starting gulping down my red raspberry leaf tea & the evening primrose tablets. I used both of these last time & had Blake early so I'm all for trying that again!

Weight Gain; I'm just so incredibly glad it is coming to an end!! 
Dont get me wrong- I am truly grateful to my body for having put up with these almost back-to-back pregnancies & still kept most bits and pieces intact, that's no easy feat- alas, my dash is done and I'm ready to selfishly regain my figure, slowly but surely. 

Workouts: Still walking most days but have conveniently left out the squats this week- I'll make sure I do them this coming week though, solely because it might make him come out rather than for fitness 

Movement: Absolutely ludicrously insane movements over the past few days. I've been grabbing Olis hand and making him a witness to the internal organ bashing that is going on on a regular basis. I'm not sure how he still has room in there to move but he is certainly not letting up! We are talking tidal waves across my stomach.

Food Aversions: Nope 

Food cravings: I'm all over those carbs, sourdough, baguette, bagel, burgen- whatever's available, give them a good smear of butter & Vegemite and I am in heaven. Oh, and our friend Josh bought over a mountain of mallow puffs, toffee pops & squiggles from NZ for me (yes me, not us) yesterday so I've been inhaling biscuits at a ridiculous rate.

Sleep;   I wish!! Even though we have just invested in the dreamiest king sized bed (with even dreamier bedding, which I plan to share with you all in my next post), I haven't been able to enjoy it quite as much as Oli seems to be just yet. On Friday night I had continuously strong Braxton Hicks which left me with approx 3 hrs sleep, and when it isn't that it's my old mate heartburn or just his party-animal antics keeping me up. Fingers crossed for a blissfully deep slumber this eve... 

Miss anything: Sex! Sorry for the overshare but at this stage when a lot of things are going on 'down there', it's just not a fun place for anyone to be- so I'm looking forward to breaking down the barrier between us in that enormous bed as soon as poss... It could actually help get things moving down there too, win win!

Fun/ interesting things for the week;
The most fun I had this week was definitely picking and choosing out our new bedding, and I am so stoked with it!! Having a comfy and inviting bed is absolutely vital to any bedroom in my opinion, and now ours is so inviting I never want to get out- if only this baby would allow me to actually get some sleep in it! 

Stretchmarks; Still none!

Happy or moody: Snoooooozy & moody & happy all at once- schitzo.

Looking forward to: 
Feeling that first real contraction!

Bump update:  
Isn't this a bit cute? The things you can do on smartphones these days eh?


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