Monday, 10 February 2014

Babies vs Toddlers

Before we had Blake, I had been flooded with opinions from family members & friends on how difficult having a baby is. Apparently it is the norm to offer up horror stories of sleepless nights and the youth being sucked right out of you. I admit, I was petrified. 

(Nawww isn't this the cutest)

And then Blake arrived & life certainly did change. But not how I thought it would. It was magnificent in every way, I felt absolutely incredible & I rode the wave of euphoria through her first six months of life. I've never felt such love for anyone or anything & I've also never felt so loved myself. Sure, I was missing a bit of sleep, but it really didn't make a dent in the happiness that surrounded our sweet little family..

I realise each baby is different and obviously if you had a baby with colic or one that just simply never liked to sleep- you may have not had it so good.. But Blake was an angel, all she did was sleep, suck some boob, look exceptionally cute, and sleep some more.  I never had to worry about routines or food or naps, she would just sleep wherever I went, in the car- front pack - on her beanbag - on a couch - it really didn't matter. I could just feed her whenever she was hungry without packing bottles or chopping up mountains of cucumber or sandwiches that now get thrown right back at me.. 
It was easy peasy. 

So if someone were to ask me what it is like adjusting to a new baby- I'd be quite chuffed to pass on the news that there is nothing like it in this entire world, & to savour and cherish each moment with their sweet little baby before they hit toddlerhood.

Toddlers. Now that's a different story. 

Over the past 4 or 5 months, Ive come to the realisation that Blake is somewhat of a miniature genius. She knows in advance to run away and hide when breakfast is coming because weetbix sucks. She knows when she's done a poo to smile up at me and then run to her room promptly so I can immediately clean it up then and there. She knows if she wants my attention all she has to do is scrape a dark object down the walls (always dark, every-time). She also knows that she can now just simply refuse anything she doesn't want- food is gone with the shove of her small hand, naps are undone by relentless tantrums, clothes don't need to go on if she wriggles and struggles for long enough (same with nappies), and toys are shit unless they are mums phone or kindle or anything she isn't allowed to touch. 

As Blake approaches her big 18 month milestone, things are really starting to get interesting around here. Just the other day we went to 'rhyme time' at the local library, where mums with 0-2yr olds go and have a sing a long. Pretty much an excuse to get out of the house & have some adult conversation... So whilst all the other babies & toddlers sat on their mothers laps clapping and enjoying the songs, Blake couldn't get further away from me. She ran laps around the room stealing toys from babies grasps & occasionally picking wallets out of women's handbags. Yup, pick pocketing at 1.5 years old. Luckily everyone found it  funny. But I am genuinely a little afraid to go out in public.. 

She is so boisterous & cheeky which 90% of the time is hilarious, 10% is exhausting. I'm not sure whether being pregnant makes that 10% feel like 50% some days or whether this is just how it is meant to be at this age. As she was sprinting around that library I thought to myself, "I am way too pregnant (fat) to be chasing her around for the next 30 minutes", and that's how I feel most of the time at the moment in general. Yet all she wants is to be chased!! Go figure.. 

Don't get me wrong- I laugh with, and at her numerous times each day. I'm truly stunned by how smart she is on a daily basis & I adore watching her grow and learn. But can we just fast forward past these 'terrible two's' please? Oh wait, then I'll have another one approaching the same phase... 

What have I got myself into?

At least I now know I'm going to soak up every ounce of sweet compliance that our newborn gives us, "why yes mum I'd love to eat whatever mash you serve up, and I will happily sleep in this front pack while you take a stroll, can you please change my nappy? It's not urgent though just when you have a moment.." 

If you ask me, babies are all smooth sailing, it's toddlerhood you need to watch out for. Be prepared with some sturdy runners, a high chair with straight jacket straps & a sound-proof bedroom if you really want to go all out. 


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