Thursday, 31 July 2014

Weekly Round Up

Hello August! I can already smell Spring approaching, it smells delicious- like lambs & flowers & hay fever. 

(This is me every September

The fact that it is August, and Friday, already is freaking me out. If someone asked me what I had achieved this week, I probably wouldn't be able to say much. Alas, the kids are alive & well, the house looks semi clean, our bellies are full, and the sun is shining. We are winning. 

Oscar has been sleeping like a baby (this saying is absurd, it's like saying 'eating like an anorexic'), and doing 6am-6pm each night. 12 sweet sweet hours. As is Blake. Her canine teeth have finally all broken through those poor gummies of hers. Vicious bastards. I shudder to think that Oscars teething process will begin any day now... Oh well, appreciating the now is a lot better than thinking ahead anyway.

As of Monday, I'll be nannying two extra girls here at home & I am pretty freakin excited. A bit of change should do us all wonders. God knows Blake is sick to death of only seeing my mug for her entire two years of existence, day in and day out. No wonder she reaches off the richter decible levels when Oscar wakes up. "BUBS!!!!! Daaaaaa buuuubssss! Oookkkkaaa ookkkaaaa" all whilst clawing at me to get him down from my arms. A new face must be rather exciting! 
So throw in two more & she's going to absolutely lose her shit. Speaking of shit, toilet training a kid must be up there with learning how to fly, no? Impossible. Nappies until she's 30 at this rate. It's all just way too funny- she laughs, I laugh, we laugh, she doesn't pee. She doesn't poo. We laugh some more, and then after 1 hour of sitting on her seat (the ring is tattooed on her cheeks) she'll jump off & pee on the carpet. Joy! Tips anyone? 

So other than sitting on the bathroom floor in fits of laughter for abnormal lengths of time this week, I've been making loads of progress with the wedding. Our invites are officially complete (so much more goes into those than one could ever possibly imagine). I cannot thank my darling friend Aimee enough for all of her efforts, such a champ! And I've been working on a website for all of our guests to get updated info on, so basically, I've got square eyes from staring at screens all week. Again. 
I've also found some amazing accommodation for us pre-wedding which is rather exciting, mostly because this is where we'll be eating breakfast each morning;

Can't really complain can you? This is going to be one epic holiday- I feel like if I squeeze my eyes shut, and tap my heels three times, we could fast forward to May. Wouldn't that be wonderful! 

This weekend definitely calls for a break from technology, possibly some more music research (who knew how hard it actually is to pick a song for every stage of the ceremony & reception, holy cow!), and loads of food prep for the tribe next week. Food in their mouths = no chance of crying, you see? I plan on never running out of snacks.  

I'll leave you with a snap of my hunk chilling in his bumbo today, looking so fly for a white guy;

I made him. Literally, grew him myself, and then pushed him out an insanely small space. And now he looks like that. Remarkable isn't it? 

Have a wonderful weekend friends,


Thought of the day 

Saturday, 26 July 2014


Sometimes the thoughts I have whirling around inside my dome, are so profound, so colossal, that I struggle to put them into words... But I'm going to try today anyway. 

Scenario; some poor bystander trips & falls into the realms of my chaotic cranium. They stand in the middle, and are bombarded with ludicrous thoughts & ideas, whipping past them like fierce winds in a storm. They pluck a fresh one right out of the air, and read it aloud, "what if the concept of time ceased to exist"

This was my favourite from yesterday's vast collection; What if there were no such thing as seconds, minutes, hours? What if you could never be late, or you never had to work for a certain amount of time each day. And on a larger scale; what if age never existed? What if we all just lived our lives out according to how we felt, rather than how we are supposed to act according to how many years we had lived. Bingo at 17? Raging booze ups at 70? 

Surely it's not just me who thinks it is insane how we base our entire existence around one giant ticking clock? During the darkest moments post Oscars birth, when sleep deprivation was slowly chipping away at my soul, I recall counting every minute of sleep I had had. And instantly feeling much worse. It was a complete mental mindfuck. Yet, I couldn't stop myself from counting out those precious hours, and then in turn, being bitterly disappointed with the total. Who knows, maybe if I had no concept of time, I could have trained my mind to believe I'd had sufficient sleep, and therefore been a much happier chap. 

Oh the possibilities... That example barely scratches the surface. 

I do, however, realise the whole world would be chaotic, history would cease to exist etc etc... But still, it's fun to concoct such madness inside the safety of your own head isn't it? 

Imaginations are magic. 

On the agenda this week; wedding to-do's up to my eyeballs, & prepping the digs for daycare next week. Yikes. Am I ready for this? Mentally prepared? Most likely not, but I'll give it a crack anyway. 

"Gurrrlll, what chu lookin at?"

She's African American on the inside. SO much att. 

Have a lovely day pretties,


Thought of the day "I wish mayonnaise was good for you'"

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

19 Weeks Postpartum

Today is one of those days where I woke up and thought to myself, shit I'm not too shabby after two kids in two years. A day  in which I havent compared myself to others, or thought what could be improved upon, or said no to the large "decorative" jar of M n M's on our bench. 

These days are good days, I wish they were everyday...

I've been a little looser with my diet over the past few weeks. There's been a good chunk of chocolate, hot chips, and butter inhaled- and to be honest, I really couldn't care less about it. That's not to say I'm eating like a pig all day everyday- I'm still getting my 5+, and drinking tonnes of water. I'm just not being so restrictive. Ironically, I'm feeling better (physically) than I have in weeks. I was even brave enough to try on my togs for the first time post Oscar;

Told you those thighs were stubborn bastards. Alas, the gut is shaping up again, and this pleases me immensely. 

Full credit goes to Bikram Yoga as that is the only exercise (besides the odd walk), that I've been doing. Has anyone else tried it? If not, you really should. My first time was unbearably long & excruciatingly hot, I remember thinking "is this shit ever going to end?!!" However, an hour after class I began to feel amazing! Must be the detoxifying effect, it's bloody good. Go forth and sweat it out folks! You'll love yourself for it. 

So we are nearing 5 months out now, and I am yet to weigh myself, but I doubt I'm far off my pre-pregnancy weight. I'll tighten up the reigns on the old diet again soon no doubt, and then I'll loosen right up again after a few weeks. This method works wonderfully for me, & it means I can eat whatever I like without feeling like I'm too restricted. 70/30. I refuse to go full Miranda Kerr to 80/20. (She's definitely 90/10 by the way, she's been lying to us all). What's the point in going that hard when your job isn't as an international model anyway? Considering I've already landed my fish for life, I've really got no one to impress anymore- tis boring, but true.

Listen to me rambling on to myself trying to justify my overindulgence of M n Ms today, haha- subconsciously feeling guilty? 

Meh, where's that jar?

Aiiiiight friends, enough playing silly buggers, I'm off to Bikram in a min, and I'll be picking up pizza on the way home for dinner. How's that for balance? 

Hope your day was as pretty as mine;

(Perth, you ain't so bad)


Thought of the day "Friday you are my favourite xxxxx"

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Recent Events

Hi folks! How are we all going? 

It's been miserable & wet here in Perth as of late. Ironically, just a few months ago, I specifically recall whining numerous times about Perth's lack of rain. It's safe to say, I take that back. Cabin fever is settling in, and the cell is getting bleaker by the day. Thankfully, I have wonderful people in my life such as Mikaela, whom yesterday, dropped in with Noah and generously gifted me a free pass for an hr or so.

This set up is my ultimate happy place. A brilliant novel (The Goldfinch), a large long black, and the perfect people watching spot. Heaven! The rain even added to the ambience & cosiness of the cafe scene. Doing something like this, for myself, has probably happened once or twice over the past 2 years. Usually, I would run errands, get groceries, or exercise if I had some free time. Scratching all of those practical chores, and opting for some real down time was incredibly therapeutic. There was no trace of guilt afterwards either, no "I probably should of gotten groceries, or gone for a run", just pure contentment. I'll definitely be making more hours in the week for moments like this in future..

On the wedding front- we have just received the bridesmaids dresses and they are magnificent! Groomsmen outfits are up next (Asos galore), and then trying to pick out some rings. Invites are going out in the next few weeks, and then hopefully we will have ourselves a wedding party to join in the celebrations. The next 10 months are going to whizz by; they better anyway, as we are stuck here again for Xmas and I just want to squeeze all the exceptional people in our lives as soon as poss! Not to mention- a holiday is in dire need. Two kids = premature grey hairs sprouting through. 

Speaking of- Oli recently suggested I go to Bali without him when I finish feeding Oscar at some stage early next year. Just for a few days, to relax & unwind. You're thinking what I'm thinking right? There's gotta be a catch. Wouldn't be that Oli may want to go to the NRL grand final in Sydney, or something? Said so cavalier... Or something (shrugged shoulders). Even so, I'll take it! So a quick girls Bali trip may be on the cards in jan/ feb, which would be handy to organise some wedding plans in person too. It's dirt cheap from Perth, unbelievably cheap, our mining friends often fly over in their short breaks & it works out a lot cheaper than residing here, where a beer is $10 a pop & apples are $7 a kilo. Don't even get me started.... 

Besides that, I've been going to loads of Bikram classes (still laaaarrrvvvee it), and watching episode after episode of suits;

Does anyone else watch this? If not, wrap your eyeballs around these two hunks. It's riveting stuff! 

I better scoot anyway, babies need boobies, chook needs roasting, washing needs folding, and a certain toddler needs supervision before our walls become a mural. 

I hope you are all having a wonderful week! 


Thought of the day "it's August next week, what the actual fuck?" 

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Week in Pics

How sweet is this bad boy looking?? So easy to do, & super funky. Blakes teds will soon have their comfiest sleep yet! 

We had our first ever successful family brunch out over the weekend. No tears, no tantrums, & some remarkable Moroccan baked eggs 

A wee flashback I stumbled across. Look at that face!! (B's not mine)

Solids have started, Oscar is digging them unsurprisingly

This guy warms my soul (red wine helps too) 

Feeding in the park with sun streaming down our faces is bliss 

That rump. 

So much veggie curry going on at the mo- I'm now part Indian. 

It's true- you do!! 

Happy Monday folks, now get back to work / the kids! 


Thought of the day "tissue paper garlands I'm onto you"

Thursday, 17 July 2014


Waking up this morning to the news of flight MH17, gunned down over Ukraine, killing 300 innocent people, sparked an array of emotions... 

Firstly; shock. 
What the hell is happening to the people of this world? Who, on this earth, would actually feel the urge to commit genocide? 

Secondly; anger. 
My blood is boiling.  Humans killing fellow humans is simply the norm these days. Whaaaaaaaat?!!! Is it possible we are the worlds smartest & stupidest race simultaneously?

Thirdly; fear. 
Murder, rape, fucking genocide, is seeping through our streets like the boiling blood seeping through my veins, & I for one, want to wrap my children up tight and double bolt all the doors. 

Lastly, unintelligible sorrow. 
For those onboard, for their families, for the innocent Ukrainians who witnessed the bloodbath firsthand, and for every good person on this earth whose names are being tainted by the unspeakable evils of others. 

Did you read that there were some of the worlds most prominent & foremost, aids researchers onboard? People who dedicate their lives to saving people, massacred by people. Is that irony? Or just plain disgusting. 

We are given every opportunity to create peace & harmony, yet war always prevails. 

For the ones responsible, I hope your blood-stained hands are wrapped around metal bars for the remainder of your pitiful lives. 

Give your loved ones an extra squeeze today folks, we all need it.

Not-so-happy Friday,


Thought of the day "as above."

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Food Is My Life

Is it just me who gets unnaturally excited about food? 

Simply by knowing when and what my next meal will be, leaves me content with life. If I don't know what I'm going to be eating next (this occurs very rarely), I'll feel flustered & slightly panicky. "It's been two hours", "we don't have rice", "Oscars asleep I can't leave the house", "oh my GOD I need food now" 

Something like that... Thats normal right?

Lately, I've been eating generous, nutritious, soul-warming meals, packed with potatoes & rice. It's winter, and I'm breast feeding- I really don't need an excuse for the abundance of carbs.  

My lunch go-to's have been a rotation of these two delights;

Roasted Potato, Chickpea & Zucchini dusted in Dukkah 

Brown rice, tuna, tomato & cucumber bowl

So simple, so healthy, and you don't even need a recipe! Going back to basics is the only way I can eat at the moment, as being in the kitchen for longer than 5 minutes results in some serious protests from the tiny humans. 

As for dinner time, being prepared hours in advance is the key. Hello slow cooker you little beauty! Our favourite recipe at the moment is a classic "Beef & Tomato stew"

(Apologies for the crappy pic, steam was scolding my hand)


500gm chuck steak, chopped in 1cm cubes and dusted in peppered flour 
1 tin diced toms
2 cups beef stock 
3 large chopped carrots 
3 large chopped potatoes
1 large chopped onion 
2 cloves garlic crushed & diced 
3 bay leaves 
2 tbs tomato paste 
Splash of olive oil 
3 sprigs fresh thyme 
Dried oregano 
Salt / pepper 
1 c cooked basmati rice to serve 


Put the olive oil & garlic in the bottom of the crockpot, then place the meat, vegetables and herbs on top. Pour over the tinned tomatoes, stock & tomato paste. Season well. Cook on low for 7-8 hours, or high for 4-5 hours. Serve with rice! 

This meal is absurdly easy to prepare, and is a great meal to freeze for those nights when you really can't be f'd cooking. It's also handy for fussy toddlers who refuse most meals Mum cooks (gritted teeth), but she (not naming names) loves this batch! 

As for dessert, our IGA across the road started stocking Cadbury Black Forest blocks. Hmmm.  

Oh, and Abbey, brought this slab of heaven over for us on Saturday;

Black Forest cheesecake 

She insists it's her first cheesecake attempt. Ummmm. I would definitely give up my day job to pursue a new career in cheesecake making. Australian Martha? Impressive. And far too tasty. Oli doesn't like cheesecake either, so.....

Tonight we are off to a seminar by the Australian chef Pete Evans on 'Paleo Living'. Should be interesting, hopefully learn a thing or two about living a cleaner, greener life. Although I hope he doesn't bring up chocolate. I can't deal with everyone bitching about something so beautiful- not to mention something always aiming to please people, yet it gets the worst rep. Let's leave chocolate alone eh? 

I'll let you know how it goes this eve,

Au Revoir


Ps my crafty cot is coming along;

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears (Part II)

On this overcast & dull day, after an excruciatingly long and frustrating night, it was far too easy to whip up another "you know what really grinds my gears" list. Here we go;

1) Putting on crisp, clean, white clothing, only to get a brilliant smear or spew stain within minutes. Great. 

2) Having an absolutely magnificent dream interrupted, and trying your hardest to think about said dream before attempting to fall asleep & back into it again. It never happens. Dream took a one way ticket outta your conscious! 

3) How my hair does not look remotely like this, despite using Pantene regularly;

4) You know when you talk to someone overseas & it's slightly delayed? So there's awkward silences, followed by talking on top of one another, followed by more awkward silence. "No you go" "no, no go ahead". Ridiculously annoying. 

5) DVD's skipping right in the good part of the movie. FUCK!! (Is what I yell at the TV)

6) When you find that perfect piece of clothing that you've been hunting for, only to find it is stocked in every size except yours. 

7) Airport queues. As if travelling cattle class isn't brutal enough, the lines upon arrival are what breaks me every time

8) When your favourite bra is in the wash.

9) Having to get gas! I don't know about you guys, but I ride that tank right down to the dangerous bottom- getting gas sucks. 

10) Lastly, cooking something perfectly ONE time, and never getting it right again. (White choc raspberry brownie you bastard)

Life's tough isn't it? Not really, but it's fun to bitch now and again anyway.

Happy hump day lovelies,


Thought of the day "bath + bed = bliss (also = not a chance of happening) 

Sunday, 13 July 2014


This evening I felt the familiar, and welcome, longing to blog- and here I am!


In such a short time, I realised just how much I missed telling my tales in these posts. The sweet release is so good for my mentality, and I feel like a bit of a closed book without it. So I'm back in the game! (Quote Joseph Gordon-Levitt "Ten things I hate about you") - shall we take a small moment to appreciate this film? Totally brilliant. Oh Heath, you darling darling man. 

Well, where to start on recent happenings.... To say life has been hectic, is a huge understatement.
Both babes have been battling a viral infection for the last week called "croup", which basically means they're coughing & spluttering like pack-a-day durry hags day & night. Not cool. Hearing them wheeze & struggle to breathe has basically turned Oli and I grey over the last few days. We think they're on the mend now though, hopefully- as getting avoided by other mums at the supermarket due to my two barking seals is highly embarrassing. Anyone would think we're spreading aids.

Despite being under the weather, these two still manage to fill up my phone memory every second day with gems like this:


I mean c'mon you two. If only baby modelling wasn't considered exploitation. We would make a killing.

Enough about my gorgeous offspring though, I'm trying (failing miserably) to not be "that Mum" that only talks about my kids. Considering I've rediscovered my social life, I actually do have other things to talk about. Like how I went clubbing until 3am last Wednesday.

3am. Just saying that makes me want to run to my bedroom & snuggle in tight. God bed is delicious.

Anywho, I've made a really good friend in a girl from back home recently, Abbey. She's a bloody hoot, and we get along remarkably well. So we decided we would splash out & go out for a girls night at a tapas/ cocktail bar. It was the first time in a very long while that I had been out with anyone but Oli so I was buzzing with excitement at the possibilities! I truly believe we (naively) went into the evening both expecting to be home before 11pm. Yet after slurping back cocktail nĂºmero tres, in all of its coconutty glory, things quickly started to spiral out of control. Before we knew it we were in a pub, befriending 40 yr old highly intoxicated women with names like Judy. Abbey was distraught when Jude's had to go home, but we soldiered on, and ended up in a nightclub not far from there. There were smoke machines, and doof doof so loud that I'm fairly sure I lost 20% hearing in one ear, and no one- NO ONE- over the age of twenty. We lasted one tequila (!!!!!) shot & a drink each, before a 12 year old relentlessly hit on us & we had to "bounce". (I'm still devastated that I came to the realisation I'm so not "hip" anymore by the way). 

This, this moment right here, is probably where we should have called it a night.

We didn't.

A short cab drive later found us at Perth's most well known (to everyone but us) gay bar "connections". Fitting name. There was jelly wrestling. Need I say more?

Fast forward to 3am & I've shouted so loudly over the music for so long that I sounded just like Selma & Patty, I also, literally, could not keep my eyes open. Half closed creepy eyes. Abbey wasn't in a much healthier state by then either, and bed was screaming our names.

The funniest bit was stumbling home to Oli, who tsk'd & shushed me as I struggled to yank off my boots. Not so fun when the roles are reversed apparently.

The not-funny-at-all bit, was getting forced out of bed 3.5 hrs after getting home to start my shift as Mum. I genuinely believed Oli would do me a solid & call in sick while I nursed my sore feet, throat, and throbbing dome. Nope. The show must go on. Thankfully, Oscar must have sensed my desperation (baby & mamma intuition), and he slept from 8am - 2pm. B watched Toy Story 3 times and ate marshmallows for lunch. We survived, just. It's highly unlikely I'll do that again within the next year, although it was absolutely hilarious and we had a shitload of fun- but our next date is definitely movies (the 6pm one) and sparkling water with dinner. 

I learnt 3 important things that night;

1) Girls just wanna have fun
2) Drinking in Perth leaves your pockets well and truly empty 
3) My recovery process has a turn over time of approximately 7 days now rather than 1.

Since that night, we've also had a double date with Abbey & her partner around at our place. I cooked fajitas & Abbey bought around sombreros and a Black Forest cheesecake. Our taste in cake & in humour is identical.

Oli thought we were massive geeks, but I just think he was a bit gutted as the sombrero wouldn't fit around his planet- sized head.

We are now amigos for life! Arrrrrrribbbbaaaa!

Other than that, I've been going to loads of Bikram classes (obsessed with the sweat pit), snuggling the shit out of my housemates, cooking hearty winter meals in the slow cooker, reading two delightful books, learning the odd spanish word, and I've also been getting into some arts & crafts.. We inherited a wooden dolls cot that was a white blank canvas, and in serious need of a lick of paint;

I've self appointed it a little project of mine to whip this beast into colourful shape before Gemma's Daycare begins, so watch this space folks! 

Things really escalated quickly with this post didn't they, a touch of verbal diarrhoea. (Can anyone actually ever spell diarrhoea without auto correct?!) such a sick word. 

I hope you've all had a lazy Sunday, snoozing, feasting, sunning, or snuggling. I've definitely had my fair share of all four. 

I won't leave you all for so long this time, you'll be reading my ramblings again before you know it,

Au revoir!


Thought of the day "discharge is also another sick word"

Monday, 7 July 2014


Hi folks, sorry I have been absent of late...

Lately I've been feeling super glued to this phone, and I am totally over it. 

For the next little while I'm going to actively focus on being wholly in the present, cuddling the kids, doing some arts & crafts, and learning Spanish. 

(I decided I'm going to learn written Spanish in my spare 5 mins... better than reading fiction right?)

Here I've been whinging about my lack of brain stimulation & intellectual advances, when really, if I want to stimulate my brain I can. All I need to do is put the phone down, and pick up a book. So that's where I'll be for the next wee while sorry people's.... 

But I shall return, in due course. 

Hope you all continue to look after yourselves too-

Catch you soon,


Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Beauty Essentials

How is it fair that guys get to roll out of bed, throw on some clothes, and be ready for the day just like that?! No moisturisering, no primping or preening, no brushing (of zee hair), no shaving. Nada. Oli somehow even manages to make his bed hair sexy. (If I didn't throw mine into a top knot first thing, I would not only resemble chewbacca- but I would have strands of hair worming through every item of food, & wrapped around every finger)

The resemblance is uncanny 

Meanwhile, I roll out of bed, and my grey bags make me look like someone who is on the brink of death. My breath pongs. My pits stink. My hair is an eagles nest. And my skin is as dry as stale crackers. 

Exhibit A

This was first thing this morning. Check out that spastic 'do! To be fair, it is raining outside. Humidity makes my hair even more frizz-tastic. 

It's a tough gig being a 21st century gal right? There are these (absurd) "expectations" that we have to somehow always look a certain way. Obviously this is variable from woman to woman- but for most, the following rules apply;

- you must be bald from the neck down 
- if you have exceptionally luscious locks then wearing it down naturally is fine, otherwise bust out those GHD's and sort it out- or stick with the trusty top knot
- tinted brows are fast becoming vital
- no snaggle nails 
- dewey lips 
- moisturised skin 
-smell delicious 

If you're anything like me, you do not obey rules. (If you do manage to maintain all of the above, I take my hat off to you!)

I can safely say today- I do not tick one of these boxes. The hairlessness was easy pre-babes, however, now I like to channel my inner 70's woman. My mane is wild & free, looking particularly "homeless" today. The toenails are polish-free, split & cracked, as are my lips (swear I drink like 5 litres of water a day & my lips are always dry). I smell like spew & chickpeas. Oh wait, I did moisturise my face this morning. There ya go, beauty essential. 

Most days, I don't do anything except throw on deodorant & moisturise my face. However, if I do know I'll be venturing out in public, or if I'm catching up with someone, I will bust out the bare essentials. Those being;

Revlon concealer, Mac brow pencil, and Max Factor mascara. 

These three are brilliant!  The concealer covers my bags beautifully, the brow pencil is really natural looking, and the mascara has been my best friend since 2007. It magically turns my albino lashes into long, dark delights!

If I'm feeling pale throughout winter, I'll also throw on some blush, and voila! (This is probably where I should post a pic wearing my bare essentials... I don't have one)

In the skin department- I'm fairly lucky. I've always used SPF moisturiser, and never subjected myself to too much sunlight..
During my second pregnancy I had terrible pimples & I wore concealer every day. But normally, I rarely get zits, so I rarely bother doing anything with my skin. Drinking loads of water, and eating (mostly) healthily seems to work for me. Alas, time is a-ticking, and I am beginning to see early signs of lines (faaaarrkk!), so I'm currently on the lookout for some eye creams that don't cost $150 for a tub the size of my thumbnail, and maybe some cleanser/ toners. Any suggestions ladies?

** I went into Myer the other day to browse the make-up department for these "essentials", & came out with another Mac lippy. Definitely not essential. 

And I wouldn't be a 21st century gal if I didn't gush about the brilliance of "Lucas paw paw ointment". In all fairness, it truly is brilliant. I even found myself smearing it on Blakes stubbed toe yesterday... Wonderous concoction that it is, and at $6 a tube, you can't really go wrong. 

At the end of the day, nothing is truly a beauty necessity, besides water. So long as you keep your fluids up, you'll be beautiful inside & out!

Oscar seems to be doing just that and keeping his fluids up;

How deliciously soft, supple & smooth is babies skin? So perfect & untouched. Oh to be that young & innocent again eh? Natural beauty. With snot, and shit. 

Anyhow, I better go & start preening myself for my dinner date this eve... Transformation to come! 

Happy hump day beauties, 


Thought of the day "urghhhh skincare regime in my spare 5 mins"