Thursday, 31 July 2014

Weekly Round Up

Hello August! I can already smell Spring approaching, it smells delicious- like lambs & flowers & hay fever. 

(This is me every September

The fact that it is August, and Friday, already is freaking me out. If someone asked me what I had achieved this week, I probably wouldn't be able to say much. Alas, the kids are alive & well, the house looks semi clean, our bellies are full, and the sun is shining. We are winning. 

Oscar has been sleeping like a baby (this saying is absurd, it's like saying 'eating like an anorexic'), and doing 6am-6pm each night. 12 sweet sweet hours. As is Blake. Her canine teeth have finally all broken through those poor gummies of hers. Vicious bastards. I shudder to think that Oscars teething process will begin any day now... Oh well, appreciating the now is a lot better than thinking ahead anyway.

As of Monday, I'll be nannying two extra girls here at home & I am pretty freakin excited. A bit of change should do us all wonders. God knows Blake is sick to death of only seeing my mug for her entire two years of existence, day in and day out. No wonder she reaches off the richter decible levels when Oscar wakes up. "BUBS!!!!! Daaaaaa buuuubssss! Oookkkkaaa ookkkaaaa" all whilst clawing at me to get him down from my arms. A new face must be rather exciting! 
So throw in two more & she's going to absolutely lose her shit. Speaking of shit, toilet training a kid must be up there with learning how to fly, no? Impossible. Nappies until she's 30 at this rate. It's all just way too funny- she laughs, I laugh, we laugh, she doesn't pee. She doesn't poo. We laugh some more, and then after 1 hour of sitting on her seat (the ring is tattooed on her cheeks) she'll jump off & pee on the carpet. Joy! Tips anyone? 

So other than sitting on the bathroom floor in fits of laughter for abnormal lengths of time this week, I've been making loads of progress with the wedding. Our invites are officially complete (so much more goes into those than one could ever possibly imagine). I cannot thank my darling friend Aimee enough for all of her efforts, such a champ! And I've been working on a website for all of our guests to get updated info on, so basically, I've got square eyes from staring at screens all week. Again. 
I've also found some amazing accommodation for us pre-wedding which is rather exciting, mostly because this is where we'll be eating breakfast each morning;

Can't really complain can you? This is going to be one epic holiday- I feel like if I squeeze my eyes shut, and tap my heels three times, we could fast forward to May. Wouldn't that be wonderful! 

This weekend definitely calls for a break from technology, possibly some more music research (who knew how hard it actually is to pick a song for every stage of the ceremony & reception, holy cow!), and loads of food prep for the tribe next week. Food in their mouths = no chance of crying, you see? I plan on never running out of snacks.  

I'll leave you with a snap of my hunk chilling in his bumbo today, looking so fly for a white guy;

I made him. Literally, grew him myself, and then pushed him out an insanely small space. And now he looks like that. Remarkable isn't it? 

Have a wonderful weekend friends,


Thought of the day 

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