Saturday, 26 July 2014


Sometimes the thoughts I have whirling around inside my dome, are so profound, so colossal, that I struggle to put them into words... But I'm going to try today anyway. 

Scenario; some poor bystander trips & falls into the realms of my chaotic cranium. They stand in the middle, and are bombarded with ludicrous thoughts & ideas, whipping past them like fierce winds in a storm. They pluck a fresh one right out of the air, and read it aloud, "what if the concept of time ceased to exist"

This was my favourite from yesterday's vast collection; What if there were no such thing as seconds, minutes, hours? What if you could never be late, or you never had to work for a certain amount of time each day. And on a larger scale; what if age never existed? What if we all just lived our lives out according to how we felt, rather than how we are supposed to act according to how many years we had lived. Bingo at 17? Raging booze ups at 70? 

Surely it's not just me who thinks it is insane how we base our entire existence around one giant ticking clock? During the darkest moments post Oscars birth, when sleep deprivation was slowly chipping away at my soul, I recall counting every minute of sleep I had had. And instantly feeling much worse. It was a complete mental mindfuck. Yet, I couldn't stop myself from counting out those precious hours, and then in turn, being bitterly disappointed with the total. Who knows, maybe if I had no concept of time, I could have trained my mind to believe I'd had sufficient sleep, and therefore been a much happier chap. 

Oh the possibilities... That example barely scratches the surface. 

I do, however, realise the whole world would be chaotic, history would cease to exist etc etc... But still, it's fun to concoct such madness inside the safety of your own head isn't it? 

Imaginations are magic. 

On the agenda this week; wedding to-do's up to my eyeballs, & prepping the digs for daycare next week. Yikes. Am I ready for this? Mentally prepared? Most likely not, but I'll give it a crack anyway. 

"Gurrrlll, what chu lookin at?"

She's African American on the inside. SO much att. 

Have a lovely day pretties,


Thought of the day "I wish mayonnaise was good for you'"

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