Wednesday, 23 July 2014

19 Weeks Postpartum

Today is one of those days where I woke up and thought to myself, shit I'm not too shabby after two kids in two years. A day  in which I havent compared myself to others, or thought what could be improved upon, or said no to the large "decorative" jar of M n M's on our bench. 

These days are good days, I wish they were everyday...

I've been a little looser with my diet over the past few weeks. There's been a good chunk of chocolate, hot chips, and butter inhaled- and to be honest, I really couldn't care less about it. That's not to say I'm eating like a pig all day everyday- I'm still getting my 5+, and drinking tonnes of water. I'm just not being so restrictive. Ironically, I'm feeling better (physically) than I have in weeks. I was even brave enough to try on my togs for the first time post Oscar;

Told you those thighs were stubborn bastards. Alas, the gut is shaping up again, and this pleases me immensely. 

Full credit goes to Bikram Yoga as that is the only exercise (besides the odd walk), that I've been doing. Has anyone else tried it? If not, you really should. My first time was unbearably long & excruciatingly hot, I remember thinking "is this shit ever going to end?!!" However, an hour after class I began to feel amazing! Must be the detoxifying effect, it's bloody good. Go forth and sweat it out folks! You'll love yourself for it. 

So we are nearing 5 months out now, and I am yet to weigh myself, but I doubt I'm far off my pre-pregnancy weight. I'll tighten up the reigns on the old diet again soon no doubt, and then I'll loosen right up again after a few weeks. This method works wonderfully for me, & it means I can eat whatever I like without feeling like I'm too restricted. 70/30. I refuse to go full Miranda Kerr to 80/20. (She's definitely 90/10 by the way, she's been lying to us all). What's the point in going that hard when your job isn't as an international model anyway? Considering I've already landed my fish for life, I've really got no one to impress anymore- tis boring, but true.

Listen to me rambling on to myself trying to justify my overindulgence of M n Ms today, haha- subconsciously feeling guilty? 

Meh, where's that jar?

Aiiiiight friends, enough playing silly buggers, I'm off to Bikram in a min, and I'll be picking up pizza on the way home for dinner. How's that for balance? 

Hope your day was as pretty as mine;

(Perth, you ain't so bad)


Thought of the day "Friday you are my favourite xxxxx"

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