Sunday, 13 July 2014


This evening I felt the familiar, and welcome, longing to blog- and here I am!


In such a short time, I realised just how much I missed telling my tales in these posts. The sweet release is so good for my mentality, and I feel like a bit of a closed book without it. So I'm back in the game! (Quote Joseph Gordon-Levitt "Ten things I hate about you") - shall we take a small moment to appreciate this film? Totally brilliant. Oh Heath, you darling darling man. 

Well, where to start on recent happenings.... To say life has been hectic, is a huge understatement.
Both babes have been battling a viral infection for the last week called "croup", which basically means they're coughing & spluttering like pack-a-day durry hags day & night. Not cool. Hearing them wheeze & struggle to breathe has basically turned Oli and I grey over the last few days. We think they're on the mend now though, hopefully- as getting avoided by other mums at the supermarket due to my two barking seals is highly embarrassing. Anyone would think we're spreading aids.

Despite being under the weather, these two still manage to fill up my phone memory every second day with gems like this:


I mean c'mon you two. If only baby modelling wasn't considered exploitation. We would make a killing.

Enough about my gorgeous offspring though, I'm trying (failing miserably) to not be "that Mum" that only talks about my kids. Considering I've rediscovered my social life, I actually do have other things to talk about. Like how I went clubbing until 3am last Wednesday.

3am. Just saying that makes me want to run to my bedroom & snuggle in tight. God bed is delicious.

Anywho, I've made a really good friend in a girl from back home recently, Abbey. She's a bloody hoot, and we get along remarkably well. So we decided we would splash out & go out for a girls night at a tapas/ cocktail bar. It was the first time in a very long while that I had been out with anyone but Oli so I was buzzing with excitement at the possibilities! I truly believe we (naively) went into the evening both expecting to be home before 11pm. Yet after slurping back cocktail nĂºmero tres, in all of its coconutty glory, things quickly started to spiral out of control. Before we knew it we were in a pub, befriending 40 yr old highly intoxicated women with names like Judy. Abbey was distraught when Jude's had to go home, but we soldiered on, and ended up in a nightclub not far from there. There were smoke machines, and doof doof so loud that I'm fairly sure I lost 20% hearing in one ear, and no one- NO ONE- over the age of twenty. We lasted one tequila (!!!!!) shot & a drink each, before a 12 year old relentlessly hit on us & we had to "bounce". (I'm still devastated that I came to the realisation I'm so not "hip" anymore by the way). 

This, this moment right here, is probably where we should have called it a night.

We didn't.

A short cab drive later found us at Perth's most well known (to everyone but us) gay bar "connections". Fitting name. There was jelly wrestling. Need I say more?

Fast forward to 3am & I've shouted so loudly over the music for so long that I sounded just like Selma & Patty, I also, literally, could not keep my eyes open. Half closed creepy eyes. Abbey wasn't in a much healthier state by then either, and bed was screaming our names.

The funniest bit was stumbling home to Oli, who tsk'd & shushed me as I struggled to yank off my boots. Not so fun when the roles are reversed apparently.

The not-funny-at-all bit, was getting forced out of bed 3.5 hrs after getting home to start my shift as Mum. I genuinely believed Oli would do me a solid & call in sick while I nursed my sore feet, throat, and throbbing dome. Nope. The show must go on. Thankfully, Oscar must have sensed my desperation (baby & mamma intuition), and he slept from 8am - 2pm. B watched Toy Story 3 times and ate marshmallows for lunch. We survived, just. It's highly unlikely I'll do that again within the next year, although it was absolutely hilarious and we had a shitload of fun- but our next date is definitely movies (the 6pm one) and sparkling water with dinner. 

I learnt 3 important things that night;

1) Girls just wanna have fun
2) Drinking in Perth leaves your pockets well and truly empty 
3) My recovery process has a turn over time of approximately 7 days now rather than 1.

Since that night, we've also had a double date with Abbey & her partner around at our place. I cooked fajitas & Abbey bought around sombreros and a Black Forest cheesecake. Our taste in cake & in humour is identical.

Oli thought we were massive geeks, but I just think he was a bit gutted as the sombrero wouldn't fit around his planet- sized head.

We are now amigos for life! Arrrrrrribbbbaaaa!

Other than that, I've been going to loads of Bikram classes (obsessed with the sweat pit), snuggling the shit out of my housemates, cooking hearty winter meals in the slow cooker, reading two delightful books, learning the odd spanish word, and I've also been getting into some arts & crafts.. We inherited a wooden dolls cot that was a white blank canvas, and in serious need of a lick of paint;

I've self appointed it a little project of mine to whip this beast into colourful shape before Gemma's Daycare begins, so watch this space folks! 

Things really escalated quickly with this post didn't they, a touch of verbal diarrhoea. (Can anyone actually ever spell diarrhoea without auto correct?!) such a sick word. 

I hope you've all had a lazy Sunday, snoozing, feasting, sunning, or snuggling. I've definitely had my fair share of all four. 

I won't leave you all for so long this time, you'll be reading my ramblings again before you know it,

Au revoir!


Thought of the day "discharge is also another sick word"

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