September! You pretty old thang you, bloody good to see you. If I sniff really hard, I can definitely smell summer. Salads, and sand, and sun, mmmmmmm.
The last few days have whizzed by in a blur of colours & carbs. It has been delightful.
On Friday, Oli and I l hit the rink for some mid morning ice skating (as you do). We had wanted to give it a burn for a while so when we finally made it there, and laced up those skates, it felt magnificent. Until we stepped onto the ice.
As I dug way back into the memory bank from my single ice skating experience in 2002, I didn't recall it being that slippery. So I tentatively clung onto the edges for the first 30 minutes until I built up enough balance to go hands-free. Fast forward 20 minutes & I had pretty much gone pro. Oli was going about 100km an hour & well on his way to a few broken bones, alas, we both escaped unscathed & pumped full of adrenalin. It was SO.MUCH.FUN.
On Friday eve we packed our sleepover bag (we don't have a sleepover bag as we don't have sleepovers, therefore it was a grocery bag) toothbrushes and all, and headed out to Abbey & Leon's for the night. 6 hours of cocktails, sushi, cranberry cheese, charades & jenga later... We were all lol'd out! We met a new Gemma that Friday actually, 'competitive charades" Gemma. It's all fun & games until somebody (Abbey) throws Good Charlotte into the hat. C'mon, how the F are you meant to act out Good Charlotte? SO.MUCH.FUN!! Waking up to a quiet household the next morning was definitely a strange moment for us though. It was actually my first ever full night away from the kids so I had thought I may freak out in the morning. But no, after a quick gulp of water, and a maccas pit stop en route, we were home & normality resumed fairly fast. I don't even think we had a chance to miss them as we were too busy laughing our asses off. T'was a hoot!
Before we knew it, Sunday arrived & we had switched into full piggy party mode. (Blake is abnormally obsessed with pigs). Giant balloons, pig snouts on sticks, ham club sammies (ironic), a piƱata, and an impressive picket-fenced mud cake were laid out, & the entire arvo went off without a hitch. Blake is such a socialite, so she was lapping up all the attention like a dehydrated dog with a big old bowl of water.
It's been really wonderful having Kathy here with us this past week. She so easily slips into our world as if she doesn't live a casual 7 hour plane ride away. Blake loves spending every waking moment with her Nana, and Oscar loves all the goofy faces she pulls in order to get a wee gummy grin.
The kids are so lucky to have their Nan, and I also feel lucky to have such a kind hearted mother-in-law. Hopefully one day soon there will only be a 5 minute car trip to conquer rather than an international flight. Fingers crossed!
Lined up this week, we have Blakes actual birthday on Wednesday so we will most likely do something a little special for her then. Maybe a trip to the zoo? Kathy only has a few days left here so we want to make the most of that. I'll most likely continue on my quest to gain 100 kilos in 10 days, and then "forget" to do my 6 month postpartum update too. 'Oopsie daisy'. That mud cake is eyeballing me as we speak- smug bastard. As things simmer down, I'm going to knuckle down on this healthy regime, first stop- yoga this evening. First exercise in nearly 2 weeks, wish me luck!
I hope everyone had a great weekend, and I hope your Mondayitis isn't too debilitating,
Au Revoir spring chickens,
Thought of the day "
This 11:11 thing is really starting to freak me the fuck out!"
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