Yesterday was shitty. Without getting into too many details, there was an emotional breakdown at the post office. Tears & all. Can't win em all right? As soon as Oli arrived home I knew I needed to go to yoga. I was physically & emotionally exhausted, but I knew if I went I would cheer up. Turns out it wasn't the yoga that did the trick, it was plugging in my earphones & blasting some sweet sounds on the way there. I think no matter what my pod played, I would have felt better, however, this is what shuffled & this is what turned my mood a 180;
Had you pulled up next to me at the traffic lights, you would have witnessed quite the scene. Some may have thought I was spastic & surely incapable of obtaining a drivers licence, but I was just having fun. Music makes everything better, bless it.
In other news, it's mo fo'ing Friday! And Aimee touches down in four short hours, yahoooo!
Enjoy your weekend friends, we sure will!
Thought of the day "moccona really does have more mmmmmmm"
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