Thursday, 21 August 2014


Hi folks! How are you all going?? 

This morning the Warner/ Tabak household woke up with dirty old winter colds. The noggins are running, the bods are aching, and Blakes new handkerchief is her hand. Gross. 

Not the best way to end the week/ start the weekend, but such is life eh? 

It's not unusual for the kids to get sick, but for me to get onboard aswel is rare. 
Since starting the wee daycare business 3 weeks back, exercise has been put on the backburner, and meals have been quick & easy (and far from healthy). Not only that, but yee old sweet tooth has made an unwelcome return, and with a vengeance. In turn, negative thoughts have been flooding in, my self confidence has taken a bashing, and now I'm sick. That ain't no coincidence. It just goes to show, you don't eat right, you don't exercise, your body says "uh oh" and immediately your immunity plummets. So I'm in a bit of a slump, but I feel as though life is all about the highs & lows, and without these lows, how would we even recognise the highs? You see what I did there? I made that glass half full. Luckily this is just a measly cold, it'll be gone before we know it, and then we can work on a bit of time management to get back to the tippy top of that mountain. 

Oscars methods for combatting a cold are snooze, snooze, boob, and more snooze. Then he wakes up floating on a cloud, because those 14 hours straight were so bitchin;

Such a spunk. 

In other news, two magnificent events occurred for four wonderful people in our lives this week. Firstly, our long time friends, Micaela & Ricky got engaged on her birthday this past Wednesday. These two are a match made in heaven, and I'm so incredibly delighted for them both! When she sent me a snap of her exquisite antique ring, I welled up & nearly shed a tear. (For anyone that knows me personally, I'm not a crier, so this was a big deal). Maybe I'm getting soppy in my old age, I dunno, but it immediately bought back memories of when Oli dropped a knee & asked "would I do him the honour of being his wife", so breathtaking & magical, a moment forever cherished. Isn't love just the bees knees?

Secondly, our friends Lucin & Mel welcomed Archer Bryce McFall to the world just yesterday. Funnily, I was chatting to her the night before, and gave her the idea of trying castor oil. She was nearing 41 weeks & I couldn't even fathom her frustration. Lucin made a late night dash, and waddya know, hey presto! 7 hours later her waters broke & she delivered a beautiful, healthy boy that next afternoon. When she messaged me to tell me she had an amazing birth experience (the first wasn't so great) & she was so proud she did it drug-free in the pool, she was floating on cloud 9, once again, I welled up with joy. What is going on with me this week? No really, hearing about beautiful births make me stupendously happy. Mel said I was her inspiration & thanked me, however, I really didn't do anything (obviously) she did it all herself, but being told that I played a very small part in such an empowering and emotional experience really reiterated just how passionate I am about natural birth. It also made me clucky as hell. I was almost jealous she had given birth. Fuck, I must be losing it. 

A couple of other things from the past week are;

I completed my wee raindrops piece for the kiddies play area, and trust me, it looks a lot better from a distance. 

And I also got our poster wall up. I had big plans to frame every pic & make a wall out of it, until I realised a trillion holes in the wall isn't ideal at a rental, and a trillion frames ain't cheap. Frameless is still pretty cool, how rad is the black & white shark? 

I think I've talked your ear off enough for today, I'll wrap it up & head on back to the couch where B is watching Toy Story 3 for the seventh time this week. I still laugh at all the jokes too. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week, and you all enjoy the simple pleasures of life this weekend (for all you childless people, please sleep in for me)


Thought of the day 

Thank F dinner is already prepped, and thank F for 8am energy bursts. 

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