Today I thought I would post about all the current pictures, words and tunes that are occupying my brain.
I just started one called "The Luminaries" by Eleanor Catton. This chick is a kiwi author who has just been shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize for this novel. She is only 28 and this book is over 800 pages long! That was enough to sell me on this bad boy. She must have started penning it when she was 12??
It is about a young Englishman who has come to NZ to make his fortune in gold mining, upon arriving he stumbles across a group of 12 men who have all met up to investigate 3 crimes that have occured in a single day. It is about lives being interconnected, and is part mystery part fantastical love story.
So far so good. Its actually really intriguing to read a novel about your home country and neighbouring countries. Often I feel like I am always reading fiction novels in American or English settings, so this one is a refreshing and welcome change. I will let you know what I think of the novel as a whole once I'm done..
I am also currently reading a non fiction novel called "Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition" by T. Colin Campbell. I downloaded this on my kindle around 4 weeks ago and have only managed to get through around 50 pages. The reason I downloaded it was because I recently came to the realisation that I read a LOT of fiction novels. Like, a lot. So, I figured maybe I should spend some of the time and energy from these fantasy worlds that I delve into, into something a bit more informative and useful. But, so far not so great. For one, I feel like the book isn't telling me anything new. Yes I know whole foods are more nourishing and better all round for the body and the mind. Yes I know we all eat way too much processed and refined foods. Blah blah blah. I would prefer my fantasy lands any day to be honest, I love living vicariously through characters in my books. It is such an escape for me. I am going to finish this book though, I'm not the type to not finish a book so wish me luck!! (I'll need it)
Lately, every single week night, my partner and I have been watching every episode of big brother australia. Yup, there, I admit it. I don't know how it hooked us, but it got us good. I think the idea of seeing real life humans at their most vulnerable is so entertaining for us viewers. There is so much drama and so much cattiness it is ridiculous, but- I will be there til the end my friends.
(Go Tim)
Girls: OMG Lena Dunham, you are magic. I have just finished season 2 and cannot wait to get my hands on the third season when it is out. Girls follows a twenty something aspiring writer trying to cut her break in New York City. Sounds plain? Its not. It is absolutely, ab- hurtingly, open-mouthed-cackling hilarious. The main star, Lena Dunham or Hannah on the show- writes the series based on her real life experiences. It is crude, slightly pornagraphic, awkward and so so witty. If you haven't watched it, go forth and buy it/hire it/ download it, whatever you need to do.
The Way Way Back: When we were back in NZ, Oli and I went to watch this movie starring Toni Collette and Steve Carrell. It was fantastic! I love Toni Collette, and she delivered- like always. Steve Carrell played the biggest douchebag but it suited him somehow and was a nice change from his usual awkward older male role. But the stand out stars were the main man (boy) Duncan (Liam James) and Owen (Sam Rockwell). It is about Duncan going on a family holiday with his mum (Collette) and his mums new bf (Carrell), there he meets up with Owen and forms an unlikely friendship. Duncan is so teen-awkward it is cringe worthy but he plays it so well, and Owen has some absolutely hilarious one-liners. If you're keen for a comedy, I strongly recommend!
Listening to:
I am always listening to a mix of Incubus, Supertramp & Nine Inch Nails. No matter what mood I am in, one of their songs will always hit the spot for me. B also loves having a boogy to Supertramp each day. "Take the long way home" - Supertramp is one of my favourite songs ever & after seeing them live earlier this year I appreciate every lyric and instrumental more than ever. - watch it, its so groovy.
Thought of the day: "I hope we win lotto tomorrow"
Thats all I've got for today folks, hope you are having a wonderful friday :)
Do you have girls? I want to steal it from you if you do, sounds hilarious! I must get into a book too - someday....
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