Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Hectic Hiatus

Hi everyone!

Yes I am still alive. Apologies for my lack of posts lately, we have been away on holiday back in NZ. I had initially planned to try and blog from home but as you all know, I'm new to this world and (to put it bluntly) I forgot. There was so much going on, I barely know where to begin...

Firstly- I will touch base on my sugar case. I lasted the week, which even I was surprised about. There was no binge at the end of it and to be honest- I haven't felt like sugar as much since. My bod seemed to appreciate the effort and it repaid me with an abundance of energy and clear (er) skin. So, I couldn't really complain. Thing is, you always know that erasing sugar from your diet will do wonders to your bod- this is not some incredible new piece of information that has just been released. The problem is, the white stuff mentally grips you- I'm talking serious addiction. That shit is smart! Or we are just dumb, and easy. I tend to agree with the latter. Humans are so caught up with addictions these days, it is ridiculous. Smoking, eating, drinking, drugs... We tend to forget that it is infact ourselves who are in charge of what we put in our bodies. Now do not get me wrong- I know there are many people who seriously cannot help their addictions, I'm not putting these people down or getting on my moral high horse. At all. All I'm saying is, these addictions stem from us. We put the crap in our body- we deal with the consequences. So from now on, I am taking charge. If I want sugar, I will make sure it is me who wants it and not some screaming desperate beast in the back of my brain, and I will have it. Simple.

Now, there are a few things to report. On September 3rd, my daughter turned one. Holy shit. She is no longer considered a baby. I still can't quite wrap my head around that- or where the entire year went for that matter. Although its funny, this year was definitely the longest and shortest 12 months of my life. If that makes any sense? Probably not, but if you've had kids I am sure you will understand. I will touch more on her first year with us in a later post. So back to her bday- it was a pretty big one. We kicked it off with our 12 week scan to check out the new cherub blossoming inside. He/ she was having a party in there too- waving its wee arms round like crazy. I was so nervous before we went in, sweaty palms and my heart beating so fast I thought it would break through my chest. You hear of so many people who go into these scans only to come out with a wet face and a broken heart, so to come out with some gorgeous pics of our energetic baby was such a miracle. Next up was a chilled family lunch with B at the head of the table, soaking up all the attention like a sponge. At the end of the day, we had planned to climb to the top of my favourite place in the world. Mount Maunganui (see post one for pics) - we had wanted to watch the sunset and show B the best view in the world for her bday. My sister, Kate, tagged along at the last minute which I wasn't worried about but later learned this was a significant advantage for Oli and I. After reaching the top, B strapped to Olis back, we laid out a blanket and took in the breathtaking views but then I abruptly decided I wanted to head down as sunset was still a while away and I was getting rather chilly. Midway down, in the most perfect spot overlooking the water, Oli got down on one knee and proposed.


Still in shock to this day 2 weeks later...

It was the most memorable, magical, romantic, and beautiful moment of my entire life. Naturally I said yes, and he slipped on an exquisite diamond ring that he designed and got made himself in Perth. (I did think- "who is this guy?" more than once)

It was a day I will never forget and I will forever cherish. And as previously mentioned- it was a blessing my sister jumped onboard at the last minute as she managed to snap a pic of the moment Oli shook up my world. (she has her iphone 5 permanently strapped to her hand luckily)

This sums it all up. I am the luckiest girl in the world...

Being a blog rookie, I wasn't sure whether to split this post into two or not, I had so much to share so there's a bit of rambling but congrats to you all who made it to the end!  I have a fair few posts I want to put up in the next few days so keep your eyes peeled,

Today's thought, "take me back!"


Opinions on addiction?

And also, anyone who has been married/ is planning a wedding, where do you start? I literally am baffled by it all. It is far too overwhelming..


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