Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Stay at home Mum status

Today I'm going to touch on a somewhat controversial topic... I'm going to chat about the benefits of being a stay at home Mum.

Firstly- we're totally riding old school on this parenting journey. Both Oli and I grew up with our mums always there for us, all day every day for the first few years and then once daycare and school started, they would be waiting at the gates when we were ready to come home. We both found this to be incredibly comforting as young children and I feel so grateful that I am able to give Blake (and no.2) a similar start to life. 

Now I know every single family has completely different situations. Obviously there are plenty of women who have jobs they must return to, aswel as plenty who have study to complete. I take my hat off to these women, I really do- because I barely find time in the day to brush my hair as it is let alone juggle work or study on top of looking after a baby / household.  

For me personally, I think bringing up a child is the most important job in the world. After all you are shaping a human being into a (hopefully) wonderful person who will contribute positively to society and live a long and prosperous life... That entire sentence almost gave me a headache. But it is really important to be there for them I think, to love them unconditionally and watch them grow whilst offering a helping hand along the way. I still can't even think about putting my daughter into daycare, as tough as it is some days (I'm talking block myself off in my room and literally scream into a pillow), I just couldn't imagine not spending every day with her. And the most important part is my partner totally agrees. Some days we do think two incomes would be soooo nice, but most days we just think, money is money, and this is our child's life. That's not to say I won't ever be working again, infact- I am really looking forward to getting back into the daily grind and earning a pretty pay check again in a few years. I think it'll be easy peasy compared to child rearing! (Too controversial? Meh..)

I have a really close male friend who is so judgemental about stay at home mums, and what they do (or don't do) everyday. He seriously thinks it is a joke- they do nothing, and the men have it hard. I laughed it off before I became a mum, but now....Not so funny. Most days, I do not stop. Whether it be the endless cleaning/ cooking/ washing, running errands (groceries, paying bills etc..), trying to feed and entertain the baby takes up an enormous amount of time, and then squeezing in some exercise if I can. Before I know it, the day is done and I'm exhausted. I truly think you can't generalise a stay at home mum, I'm sure there are some out there that don't do a lot with their day, but I sure as hell am not one of them and I'm not afraid to say it either. I know most of my friends with babies are the same- it is hectic, and it is 24/7. But as I said, I'm so grateful that we are in a stable financial situation that allows us to have me stay at home with my darling. I think the benefits are endless, and I think my daughters pure and utter joy that's constantly plastered all over her face on a daily basis, is a reminder that we are definitely doing the right thing here. 

So for all of you fellow stay at home mums, or any mum for that matter- you're bloody awesome. 

(I can't believe I actually sound like an activist for stay at home mums, I feel like we should all congregate and take down all of those that look down on us one by one.... Too far? Haha, probably) 

Anyway, that's it folks!! 

Throw me your thoughts, what do you think of stay at home mums?

Thought of the day "I can't wait until bedtime and it is only 2pm"

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo! I want to be a stay at home mum too, my mother always was - well until we were in primary school, even then, she only worked part time.
