Tuesday, 24 September 2013

One Year


Happy Birthday,

The day you arrived into the world was the first day of the rest of our lives. You have changed everything. When I pulled you up and looked at your face for the first time I thought I was in some surreal dream, you were beautiful. Your tiny features took my breath away, from your plump little lips to your dainty little nose, all the way down to your teeny hands which (with surprising force) gripped my thumb tightly from your very first breath and simultaneously gripped my heart.

You were perfect and we loved you intensely.

How has it already been one year since that first day? I remember every detail as if it were yesterday, and yet I have completely forgotten what life was like before you arrived.

You were so quiet in those first weeks. Barely making a sound let alone a cry, your innocence was so beautiful and terrifying at the same time. We felt overwhelmingly protective over you, we still do. As you grew, we started to see snippets of the real you. A little human being! And let me say- you are hilarious. You must get that from your Dad, along with majority of your features I think. The amount of times I have heard “Oh my gosh you look like your Daddy” over the past year is ridiculous. You have his big blue peepers and they are stunning, you mesmerize complete strangers with them on a regular basis and you don’t even know it yet.

Since that very first day we have only grown to love you more. The first time you smiled was the first time I felt pure, raw joy. There have been so many firsts since then, and there will only be more. We are so excited to watch you blossom into the beautiful young girl you are destined to be.

We just want you to know that you deserve nothing but happiness. You are allowed to be who you want to be, and chase whatever dream your heart desires. We will support you and love you no matter what, never forget we are here for you. I want you to be able to come to me with anything that is on your mind or troubling you, and I promise to be supportive and rational. Never be afraid to come to me or your Dad for help- that is what we are here for and even if you think we wouldn’t understand, we can try. Surround yourself with positive people who make your life better every day, and be passionate, kind, honest and generous. Love, and be loved and you will lead a wonderful life. You have so many people who love you already, and that is all you need for now, you are lucky. But we are luckier.

Thank you for the best year of our lives thus far darling girl,
So much love from your Dad and I,

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