What's been happening:
He is now approx 2.1kgs & 45cm from head to heel. This week his lungs are very nearly fully formed and there's a chance that if he were born now he wouldn't actually need any respiratory help. Other than that, those wee bones are still hardening & he's still plumping up those fat cells rapidly, ready for the big arrival.
As for I- well thank goodness I got those iron supplements when I did as I feel a million times better already! No more headaches and now that baby has turned, the heartburn is clearing off aswel. Win win! I've started to get Braxton hicks this week which is rather exciting, the old uterus is prepping for the big show already. Hopefully that means he'll be arriving early, wishful thinking... Also- pleasantly- my nether regions are extremely sore at the moment. Now that he is head down, there is a lot more pressure down there, along with the tonne of extra blood, it's all a bit bloody sensitive. But they're all good signs as it means that the end is nigh!
Workouts: It seems I have my exercise mojo back! The gyms off the cards at the mo as Blake has been napping right at the only time we can get her in the crèche there, alas, I have been setting up a little circuit in our lounge with some dumb bells & a mat and doing a nice mix of squats/lunges/press ups/ & yoga. I'm not going to lie- I never find it easy to motivate myself to exercise at home, particularly when there's a good book or a movie to watch lying around (or Ellen is on). It's so easy to just sprawl out on the couch and relax for those couple of hours when she sleeps. But ever since I've rediscovered my energy I've actually been wanting to roll out the mat and get into it. So I've done that each day this week aswel as getting out for a few walks (which never last long in this heat)
Movement: He is still really active in there... since we found out he had turned, I can kind of figure out which bits are where when he is wriggling around which is cool. It's mostly just his bum pushing right up underneath my ribs & the odd arm trying to break through the surface. He's also still getting the hiccups 5 or 6 times a day at the moment, I remember Blake doing the same- it's the strangest sensation!
Food Aversions: Mince again, we cooked it last night & the smell was making me feel nauseous, so I went and got KFC. Naturally...
But all red meat is kind of 'bleh' at the moment, I'm supposed to be eating more with all this iron business but urgh. Yuck.
Food cravings: Bounty bars, and smoothies. Cold bounty bars are freakin' amazing at the moment, I bought a fun size bag and have kept them in the fridge over the past few days, can't believe they lasted as long as they did. Oh, sugar free tues & thurs are out this week by the way. They'll most likely be out until he arrives, and then we will revisit the situation..,
And smoothies- I've been making green, red, purple & brown ones, once sometimes twice a day at the moment. It must be the heat! Anything cold just hits the spot.
How could I forget- Vegemite toast & poached eggs. I've had this nearly everyday lately too, delissshhhh.
Sleep: Theres been some really good nights & some really shitty ones lately. The parrots are still squawking at a ridiculous hour (we are working on a slingshot), and it has been 30degs + at bedtime each night. Thank goodness for aircon, but we only have it in our lounge & it often doesn't cool down the bedrooms enough. I'm hanging out for winter that's for sure!
It's getting kind of hard to sleep in any comfortable position now, I never did get around to getting one of those pillows (and I probably won't bother now) so I'm still awkwardly half lying on my front with one leg propped out to the side. Back sleeping is so lame!
Miss anything: Running, strangely enough... I've had it on my mind recently, and I would love to just tie up my sneakers & pound some pavement. And still sushi, I'm far too impatient to make my own lately (and it never tastes as good) so I'm really amped to dig into some fresh stuff soon.
Fun/ interesting things for the week; Probably the most interesting thing this week would have been my hospital encounter that I wrote about in my last post... What a debacle!! My midwife and I actually laid a formal complaint yesterday as she said she had heard a few things about this particular doctor so she wanted something to be done about it. I can just imagine his face when / if he reads what I wrote- I wish I could see it.
I've been going to antenatal classes at my midwifery centre on wed nights for the past 2 weeks. It's a 6 week course, and although we had done homebirth antenatal classes back in NZ, I thought it would be good to refresh & meet some people along the way. It's a shame Oli can't come as obviously someone has to be at home with B, being the only single in a room full of couples is... Oddly uncomfortable. But it was much easier on the second evening.
The teacher has a great sense of humour & I find the 2 hours actually flies by, birth is so interesting! I do feel like a bit of a know-it-all at times though- I just want to pipe up and retell my experience or my opinion on this & that, but I try to keep my lips sealed as no one wants to be 'that girl who loves the sound of her own voice'. It's actually rather uncanny being there from a totally different perspective this time around, all the women are so wide eyed & there's often gasps or a collective "ooooh", so eager to learn about the mystical and often mythical 'experience of labour'. It feels like just yesterday that I was sitting in that room, holding onto every word the teacher said, taking many mental notes that I still vividly remember today. Actually- I guess I still am that girl, I'm still listening intently to this teacher & asking a lot of questions, but I'm a bit more in "the know" I guess you could say. The other women are probably wondering why I'm even there if I've just been through it all, I should just wear a sign that says "need friends, any takers?", straight to the point.
Another interesting thing for the week is that my Mum has finally booked her flights to come over 2 weeks before my due date, hallelujah!! We decided only a few weeks back that we really could do with the extra hands, so she's got herself a one way ticket & I'm infinitely excited to have meals cooked & washing done for me!! What a dream! Oh and to see her of course.... We actually are going to be inundated with visitors for all of March / April and May, I'm hoping we haven't over-committed in the sense that we may just want peace and quiet when he comes, but I'm sure all the extra help won't go astray. And besides, it's easy to tell family to piss off when necessary anyway.. Thank goodness.
What a rant!
Stretchmarks; Negative
Happy or moody: Happy as a hippo!
Looking forward to: The long weekend this weekend for Australia Day, any extra time with Oli is always a bonus, and I'm finally looking forward to the big day. His birthday!
And winter.
Bump update:
Excuse the bags yet again, I cant seem to get rid of them without magic concealer which I can't be bothered wearing these days. This was first thing this morn, I downloaded this sweet new app called "pic lab" which I was mucking about in hence the fancy tidbits. Check out that bump though, she (he?) is a beaut!
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