Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Hormonal Rollercoaster

8 more weeks 8 more weeks 8 more weeks.... This is my mantra this week. If I keep repeating it I'll soon come to realise that I'm really & truly going to be a normal human being again in just 8 more weeks. 

Because to be honest... I'm a bloody mess right now!! A flurry of tears & tantrums, ridiculous remarks, sarcasm, and just general lunatic behaviour. Somebody please save me from myself! I'm unbearable. How Oli still manages to come home from work & look excited to be there is beyond me. But bless him for doing so, he is my knight in steel cap boots.


This is how I envision my cranium to look post-birth;

Isn't it lovely? So peaceful & pretty. That will be me. Cool, calm & collected. 

Here's hoping anyway, because this hormonal imbalance can go right ahead & jump off the nearest cliff. 

In other non-manic news, I am currently obsessed with 'Clif' bars. Has anybody tried these delicious bars of heaven?

If not, do so immediately. They're supposed to be 'clean' energy bars, and they do have a number of wholesome ingredients, but they still have 20+ grams of sugar in each bar. So... I probably shouldn't be eating 3 a day. I'll work on that.. (White choc macadamia & choc almond fudge will blow your mind)

Recently, I've realised our kitchenware is simply just not up to scratch. One of my reso's was to get creative in the kitchen, but I feel as though I need new appliances to make all of these culinary dreams come alive. These two babies are numbers 1 & 2 on my list;

Vitamix (the GOD of blenders & processors, at an ungodly price)


The cuisinart 7-stage slow cooker. I can already feel that beef falling apart in my mouth...

So I was thinking in lieu of having a baby shower this time, I could ask for kitchenware. Is that legit? Obviously I wouldn't expect a vitamix (unless you're my mother), but some nice bright ramekins or a lovely platter wouldn't go astray? 

I'll keep dreaming and scheming & hopefully have these two in my kitchen come June... Which is conveniently when my birthday is..?! How funny.

Thought of the day, "how do I get away with mass murder of parrots?"

Hope you all have had a brilliant mon & tues.


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