I had started to write this post up yesterday but then realised I would be 26 weeks today anyway so thought I'd hold off. Here goes;
What's been happening:
He is now approx 850gms and 37 cm from head to heel. He is starting to open his eyes this week & his brain development is at an all time high- so good nutrition is vital this week (....oops)
Workouts: I've only managed two proper workouts this week so far (and a big walk). One at home workout & I went to a body balance class at the gym this morn. It was so good to go back & I'm looking forward to a spin class this Sunday!
Movement: Still getting loads of jabs left right & centre, it's still cute and I still smile after every one.
Food Aversions: Definitely not
Food cravings: Zinger burgers and hot chips. Watermelon, cheese, eggs, and still kit kats. And bread, lots of bread. I don't discriminate either; white brown grainy - whatever is available!
Sleep: I am still sleeping on my belly! I don't know if that's recommended at this stage or what but I am making it work.
Miss anything: Watching Oli drink bintang after bintang in Bali was fun... That is blatant sarcasm incase you missed it.
Fun/ interesting things for the week; We had our midwife appointment on Wednesday which is always exciting, getting to hear the heartbeat & what not! Sara (my midwife) could feel where he was lying, head up under my ribs & legs down, which would explain the sudden urge to pee when he is booting my bladder. So that was cool- and hearing his ticker go gets me every time. Still so surreal! Apparently his growth is right on track and his heartrate was perfect so we were happy with that. Oh, and also, this week has seen the return of leaky nips, colostrum is back (already) joy!!
Stretchmarks; Nope, hope my tum can hold out til the end again!
Happy or moody: Really happy this week, the holiday was so refreshing & at the same time it's been so good to get home and start getting ready for Xmas. We are one cheesy family this week.
Looking forward to: Spin class, Christmas shopping & Christmas of course!
Bump update: Looking very round these days;
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