We all getting into the festive spirit?
Well I wasted no time on digging into this decoration business once we got home. After arriving home Sunday, Blake and I were straight off to the shops on Monday to buy a tree and all the bells & whistles with it. The shopping centre was friggen packed. Manic even. It was all a tad overwhelming actually but we nudged our way through the traffic & came out the other end with all the supplies...
And Ta Da!!!
I've got the lights twinkling all day & all night, and I've already taught Blake that tugging on the tree is a big "no no", excellent! As you can see, naturally we had to go out again and buy presents to put underneath it. And this is just the beginning.... We all get a little crazy at Christmas though don't we? The answer is yes, yes we do.
I seriously think just having this tree up makes my day at least 30% better, if not more. How can you not be happy when there's tinsel & candy canes about?
In other non-Christmas related news; Blake has just gone 15 months and she is finally starting to walk! It is out-of-this-world cute & it was definitely worth the wait. So Oli and I have been boot camping her each afternoon, she has to walk between either of us and we have to clap ecstatically every time she makes it without dropping onto her bum. She laps up those cheers!
This girl is seriously heavenly, she is just hilarious and I literally didn't think she could get any cuter but she seems to manage it each week? How does she do it? Her eyelashes are so dark and long now too, I'm slightly envious. And we are definitely considering home school as an option, or a shotgun. I know people joke about this, but we aren't. And just to make you all go "ahhhhh" here's her this arvo pointing at my belly and then giving it a cuddle, I've taught her to say "bubba" when she rubs it- although she obviously doesn't know what it means it still tugs at the old heart strings. (What's the bet she won't be so stoked when he actually arrives)
Bless her.
Did everyone see that Blur pulled out of BDO this week & Deftones are now coming? So that means Pearl Jam, Deftones, Queens of the Stone Age and Nine Inch Nails are all coming to Perth in my 8th & 9th months of pregnancy. I don't know whether someone thinks this is funny or what? Cos I don't. Oh, actually- AND the Rolling Stones are here the week I'm due. Cherry on top. Timing is horrendous, but I guess I'll just patiently wait until next time... As I have no other choice.
Ok well I went to the gym at 10:30am & it is now 3pm so that means I've been marinating in my sweat for a bit too long to be hygienically acceptable, better hop into the shower & then whip up something for dinner I guess (The life of a desperate housewife)
I have Amelie and Finding Nemo all ready to watch this arv/ eve too, I haven't seen Amelie in far too long and I'm actually super excited! Huge Friday night ahead folks!
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and I'll be sure to keep you posted on our antics
Adios Amigos
Thought of the day "I could really do with getting drunk tonight"
P.s my pregnancy app just alerted me to inform me that I have less than 100 days to go in my pregnancy. Shit! Unprepared is an understatement. He can sleep in a shoebox right?
That's a joke. Don't call CYFS.
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