Thursday, 26 December 2013

Merry Christmas!!

I just wanted to pop in to say Merry Chrissy to all my lovely readers;

Hope you all drank & ate excessively, and got spoilt with lots of socks & choccies!! Our Christmas took an unexpected turn as Blake started power chucking on Xmas eve, and it just so happened to be the start of an on-going gastro saga. Round 2. And we are now heading into day 3... 

I'm trying not to think about how much it has sucked to be honest as its a total bummer... But we can't do much but ride it out & give her as much love and care as possible. We've definitely had many cheerful moments in between her bad spells so ill be sure to share them with you all soon..

This scene made me grateful just to have my family even if they're not healthy this Christmas, ain't love grand? 

There was also some AMAZING rum balls devoured that ill have to post the recipe for (thanks Aimee!)

Anywho- hope everyone is healthy, happy & well and truly stuffed!!


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