What's been happening:
He is now around 1.3kgs and 40cm from head to heel. This week his brain development & growth is rapid, and his skeleton is continuing to harden. He may now react to loud sounds too. Bet he is sick of Christmas Carols in that case!
I've been in the wars this week, continuous heartburn & headaches have been a real joy.. My back & neck are also incredibly sore- I might book in to see the chiropractor next week and see what miracles they can perform.
Workouts: Yesterday I made the mistake of going to Jacobs ladder to burn off some of those extra Christmas cals, those stairs are pretty killer & I normally would do around 5 or 6 laps in half an hr and that's a decent workout. But I hadn't been in around 8 weeks & I wasn't actually feeling too great to begin with...
I did 6 laps, it was tough but it didn't feel like I was over-doing it at all at the time. Alas, when I got home I vomited everywhere (!!!!) and was bedridden for the rest of the day. I don't think the workout was entirely to blame, my body has been all out of whack for a while & I think it was just was a build up of my lack of sleep and poor nutrition. My lesson has been learnt anyway, no Jacobs ladder for me until baby is on the outside! It's Christmas (obviously) so that was about the only real workout I've done as of late, and my calves are so sore today that I am severely handicapped, so I doubt ill be doing much for a couple of days except hobbling like a geriatric.
Movement: Bucketloads! My tummy takes on the weirdest shapes, it's creepily cool..
Food Aversions: Nope just cooking aversions as per usual.
Food cravings: Oli and I swore off KFC until at least the new year a couple of weeks back so those zinger burgers have been on my mind. (Healthy I know...) But last time I had it, it was actually pretty gross so I think I'll just keep up with the no KFC for as long as possible. Other than that, this week saw an overindulgence of sugar due to the silly season, but we're finally starting to run out now (thank god).
Sleep: Pretty shite really. A not-so-sweet mix of Blake being sick, my neck/back killing me, heartburn, an ATM bomb explosion one block over last night (I'll elaborate in the following post), and now Blakes molars are on their merry way. Oh teething, you're a real ruthless bitch aren't you?
Miss anything: Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep & energy
Fun/ interesting things for the week; This week has not been what I would call fun, but on the bright side- we invested in this pretty sweet blow up pool for our outdoor area & I'm looking forward to many more summer afternoons getting bouyant in there with B
(The feeling of lying on my front is euphoric!)
Stretchmarks; Nope
Happy or moody: Bloody exhausted
Looking forward to: The New Year!! I feel like its going to be a goody... And our midwife appt on Monday as Oli finally gets to meet Sara.
Bump update:
First thing this morn;
Sorry it's a tad dark, but trust me.. It's better this way. This pic makes him look rather petite for some reason. He's not.
I've got some posts on the way with lots of pics of our Xmas antics, and a follow up to my weight loss post too. Hope everyone is having a very relaxing & revitalising week with friends and fam!
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