Monday, 16 December 2013

Blake 15 month update

Our baby is definitely no longer a baby. She is in fully fledged toddlerhood. And I absolutely love it. 

Blake is a dream kid, she is just so chilled out & compliant (generally) that I often forget a lot of babies aren't like her & just how lucky we really are. She has finally started walking & it is so cool seeing her rock around like a penguin all day. She was a late bloomer with crawling so hence her late start on walking, but after so many months of worrying about her lack of movement & thinking there must be something wrong, I now have no idea why I ever bothered wasting my time on worrying. I guess it's all part of this new parenting journey. Fact is- 99% of the time babies are going to grow at their own pace & move when they want to move. 
This stage is definitely one of the most exciting thus far as she is really becoming her own person with a huge personality. Even though she is still changing everyday, I can see what type of girl she is sprouting into already- incredibly spirited, and incredibly cheeky, surprisingly independent, and a definite performer/ attention seeker (wonder where she got that from).

Blake generally sleeps for 12 hours a night, either from 6-6 or 7-7. She had always been a brilliant sleeper & started sleeping through properly at around 4 months old (don't ask me how, I guess I'm just lucky). Although lately, she has been teething a lot. And she does not cope well with teething. So once or twice a night she's been waking up solely for a cuddle, I never feed her as I know she doesn't need it, all it takes is a quick snuggle and she's back off. Last night was the first night in a week she slept a full night so we're all fresh as daisies today! 

Those little drumsticks are getting her around everywhere nowadays! She broke out into a run yesterday- straight into the doorframe. Now she is the proud owner of a rather impressive egg on her forehead, luckily all it took to stop the flowing tears was a quick game of peek a boo. 

Incredibly resilient creatures!!

This girl loves her food, her absolute favourite is cucumber at the moment and she will eat stick after stick- skin & all. A few more favs include; avocado, lasagne, eggs, peanut butter sammies, green smoothies, anything chocolate-y, and watermelon. Oh, and she had her first sip of dads coke the other day, her smile was so wide with satisfaction I thought she was going to explode with joy. She puckered up her lips in a slurping motion and followed Oli and his can around until he finished it. So now we must teach her that coke is poison- eventually...

She is such a copy cat at the moment & therefore tries to say whatever we say all the time. She will say "daddy" directly to Oli & when he arrives home, and she also says "byeeeee" which can also be "hiiii" sometimes. And mummy, ta ta & bubby are 3 regulars. My favourite is when she mimics our laughter though, if Oli and I are laughing at something we'll suddenly hear her crack up mockingly and I am in fits. She is in on all the jokes nowadays. 

Some of her fav things to do include; swimming, boogying to any music, being pulled around by Oli in the washing basket, "booping" us on the nose with her magic finger, opening and closing any draws, bathtime, watching peppa pig or bananas in pajamas, and going through my knickers draw and putting them around her neck..

Which is slightly weird but she still manages to make it cute. I better add in that I'm definitely the favourite parent at the moment, dads cuddles are not welcome at 3am only mums. I don't know whether to be flattered or gutted.. 

Daytime naps- she's currently in a phase where she thinks she doesn't need to sleep during the day which is fun/ exhausting. 
Men, which I think is hilarious- she's ok with all women & most men but sometimes she'll crack it when Olis friends come around, I don't blame her though. Scary looking humans. But generally she loves a good crowd of any gender, just depends on her mood. Books- as much as I try to read to her, all she wants to do is turn the pages as fast as possible or throw the book as far as possible.. Unless it makes sounds, then we might get a few pages in. If we're lucky. 
Being in her high chair- she's just refusing to eat if we put her in her chair at the moment, she just squirms and goes bright red trying to break out. 

So that's our little darl in a nutshell at this age, I wouldn't change a thing....(Maybe just the daytime naps)



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