Oh my freaking god.
Just wow.
These ridiculously talented four fellows blew my mind last night. As soon as Alex Turner swaggered up on the stage with his psychedelic sequinned shirt & jet-black slicked back 'do, grabbed the mic, & let his soulful soothing tones escape his throat- I absolutely melted. And from there on out, I was a quivering mess of emotions. (All well hidden by my cool, nonchalant "this aint no thang" front... obvs)
Admittedly, before last night, I was barely even what you would call a 'fan' of the Arctic Monkeys. Sure, I knew a few of their songs & thought their new stuff was pretty cool- and I knew it would be a good live act to see. Alas, what I expected to hear, and what I heard/felt/saw- exceeded my expectations by a gazillion miles.
The drummer was absurdly talented, never missing a beat & all whilst having an awkwardly craned neck to back-up sing into the mic- hugely adding to the all round deliciousness that was taking place. The bass was so heavy and thick, I felt like it was suffocating me, in the very best way possible. And Alex's bony fingers whipping up & down that gat at the speed of light, had my jaw almost hitting the floor. My mind body & soul completely succumbed to their music for those two sweet, sweet hours. I was, and still am, completely enthralled.
To actually see a group of people that are that talented, with no help from audio-editing or whatever it is Katy Perry does to get fans (apologies to Katy fans, but she sucks)- is phenomenal. Every sung word meant something, every chord strummed meant something, every beat of the drum meant something- it was real music. Real, heart-warming, adrenalin-rushing music. I feel like my life is instantly better for seeing the Arctic Monkeys, & I will now proceed to no doubt thrash their albums over the coming months to try to re-live one of the best experiences of my life.
You guys are thinking my extreme enthusiasm for a band I barely knew yesterday morning is a little weird aren't you? That's cool, I probably am a little weird- but I'm a little weirdo with a love for good music. And when you find new love you always have the honeymoon phase right? Well, consider me a cheesy old honeymooner.
Oh Alex, marry me? (Sorry Oli but I would definitely use him as my new hall pass). I'm the biggest sucker for a sexy voice- it is definitely make or break for me when it comes to the male species. And this guy? Sultry, soulful, silky smooth, and so deep....
Ok I'm off to jump onto You-Tube to watch more.
Sayonara & happy hump day friends
Thought of the day "should have been a groupie"
our review for arctic monkey album! :)