Who here watches Family Guy? I, personally, am a massive fan. Seth Macfarlane is a comical genius. Peter Griffin, in particular, is quite possibly the funniest animated personality of all time. If you are on Instagram and you aren't following peterpumpkineater69 yet, you must go ahead & hunt him down immediately. One of my favourite segments on the show, is when Peter does his, "you know what really grinds my gears"- so I thought I would bulletpoint my own version of what grinds my gears (just for fun). Turns out it doesn't take much to piss me off, as this whole list came to me within five minutes. Most is trivial stuff, but some points really irk me on a daily basis, you'll know which ones I mean upon reading I'm sure...
Number 1;
Really really tight jar lids. I swear I spend half of my life trying to get into jars, bottles, dishwasher powder with the awkward pinch twist top (you know the ones?)- I think my wrist is retarded.
Hanging out the washing right before it spontaneously buckets down. Why Mother Nature, why?
Elderly people who demand respect, yet give none back. The other day I was pushing my beasty double pram through the farmers market, with Oscar screaming and Blake reaching out to pull every item off the shelves on our journeys. I was trying to hold myself together before bursting into tears. As we queued up to pay & leave, an elderly lady walked right past us and straight up to the counter. I said, excuse me we are in line, she turned around- gave us a snooty glare & said with a sigh, well hurry up then. As if I were an inconvenience to her horribly busy day. Get a grip lady, you may be old but you're also rude. - this ones the real deal.
No split bills in Australia. On the rare occasion we do go out for a meal with friends, huddling over the bill at the end trying to summon the exact amount of cash per person is a really crap way to end a night.
While I'm on the Australian bandwagon... Trolleys here. Honestly, who made these spastic contraptions, and why will they never go in the direction you want them too?
Jet Star. I really don't think I need to elaborate on this one. Worst airline ever.
Public displays of affection/ porn. Seeing tongues dart in and out of mouths in broad daylight, in the middle of town is not only completely unnecessary, but plain revolting. And on this topic- the same goes for Facebook displays of affection. We may not see body parts connecting, but knowing that you "love your baaaayybyyyy so much", is something I, and many others I would say, really do not care to see. Privacy was invented for a reason people. Use it.
Having every ingredient but one at home for a meal. Fuck!!
Bad grammar & punctuation. The world of texting and social media has dumbed down the younger generation to an embarrassing level. Read a book, or ten. Dis shiz ain't kool.
Misuse of authority. I've never enjoyed being told what to do, but being told what to do by an arrogant doctor or teacher, who thinks they know best but really don't- really grinds my gears.
There. I feel much better after that!
What grinds your gears?
Thought of the day "rain, rain go away..... No really, please go away our sheets desperately need washing"
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