Oscar is officially 8 weeks old!! Where on earth does time get off on whizzing by so fast? I can still feel his head coming out like it were last night? (I'm not entirely sure that memory will ever fade...)
Our big boy is sprouting by the minute & learning to take in his surroundings more and more every day...
Boob boob & more boob, sleep (finally!!!), Blake (she's his fave), riding in the car, Paps (Oli), the vacuum, looking at his reflection, being swaddled, being held and walked around, the swing, music
Getting out of the bath, getting dressed, getting a nappy change, when Blake
pokes his eyes, when I'm out of his sight, the dummy (trust me, I've tried), wind in his face
He is getting a lot better with his sleep patterns & is now doing 4-5 hrs straight at night, therefore only feeding twice, and having solid naps throughout the day too. After much trial / error we've come to see that he loves being in his bassinet, in a quiet dark room, swaddled and with lots of blankets even when it is a warm day. He has just moved into his own room now too, so we are (quietly confident) we may get some sleep throughs in the near future. Fingers crossed! (On that note- I don't know how people co-sleep or share a room for longer than a few weeks, is it just mine or are babies unnecessarily noisy?!!)
Although OJ is still so fresh, I feel as though he'll be running circles around me in no time at all. In such a short time SO much has changed- it's hard to comprehend how they grow so quickly. Pretty soon he'll be eating solids, then sitting up, then crawling?!! Ahhhhhh! I might actually buy a baby leash. Don't judge me.
I think I'm finally starting to enjoy him now, admittedly, it hasn't been the smoothest start to our relationship- but we're finding our groove (especially with these 4-5 hr sleeps) & I'm learning how to help him blossom in this wonderful world. When he looks at me & his face breaks into an all encompassing smile, and a trickle of milk dribbles down to his chin before letting out a squeak of delight, my heart just soars. He's well & truly won me over.
And as for this one;
Blake is such an independent woman!! I spend half my day watching her in disbelief & the other in hysterics over her antics. She is such a talkative wee thing & seems to learn a new word each day. Her vocab includes (but is certainly not limited too);
"Hi, Byee & See Ya!"
"Da paaark da park!" - the park
"Wart warts" - bottle of water
"Bot bots"- bottle of milk
"Peeeeeeaase" - please
"Nyum nyuums" - food
"Nose, mouth, eyes"
"One, two, three"
"Da piiiiggg" - peppa pig
"Alwight" - alright
"Maarrrmmmyyy" - me
"Dadda" - Oli
"Bookshhhh" - books
"Teds!" - teddies
"All done"
"Nearly home"
"There ya go!"
"Peewwww" (along with smelly hand over nose gesture)
And lastly, "Oh shit!" - which still gets me every time.
Her latest thing is to "dancy dance" to pharrels song 'happy'. We were in Big W one day and she just started busting a move to it in the middle of the aisle when the chorus started- swinging her hips and saying "yaaaayyy!". It drew quite the crowd actually, I was impressed. So now I put it on at home and everytime the words "because I'm happppyyy..." start she just breaks it down. Hilarious!
This girl knows what she wants & when she wants it. If we are going to the park she's banging at the door with her hat on saying "park park!", if dinner is on it's way she's gone & got herself a bib and will be sitting in her eating spot ready to rock, and at bedtime she's rounded up her teddies, given everyone mwahs with her hand & is shaking on her cot rails at 6:30 sharp. I whole heartedly believe she is a miniature genius.
Da park- slides mostly now that she can climb up and go down herself. Bath time or splish splash, the beach, throwing the ball, repeating everything she does at least 3 times, high fives, the IPad (too much!), peppa pig, shoes, Oscar or buubbbyyy, sleeping in our bed, singing twinkle twinkle & wheels on the bus, doing handstands with me
Leaving the park (tears every time), having anything taken off her, eating at any time that is inconvenient for her, and teething- but that's about it, mostly she is a really good kid
She is finally doing her 12 hr stints & 2 hr naps again, it was all over the show when Oscar came as she simultaneously was getting her molar teeth, but as of the last week she's back on track! (Thank goodness) I think we'll move her into a toddler bed soon & give Oscar her cot, I don't know how I feel about this though? Blake in a bed? A real human sized bed? It seems so soon!
This child loves her food, particularly; apples, broccoli, anything sweet, beans, smoothies, cottage pie, avocado, rice, milk, sushi, cucumber, bananas, potato chips, and crackers. The only thing she doesn't seem to like so far is mushrooms , but I reckon I can sneak them past her in some mash. We really need to get cracking on her self-feeding, she eats her lunch & snacks independently but her breakfast & dinner bowls are still spoon fed. It's mostly due to me not being bothered with the mess to be honest... But she is certainly ready for it.
Blake is currently tugging at my leg to chase her around the house so I gotta scoot-
Yay it's Friday!
Ta ta,
Thought of the day "nothing beats the sound of rain on your window pane"
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