Thursday, 22 May 2014

City to Surf

Despite the clock only reading 9:05am, I am more than ready to crawl back into bed....

This morning, I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed at 6, feeling lethargic and heavy. Coffee didn't release any endorphins, and a weak attempt at working out only added frustration to the mix of emotions. 
Ugh. One of those days eh? Can't win 'em all sweetheart, my grandad always used to say.

On top of feeling like death warmed up, I think I've lost my mind; because I just signed up for a half marathon in 3 months time. 

City to Surf Perth half marathon takes place on Sunday August 31st 2014... And I'll be there. Probably. No, definitely. Hopefully.
Today is clearly not going to be the day where I'm oozing confidence, but I'm sure it will come. 

Running a half marathon is something I've wanted to do for a long time. I can see myself triumphantly crossing that finishing line, dripping in sweat, but overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment. I see it as an amazing achievement, something I will be proud of (and gloat to my grandkids about) for years to come. It's just one of those things I've always known I've got to do, you know? 
The only problem is, I really suck at running outside. Chuck me on a treadmill and I can run 10kms easy.. Outside? 5kms and I'm about to collapse onto the curb. It is absolutely a psychological game, one where quite often, your mind hits that dreaded 'wall' and your body follows suit. I just find that my mind hits it before I've even warmed up! Maybe my mind has decided that because I've told myself I can't run for so many years, then I simply can't run. Once again, yee old powerful mind strikes again eh?
Well, thats all about to change. I'm going to reiterate to myself, day in and day out, that I can run, and I will run. 21.0975 kilometres to be exact. 

In three short months time. 


I'll let you know how week 1 of training goes. But first, it's nap time in this household.

Happy Friday folks!

Thought of the day "exactly one year today til the big day!"


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