What's been happening: Baby is now in its 16th week. He/ she is about the size of a pear (these fruit comparisons are awfully vague), but it is approx 140gms and 13cm in length. In the next few weeks the baby will undergo a HUGE weight gain, almost doubling its current weight by 20 weeks. It is now inhaling/ exhaling amniotic fluid through the lungs. As for me, no headaches as of late which is fantastic! Feeling pretty good now that this cold is almost gone.
Weight gained: Everything still fits but my tum is definitely rounding out by the week.
Workouts: Its only Wednesday but in the past week I've done a few great workouts including gym, walks, yoga & some stair climbing on Saturday. We went to Jacobs ladder at kings park and it was tough as per usual, I love the burn after a good set of stairs. Off to the gym this morning as well for some incline walking & light weights.
Movement: Not a lot this week, still haven't felt any kicks but it won't be long now!
Food Aversions: I'm not feeling porridge still, and tomatoes are leaving a strange aftertaste too
Food cravings: Sushi! So bad! Yesterday I was doing the groceries and I was starved by the end of it. There just so happens to be a delicious sushi shop right outside the supermarket, & I couldn't resist. I grabbed a half roll of prawn and avocado and I still can't shake the guilts. But man it was delicious. Might have to make some at home today.
Sleep: Blake still hasn't slept through a whole night yet. Urghhhhhhhhh. F'n teething.
Miss anything: Not really this week, maybe my flat tum. People may harpoon me at the beach this summer.
Fun/ interesting things for the week: I met the midwife yesterday, she was awesome! Lovely lady, and we got along swimmingly. Luckily! Aus is different to Nz in that you don't get to take your pic of midwives, infact most people don't even get a set midwife. We do because we have decided on a homebirth (dun dun dunnnn) this time which means we get to join the community midwifery program. I'll touch more on that subject later. Oh and also, my due date was moved forward 3 days so I'm actually nearly 17 weeks now, shit!
Happy or moody: Mixture of both this week, I'm SO happy the suns out now but I've also been a bit cranky without a full nights sleep.
Looking forward to: Ultrasound in two weeks
Bump update: Skipping the pic this week as I want you guys to actually notice a difference between pics so I'll wait until there's some progress.
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