Saturday, 19 October 2013

Birthday season

We had another first bday party today, they are so much fun and Blake has an absolute ball at them. Think she may be a bit of a party animal actually..... Hope that wears off before her teens. So we ate delicious and nutritious party food, and we also caught up with some lovely friends of ours who live on the other side of Australia- it was so good to see them all, especially their handsome little boy Lennox- such a babe! I took some snaps of all the shenanigans and thought I would share them with you all;

So funny how 2 years ago, if you had all of us together in a room like we were today, there would probably be far too many drinks and many inappropriate conversations, instead it's all "ooh, I can smell something, everyone check the nappies" - hilarious. And I love it. 

Oh, and we had our scan and seeing the little darling was amazing!! But I'll touch more on that in my next post, hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Thought of the day "I ate waaaay too many cheerios"


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