Sunday, 6 October 2013

17 Weeks

What's been happening: Baby is now in its 17th week. He/ she is approx 190gms and 14cm in length. Not a lot new is happening this week, it's just bulking and working on hardening its skeleton from rubbery cartilage to bone. As for me, I'm feeling swell! No nausea all week, and no headaches also, sweet!

Weight gained: 
I've started having to unbutton jeans when I'm sitting down, I don't think anyone's noticed yet though- I'm pretty stealth. 

Workouts: Lots in the past week it's been great! I got to the gym, twice (unheard of) and have been doing some outdoor workouts + yoga here and there. Think I might go to the gym this morning and possibly do a pregnancy pilates class tomorrow. 

Movement: Still nothing, it's starting to annoy me. I think my placenta is in front though which I'm told could cushion the movements.

Food Aversions: Still mince, and porridge. Bleh. 

Food cravings: Since the suns been out I've been craving a beer (or 10), but other than that nothing really! Oh wait, bruschetta has been on my mind the last few days actually, might have to whip some up tonight. Recipe to come... 

Sleep: Blake is finally showing some mercy and is sleeping like a pro! 12 hours 3 nights in a row now, I've been sleeping like a baby too. And still on my tummy for now, back sleeping sucks and I'm dreading the day I have to roll over.

Miss anything: Nope not really this week, as previously mentioned though- beer. Glorious beer.
Fun/ interesting things for the week:
 Well I think Oli has won the debate, we will be finding out the sex at the end of next week.. I didn't actually need that much persuasion though. 

Happy or moody: Happy as larry!

Looking forward to: Finding out the flavour and seeing the little bean in action!

Bump update:  We went to the beach this week and I definitely felt pregnant in my bikini so I took a snap, it's definitely expanding now.. (Sorry it's poor quality, just a phone pic)

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