Sunday, 27 October 2013

Reading / Watching / Tunes Vol II

Hey everyone, how was your weekend?

Ours was incredibly relaxing, we took advantage of the sunshine and spent most of it lapping up the rays and the waves at the beach.. Other than that we didn't do a hell of a lot, we are in serious save mode for this impending holiday so it's all early nights in and home made brunches at the moment, not that we actually do late nights anymore anyway- but that's beside the point..

So today I thought I would update you on what I am currently filling my cranium with;


Ok so firstly, I haven't even made it past Chapter 1 of "The Luminaries", I don't know why I veered off track with that one to be honest but I do plan on digging into it in Bali. As for the "Whole Foods" book, nope. Just can't be bothered really, so instead I downloaded a couple of others that I have already finished and thoroughly enjoyed.. 

"The Antenatal Group" Amy Bratley
When I was pregnant with Blake I read SO many fiction novels on pregnancy / motherhood / birth etc.. It was just a fixation I had & I seem to have it again! This novel was pretty predictable and very very light but the characters were well developed and it was an easy enjoyable read.

"When I found you" Catherine Ryan Hyde
This book was incredible!! It was about an elderly man who finds a newborn left to die in the woods, he then offers to adopt the baby but the infant is instead left in the care of his grandmother. He keeps in touch their whole lives and is eventually given custody of the boy when in his teenage years he rebels & his grandmother can no longer cope with him. The relationship between the old man & the boy is beautifully touching, the old mans character is so well written out that I feel as though I know him after reading it.. I wouldn't really know which genre to put this novel in, but trust me when I say it's a really well written story, I highly recommend it!

And so now I've just started reading a new one called "The light between oceans" which has amazing reviews so I'll let you know how I get on.. 


Breaking Bad

I was simultaneously excited for and dreading the season finale of BB. This is hands down the best television series I have ever seen. The finale delivered all that was to be expected and the characters were all rounded up brilliantly. I was a tad shocked when Hank was murdered though, that was the only real surprise of the season for me. So after 6 incredible seasons I was so sad to see it come to an end.. The main character Walter White played by Bryan Cranston was just outstanding, he really blew both Oli and I away. If you haven't watched this show, start from the beginning and get stuck in- you won't regret it! 

Oli and I watched this movie over the weekend after hearing some pretty good reviews (on Triple J). It's about two suburban American fathers who's daughters go missing together after playing outside on thanksgiving.. Hugh Jackman is the lead and he plays a pretty  heavy part- he gets rather gruesome on one of the suspects and it's really gnarly. I love some good gore though so I was lapping it up. Jake Gyllenhaal plays the lead detective on the case and I don't normally like Jake but he nailed this role, he had this weird facial twitch throughout the whole movie and I kept thinking how hard that would be to keep up so I was impressed! All in all the movie was well done, it does have a pretty good twist at the end and just when you think all is doomed for everyone involved- you're pleasantly surprised. I think my only critique was that it was slightly too long and drawn out (2.5 hours), and also I didn't expect to be such a pussy about it either. Having your own daughter really changes your perspective on these kind of stories even if they are fictional.. It was hard to keep emotions at bay that's for sure. 



I realise I'm about 10 years too late with this band but man I am digging this album lately! I didn't actually discover them until around 3 years ago & I was hooked. It is a a sweet mix of alternative rock & folk which may sound terrible but it is nothing but! The lead singers voice is captivating, and so soulful, I feel like every time I listen to "Roads" I'm taken on some whimsical journey. So if you haven't listened to these guys/gals, download this album & you won't be disappointed. 

Bob Marley
Oli has been cranking Bob left right and centre lately and we are all digging it, B was boogying to "Stir it Up" on Saturday and it was one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed. I just find Bob to be suitable for any occasion, whenever or wherever. But he always seems to pop up when the sun comes out around here, and I love it. 

What's everyone else been listening to/ reading / watching lately? Would love to get any new suggestions! 

Happy Monday


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